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Everything posted by Sparks

  1. We were a far better team in 01/02 but we didn't add to our defence in the summer of 02 and that blew any chance we had of launching a title bid. Long time forum members might remember me moaning and complaining back in 2003 because all the potential we had wasn't being fulfilled.
  2. Reading's fans opinions on him. http://boards.rivals.net/default.asp?sid=942&p=16&style=2&forumId=4247&action=1&replytoid=2118864099 Fairly predictable.
  3. As has been mentioned above, Euro 2004. Czech Rep v Holland Just pure footballing bliss, 5 goals, 2 incredible saves by both keepers, the workwork was hit 4 times, 2 teams who wanted to win playing attacking football.
  4. Can't believe the links to Chelsea and Man Utd, there is zero (chance) of him ever going there.
  5. England are Chelsea without the late goals right now.
  6. I bet Chelsea will proberly struggle to sell out as well, they and Blackburn will never fill Old Trafford.
  7. Been utter shite all season.
  8. Beat me by seconds... Slightly surprising anyway.
  9. Sparks

    Fratton Park

    I had a 3ft plant coming up from the terrace in my seat there last season, I'm not sure what the person who sat there before me did as I couldn't get my seat down.
  10. Has anyone got any proof to back up that stat, I can't believe for one minute that 4 million was a world record back in 95. The likes of Pagliuca and Marchegiani were going for way more than that before 95 and they were goalkeepers.
  11. This is the sort of modern advancement that saved Owen's career. http://www.actlab.utexas.edu/~kittkatt5/images/operation%20cover%20and%20game.jpg
  12. IIRC he was the best player of theirs in the CL last season, playing at LB. He did well filling in at left back for a few games, but he is no long term left back. He wouldn't join any club if he thought he was going to be playing in defense, he will want to be playing in midfield.
  13. Another defensive midfielder? Great. Flamini hasn't developed in the past couple of seasons and his lack of technical ability has really shown up at Arsenal this season playing alongisde the likes of Fabrigas, Hleb and Rosicky. Arsenal fans don't see any future for him as simply don't think he is good enough.
  14. I've got to give honorable mentions to Barton and Griffin. Two players who were far to limited to have ever been allowed to play Premiership football.
  15. He was one of my favourite players for the season he was here. Me too, was a class above all the rest of our team the season he was here.
  16. The players I generally tend to dislike are the one's that are always praised or held in high esteem by the media and fans AKA the massively overrated ones. 1. Dyer, my dislike for him stemmed from his ability to do feck all for the majority of games, offering nothing going forward or defensively yet still get a whooping great big contract every couple of seasons. Plus the rest of this. - Being Undroppable - Being a complete prick off the pitch - Never going into tackles on the pitch / having the odd break while holding onto the goal post - Always being injured - Always missing one on ones - Always being called up to the England squad despite playing crap - Inability to pass more than 10 yards or have any vision or creativity. My dislike for him has lowered somewhat recently, after he admitted he had been a prick in the past. 2. Harper, I've never taken to Steve as the goalkeeper. I had always been a massive Given fan back in the 90's, and it pained me to see him picked over Shay. If he was an ambitious person, I would have thought he would have left years ago when it was clear that Shay was the undisputed number 1. I also don't think he is anywhere near as good as people make him out to be, he just lacks the general mobility that Shay has always had. The last one is going to be quite controversial 3. Shearer, but only for the final couple of seasons. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Shearer was past his best for a couple of years before he actually retired, yet he would always be the first name on the team sheet. Every game we would just lump the ball up to him from the back as soon as we ran out of ideas. His decision to stay on for another year was pointless and selfish, he knew he was past yet but decided to stay on to break Milburn's goalscoring record. His God like status has always been a problem to me as has the fact his poor performances were never mentioned in the local rags or national press.
  17. Wimbledon sunk like the Titanic when they went down, 1pt from their last 10 games. In mid March they were comfortably in mid table, like us.
  18. BBC 'caught napping' in TV rights battle By David Bond Last Updated: 1:45am BST 30/03/2007 The BBC were accused of being "caught napping" last night as rivals ITV and Setanta snatched the television rights to FA Cup and England games from them in a £425 million raid. Sources in the media industry claimed the BBC and Sky had been complacent as ITV chairman Michael Grade, working in conjunction with the Irish pay-TV broadcaster, pulled off one of the most audacious coups in recent sporting memory. The BBC, who currently share the rights to FA Cup and England games in a £300 million four-year deal due to expire next summer, fiercely denied the claims with insiders insisting the FA had simply opted for the bigger offer on the table. It is also understood that, in a last-ditch attempt to persuade the FA to stick with their current partners, the BBC's director general, Mark Thompson, and Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker fronted a joint presentation with Sky's Richard Keys at the BBC's White City headquarters on Monday. However, it did not convince the FA to reject ITV and Setanta, whose bid is thought to be worth £50 million more than the one submitted by the BBC and Sky. The new deal, due to start in August 2008, will give Setanta 17 live FA Cup matches, with ITV showing 13. But ITV will get the first- choice game in each round plus the majority of England qualifiers and friendlies
  19. The white stripes don't even match up by the collar. It looks a pretty obvious fake to me, even if does resemble the final design.
  20. Has it actually been confirmed that we will have the purple square in the sponsors name?
  21. Just seen this on another forum. A statue to long time club servant Ted Bates was unveiled on Saturday night. "Unfortunately It's turned out like a carton character with the proportions of a person you'd expect to see Postman Pat delivering to. The arms are longer than the legs, the hand is bigger than the football, the head's too big for the body, and to cap it all it looks nothing like Bates - but does look like Milan Mandaric..." http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i194/pompeytheriddle/tedwebday.jpg http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i194/pompeytheriddle/13br6.jpg Here is the thread on the saints forum. http://www.thesaintsforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=12359&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=800 A few ideas what it actually looks like. http://media.rivals.net/media/jpg/2007031900220922.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f3/LittleChefLogo.png http://www.montevideo.com.uy/queesdelavida/img/personajes/contenido_tatoo.jpg http://subcin.com/herve.jpg http://www.collectorsfigurines.com/camberwick/cgl01.jpg http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i194/pompeytheriddle/wg-in1.gif http://entimg.msn.com/i/gal/TeamAmerica/TA-DF-02964_273x400.jpg
  22. I much prefer more black on the shirt than white, the 01-03 was a refreshing change over previous poor efforts. It was just a shame the ntl logo appeared on it.
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