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Everything posted by Sparks

  1. Slighly suprised to see most people calling him a solid defender on here.
  2. Sparks

    Andy Carroll.

    Slight difference in the standards between them. Derby could be a prem team, while Carlisle are well... Carlisle.
  3. Argghh I hate these polls, you never get the right options to vote for. I'm never a 100% happy on any decision, but I'm not unhappy, so I what I do I vote for? Where is the cautiously optimistic option?
  4. I wouldn't call Baines solid, he certainly has to work on the defensive side of his game, but he is probably the best we can get and most importantly is player with a lot of potential.
  5. As per usual they are blaming everybody else but themselves for the problems, even the fans who had no tickets and got in were not embarrassed or apologetic to those who had genuine tickets. The need to learn to take responsibility for their actions for once.
  6. They didn't even fill their ground the season they went up and it only holds 24,000. If they go ahead with this and then get relegated it could be enough to sink them. The situation is very simular to Bradford, doing to much to soon.
  7. Everybody has been very quiet about Carragher's mistakes tonight, at fault for both goals.
  8. Selling Martins would just send out all the wrong messages, and would just be an acceptance that this club is going nowhere. Martins is the sort of player this club needs if we ever want to become a major European club. Martins has shown about as much potential as Ronaldo did in his first season at Man Utd and look where he is now. With the right coaching Martins has enormous potential to fulfil, selling him to Juventus or another club for 15 million just says we are a selling club who can’t compete on the big stage. If Matins goes why would any young foreigner want to come to us, it would just be yet another failure.
  9. Good way to piss your career away down the drain.
  10. 40,000 turned up I heard, which was 13,000 less than the FA Trophy game a week earlier. How many fans did Morecambe have?
  11. Sparks

    Nicky Hunt??

    Good buy? I am pretty sure they are trying to wind us up with that. Hunt is shite of the highest order, incredibly, he is a right back who is even worse than Carr.
  12. Sparks

    Want Diouf?

    I'd have no idea where he would play, I don't know his best role, I am not even sure Sam does, I don't where he would fit into our team. I wouldn't want him playing on the right over Milner and I don't think he is good enough to play as a second striker.
  13. Sparks

    5 released

    I'm not sure how much it was Sam's decision to release these 5, obviously he had a final say by I certainly think he would have been heavily influenced by the advice of certain people already at the club, especially when it came to Gooch.
  14. Of course were always in need of another defensive midfielder aren't we? Flamini couldn't compete with the other youngsters at Arsenal and his only decent performances in the last two years were at left back.
  15. Makes a change going into a new season with a new manager, when was the last time that happend?
  16. "Everyone starts with a clean sheet." Great so that includes the likes of Bramble, Carr and Babayaro?
  17. EBOUE was shit last year, he is one of a number of reasons why Arsenal are not going to get anywhere near the title.
  18. How do these pick up what you are saying, the microphone only goes to your cheeks. http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/74081948.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF193121F0CA6523343487CED7A268BEA4F23
  19. West Ham were lucky not to get demoted, let alone a points deduction. Deliberately lying, in addition to breaking the rules is about as serious as it gets. Stop calling The Premiership the EPL! ffs.
  20. Sparks


    Here we go again....
  21. You don't sell every player that is difficult to deal with, we would end up with a team full of Ramage's if we did that. Psychology is part of being a good manager, you have get into the minds of the more challenging players.
  22. You need to have a strong voice to be a commentator, the likes of Tyler, Darke, Motson and Davies all have / had really powerful voices. This women has the voice of a 13 year old boy.
  23. Nobody fully knows yet if Owen will be the same player he once was.
  24. J'Lloyd Samuel here we come!
  25. I wonder how much Pattison's selection today was down to him, he must be the only one who actually rates the kid at the club.
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