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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Exactly. Mud sticks, and he's going to really struggle to continue to play in this country, even if nothing is ultimately proven. Which is of course a total disgrace if nothing is proven against him.
  2. I doubt it's possible now for him to get a fair hearing tbh.
  3. Wouldn't want Kuyt. Hasn't impressed me in the slightest.
  4. Dyer played regularly in CM when we finished 4th, 3rd and 5th. Never liked it much myself because he leaves gaps, but anybody who says he's total crap there isn't really telling the truth. He's limited and we can do better, but at the moment apart from Emre we don't have anyone better.
  5. Howaythelads

    Duff's Dive

    Could do without the diving, and Duff dived.
  6. Howaythelads

    Duff's Dive

    He doesn't. You're making that up, tbh.
  7. Doubt they think so. Perhaps your seat is wasted on you, like.
  8. Why? Name me a more in-form English right winger at this present time. It's a big step up to international class. One step at a time. He's not good enough right now imo.
  9. The last time we won it the reception when we came back with the trophy was fantastic, I want to see it all again.
  10. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=36035.0 Scholes is the key though.
  11. No problem. Just climb up the outside, nip across the roof and then abseil down. There's plenty of places to attach the equipment. Easy as pie, tbh.
  12. Have more faith. We have a chance now.
  13. This whole discussion just goes to show how daft it is people posting their ratings, seems people don't even agree over a criteria. By the time you add to that the idea that some people post ratings based off a radio commentary.......
  14. For me I'd be happier with the Owen type of partner than someone like Crouch in particular.
  15. I see nothing to fear in the Uefa Cup tbh. With just a normal amount of luck any team needs to do well I think we can make an impression in this competition.
  16. Very good post and totally agreed. Without Bellamy in the team Shearer almost immediately became much less effective and became a bit of a liability on the playing style, which became completely one-dimensional due to his inability to create space for himself and get away from his marker. We became much easier to defend against, not helped by the injury to Owen. Shearer on his own offered no threat at all and he certainly wasn't helped by Ameobi so Martin's is a like a breath of fresh air. He's improving more or less game by game right now and long may it continue. It does look as though he's going to become a top player so let's hope we get a season out of Owen alongside him and can provide the supply these players need. This is the area I'm more concerned with than anything right now. The midfield remains unbalanced and needs sorting out. Still, one step at a time and we all need patience.
  17. Christ. Nothing like putting heart before head. I thought it was a WUM, either that or we know that "scotty" posts on the forum. In case he does.......sod off in the summer. 8.5, 9 - he's either a WUM, or one of those who think that 7 OUT OF 10 is an average score. Maybe he scores matches for the Sun. most people rate 1-10 differently in terms of what they think is a average or poor number in a 1-10 score I am one of those who thinks 7 out of 10 is a average score for me 6.5 is somebody who had a less then average game lots of people score it differently by the way sorry for my ignorance but does WUM mean wind up merchant? I genuinely don't get it. between ZERO and TEN, how is 7 average? because half of 10 does not mean average like i said most people have a different view of average rate in a rating out of 10 anyway your main point was about my high rating of our Captains performance no? Ssshhhhhh! Husshhhhh! :whispers: Our Glorious Captain is mentioned :whispers: I'm sitting back down now.
  18. The last time we had a chance to win it we didn't bottle it. The shithead manager threw it away to feed his ego.
  19. Scouse wanker in posting shit shocker.... http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y103/Howaythelads/bin.jpg
  20. I already said he had an ok game on Saturday. His passion and commitment has never been questioned. Give me an example of a nitpick, as I don't think nitpicking is fair enough actually. I think I'm judging him over entire matches over all of the times I've seen him during his career. I think he had one good season at Charlton when tbh I thought he could be another Rob Lee. But he isn't. Try answering the questions I asked you earlier. Surely you have an opinion, don't you? Or when it comes down to it, is it the passion and commitment from scotty that has you convinced? I'm really not sure what anybody can point to on the football field that indicates he's a top player but I'm happy to listen to some examples of great contribution from him and I'll check out the tapes/DVD's if I have them. As I've said many, many times before. If I think a Newcastle player isn't upto it I always hope I'm wrong and I'll be keen to admit it when I'm proved wrong. Cheers
  21. Slightly harsh imo, but I think he's a good reserve 'keeper and nothing more. I find the claims he'd have had England caps if he'd gone elsewhere a tad ridiculous. My dad can't stand him though, on the basis he's got too much 'edge'. Maybe harsh, but as I say, I've never rated him and you're right, those who were banging on about him being good enough for England were definitely being ridiculous. It made me laugh at the time and still makes me chuckle now to think about it. It's almost as bad as the usual suspects banging on about Ameobi being good enough to replace Shearer and how great Jeenarse was. You just have to laugh.
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