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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. My plan is a 7:00am meet in a local pub which shall remain un-named! Free food, strippers (Probably munters, but what can you expect at that time on a Sunday morning?), the works, I just hope we fuckin win!!! Im seriously gonna have to pace mesell if I am gonna last through the game and the subsequent (I hope) celebrations. Bring it on!!!!
  2. I agree with most of the above with Walcotts run being the latest one. Some more: Shearer against Chelsea where he turned Desailly and lashed it in the top corner. Bergkamp V Argentina France 98. Rob Lee Header against Chelsea at Wembley. Giggs V Arsenal 99 Semi.
  3. What we need is to send Shearer over to see him and give him the old "offer he cant refuse" treatment. You know, the one which involves a knuckle sandwich if he says no.
  4. pedro111

    Beye today...

    Meh...Bring back Griffin tbh. We've got our RB slot sorted for at LEAST 3 seasons imo as he is a natural athlete and I reckon he could play for us till he's 35 easy.
  5. As someone who never doubted Owen (well maybe a little ) I take geat joy in this thread and his performances! Keep it up Mickey
  6. Yeah but this one is strange, everyone here will probably agree, that the way the stadium has been designed makes the crowd seem 'quieter' not 'louder'.
  7. Well, we should win but this is EXACTLY the type of game where millions of times in the past we have got a few wins and come into the next game thinking we are the 'billy big bollocks' thinking we only have to turn up to win only to be incredibly shit and ruin all our good work. Seen it happen time and time again, lets hope it doesnt on saturday.
  8. pedro111


    It should also be noted that the Bundesliga has 18 teams and Germany has a population of 82 million whereas the Premier League has 20 teams and England a population of 50 million.
  9. pedro111


    What? Who said we could 'easily' fill 60,000? We have attracted around 50,000 fans for the last 4 years despite being shite. And yes we only sell out against those sides but its not like we have thousands upon thousands of empties against everyone else, every league match is 95% full no matter who we are playing.
  10. pedro111


    Yes, well in the good old days you could pay on the day for every game home and away, which is why when we were s**** we regularly had crowds well under 20,000. I can remember going one week and being able to wander all over the terrace, the next game being locked out, and back to wandering the week after. It's fear that we might get things right again and the problem not having a season ticket that continues to drive sales. If there were thousands of sell on the door seats we'd look just as bad as the mackems or smogs. People say things like "Its only cause we have loads of season ticket holders that it wasnt a bad attendance"etc etc. I dont get why many people see the fact that we have so many season ticket holders in a negative way, like its so easy to afford and pay for a season ticket or something. The fact that we sell so many in the first place is outstanding and should only add to the reputation of our support, not go against it.
  11. pedro111


    From where I sit, level 7 looked pretty much full, there were a few empties as well, in the corparates, but much less than normal.
  12. pedro111


    I know it was a 'big', 'crucial' game yesterday but does anyone else think this was a crackin turnout from us?, taking into account: - Fulham had about 400 fans (if that) - relegation battle - we are shite. Considering that at least 2500 people "paid at the gate" to get in it gives me confidence that if we were ever to do good again and seriously challenge for trophies, gates of 60k could be achieved and maintained if the capacity was increased imo.
  13. float one in I like the cut of your jib.
  14. I remember I was stuck at work for this and then heard an almighty roar from the canteen when Shearer scored his second! I was gutted to be missing the game but delighted that we drew 2-2 with Inter!
  15. lol, then explain why you often have a few thousand empty seats? and 10,000 empties in the above match that I stated? Is it that all the daytrippers cant make it midweek?
  16. Regarding liverpool filling their new ground, I say not a chance except the odd big game. I do recall about 2004ish they got 34,000 for a midweek Premiership fixture V Portsmouth.
  17. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!! FAO Decky: Now THIS is good for the North East!
  18. As already stated, sprinting stopping, jumping and stretching for that distance is FAR harder than simply jogging it. Cardio wise they are very fit but interms of weight lifting and upper body strength most of them are no stonger than you or me imo.
  19. When we beat Southampton away in the cup 2003 IIRC the one where Robert scored and Dyer scored 2. This lad who was standing next to us ran on the pitch when we scored and then got chucked out. Anyways, hours and many pints later we saw him sitting alone in the Southampton KFC munching on a family Bucket. When he saw us when we walked in he stood up and at the top of his voice sang "If you're proud to be a Geordie be a tree!" (followed be striking a tree pose!) provoking bemused looks from the locals!
  20. Howay man read the whole thread, they are campaining in the hope that 'safe standing areas' will be introduced giving fans the OPTION whether to stand or sit.
  21. Course its not and dont be daft.
  22. It seems like a major mess up like lads, anyway good luck with carrying that banner in this wind!
  23. They could of at least got a Brazil top not some stupid yellow bib. Howay man, dee it properly ffs.
  24. Black and white seats or spend the money on players? We take all 52,000 grey seats to the seat dealers and part-ex them. Simple.
  25. The new logo ie the mounted letters like the 'NEWCASTLE UNITED' lettering on the east stand is OK by me it is better than just grey nothingness. Ive said it a million times now and it has already been said in this thread that when they extended the Leazes the club crest that was on it should of been tranferred to the Gallowgate, it is a fucking travesty that it wasnt. And while we're at it, I want black and white seats right god damn now god damn it!
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