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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Ha ha, I'm not condoning it but to be fair we have far more reason to feel aggrieved than the Rangers. We've won nowt since Moses was a lad!
  2. Hypothetically, if we were in the UEFA cup final last night, we probably would have took similar numbers down to Manchester perhaps a little less but do you think our fans would kick off like that had we lost? I think there would have been some trouble, but not to the extent of the Rangers mob.
  3. Fuckin hell, it's like a scene from Medievil Total War!!!
  4. Anyone been watching SSN? CCTV footage of hundreds of Rangers fans chasing some coppers down and giving them a good kicking. Celtic fans will be loving this.
  5. Get shot, he's total crap. He seems to think he's staying though, which is not a good sign.
  6. Anyone know when and where this is?? Norway, middle of July I think.
  7. That would be class actually. I KNEW IT!!!!! I f****** KNEW IT!!!! http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/3867/244b5z9uk2.jpg mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif
  8. I thought the way he played in the last few games of the season were not the performance of someone who is un-happy.
  9. Please let Smith sign for the Boro, please for the love of god.
  10. There was a Rangers party at one of the houses in my street. Scottish flags up everywhere but strangely no Union flags. Fair play, the man hosting it is a Glaswegian die hard Rangers fan but the other blokes round there were Geordies who dont support Newcastle and hardly ever take any notice of the the club they 'supposedly' support. This is the problem I have with a lot of the old firm 'support', just as many if not more glory hunting twats than the top English sides When Zenit scored I had a quick look out the window in the hope of a wee glance of their sickened faces!!
  11. Been around for donkeys years that one.
  12. The funny thing is they will be still having a bus parade. No joke. We can hardly have a go for that, we had bus parades in the 90's when we lost the FA Cup final. Yep 98 and 99. 98 one was class, you would have thought we had just won the Cup the amount of people that turned out.
  13. What were you expecting? A little love for Zenit, and less comments like "you don't out sing the old firm". I was expectin some biased but that was just silly. especially considering at that point they had been out sung for 71 minutes oh and arshavin was quality I thought that too, the Rangers fans bar the bouncy were poor, kind of like when the Boro got to the final their fans didnt sing at all really. Zenit fans were class tbh.
  14. I am just glad this wasnt held in Newcastle as it would have been like that roof top scene from Dawn of the Dead only instead of Zombies surrounding the building it would have been Rangers fans with the Irish stranded on the roof top of the Tyneside Irish Centre praying for their life for days.
  15. I had no idea so many of you were Mancs tbh.
  16. Two verses to the tune of "We won you 5 times": "It's been 39 years, It's been 39 years, Since we won a trophy, Its's been 39 years......... But we're still fuckin here, Yes we're still fuckin here, Now that's loyalty, Cause we're still fuckin here!" What do you think?, could it take off at away days?
  17. That Madrid one is just boring shite, again with a shitty collar.
  18. I caught myself arshavin the other morning. Turns out I needed a new razor blade. ... thought he was sh1te He did fuck up alot of things but still, he played the killer ball for both goals.
  19. Some people. I've got no money and I'm going to be working full-time all summer either back home or in Hull, most definitely won't be going away anywhere, yet I haven't adopted such a bitter viewpoint In fairness, most on the video have done alright. Emre is the only one I'd have any objection to, but he's not going anywhere. I know mate, I am just bitter as f*** about things like this. Edgar's going to be worrying about how he's going to carry his wallet to the casino in Vegas while I am worrying about when this season ticket renewal is going to drop through the letterbox and subsequently how am I going to aquire the funds to purchase it. Ah well........
  20. f****** great. Here's me, with little money, going absolutely no-where this summer, and then you post a link where i can find out where these obscenely rich people are going to be sunning themselves after their 'efforts' produced one of the worst seasons in the past 15 years. No thanks.
  21. That's the main reason I dno't like Celtic. I.e. the way their away fans have gone on when I've seen them in the Toon. Rangers fans are/have the potential to be just as bad. But I haven't encountered them acting like total cockends in Newcastle. Plus Celtic fans f****** hate the English, the Union, the idea of Britain etc. with a passion, which I find very sad and tedious. This I agree with, Rangers are most definitely the lesser of two evil's. At various times though I have encountered Rangers fans who did nothing but slag off our club hence my relative dislike for them.
  22. Purely based on his goals tally. PLEASE do not sign him.
  23. That's the main reason I dno't like Celtic. I.e. the way their away fans have gone on when I've seen them in the Toon. Rangers fans are/have the potential to be just as bad.
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