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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. The state of this forum in regards to it being so negative reflects the state of the club. Simple as.
  2. I am quite negative towards the club nowadays and without getting too deep, I for one am tired of us being mediocre and quite frankly a laughing stock. As a club we lunge from one calamity to the next and I am sick of seeing newspaper headlines the day after we scrape a replay by the skin of our teeth against lower league opposition reading "Taylor hails Toon battlers!" Players/Manger/Board/Club never seem to have the ambition of us fans, some may call those ambitions un-realistic, but I dont, why shouldnt we be challenging for trophies and beating the top teams on their own ground more than once in a blue moon?? I just have total apathy towards the club these days and football in general it feels like they want as much out of the fan as possible with nothing but mediocrity in return.
  3. Verry impressed. To have the confidence to run almost the full length of the pitch with the ball a couple of times says everything for me. Good luck to him.
  4. What a shitter, totally gutted tbh. We might aswell not bother turning up.
  5. http://www.thefa.com/NR/rdonlyres/F77F20AA-DFF3-4422-9CD2-ED97DE5F5AE2/117855/Newcastle_Hamilton_L.jpg
  6. Best second, third, fourth and fifth touch? Ginola.
  7. pedro111


    He does have vision if play is ahead of him, played a lovely ball down the channel for Zoggy yesterday, its just when he is closer to goal with players alongside him that he does not get his head up, but to some existent strikers have to be selfish and he does just want to score goals. I think he may be better if given a free role, where he can pop up allover the pitch. I agree. When he has the ball in the box and has come unstuck and has to back track he just cannot see players running in where he just has to lay it off for them to shoot. This happened on numerous occasions last night.
  8. pedro111


    He has no awareness, vision or anticipation. Those are my biggest problems with him.
  9. I share that same sentiment. Those people that boo are somewhat immature to be frank. Additionally, booing a player will just lower his confidence, and what help does it serve? Look at Bramble, he's scored an important goal for Wigan against Liverpool! and you know why he's been doing better for Wigan than Newcastle? My guess is.... the fans have lower expectations and less booing, resulting in him having more confidence on the pitch. So Newcastle fans who boo and rant unnecessarily, I seriously doubt you're doing anything good for the club that way... Regards, Ericz But is he really doing better for Wigan than he did at Newcastle? Thats open to debate.
  10. pedro111

    Titus Bramble

    I remember that, was that the year the Arkles was trashed and we were subsequently banned or was it the year some lass was out the back (the pissing place) giving handjobs to all and sundry in exchange for tickets??
  11. With every game that goes by we are one game closer to eventually winning something! Am I clutching at straws?
  12. I've just been watching Football First and one of your defenders was booed for making a backpass shortly after City scored the first. Crazy. I think that was more ""AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH" than "BOOOOOOOO" tbh.
  13. Dont see the problem with booing at the end tbh, the team/manager/board need to know how we feel and booing is the main way of letting them know we wont put up with this s***. If we didnt boo they would go home to their mansions thinking this kind of s**** is acceptable.
  14. Well, it was much improved but how the f*** could we shut up shop and play for the draw in the last 20 mins when the game was quite clearly there for the winning???. At this stage of the season no-one cares if we get beat anymore, we should of just went for the win and maybe, just maybe we might have got it. Big Sam has won yet another last minute reprieve from the electric chair and I dont know whether I feel good or bad about that fact.
  15. Yeah, basically its not a 'major' trophy you dont have to play any top clubs to win it.
  16. Sack. I believe the results which are gonna happen over the next few weeks will see him get the sack.
  17. Ha ha I remarked on numerous occasions yesterday that the ball boys were..........terrible.......to put it politely. There was even a point in stoppage time at the end of the first half where they took ages giving the ball to Zoggy and the whole crowd had a collective go at the ball boy in question..........."howay man give him the feckin baaalll man aaarrrggghhhh!!!!" I know they are bairns but they should really be told that when Newcastle are pushing for a winner late on and win a corner they should throw the ball towards the corner flag and not to the oppositions keeper which is what happened yesterday.
  18. Totaly agreed, there just cannot be ANY 'buts' after that debacle today.
  19. Shearer Ginola Ferdinand/Beardsley. Definately Shearer on the first one as it was the shirt from the year we signed him and he had an amazing year. I would say Ginola for the second one as my overiding memory of that strip was that it came out at the time Ginola first came and everyone dazzled at his skills and alot of those times he wore this shirt with the game at Sheff Wed where Ginola bent that shot in one of the more prominent memories. Ferdinand or Beardsley for the third shirt as the first thing that springs to mind is Sir Les and Beardo scoring against the mackems at Joker Park when our fans were banned.
  20. I've actually got that saved on my computer. Awesome vid Everyone does I think! They were great videos. If it were still permissable, the only players you could really make a video for now would be Oba and Shay [and Zog, in time]. On point though, I think he's probably one of my favourite players ever. He epitomised Newcastle [in the time I've known the club]. Enigmatic, talented, over-flowing with often unused potential, but with a pathos that makes him truly entertaining. Would swap a yesteryear Robert, who produces 5 seconds of brilliance [split into two 2.5 second bursts that result in two goals], for any number of grafters who exert their talentless bodies for seven games straight without rousing any reaction from the SJP faithful. Don't think we'll push on to the heights that people expect[/demand] without someone with similar creative abilities on the right wing. Thanks for the compliments lads and I do miss making them now tbh. As you say Ankdh, a video of Shay Given would be great and at the time of the blanket ban which was one day after I posted my last Shearer video I actually had a Shay Given one 95% made to the tune of Ian Browns F.E.A.R, a song I thought fit superbly with alot of slow motion Given saves. Ah well....shame
  21. My mates used to always take the piss out of me cause I always went on about how good Robert was they used to think I fancied him!.funnily enough we had a free kick over by the east stand toward the leazes today and I said to the bloke next to me 'I wish Robert was taking this!' I'll be the first to admit he was so frustrating most of the time but on his day (which surprisingly came round quite often) he was just unplayable and has provided some of the greatest moments at SJP I've ever witnessed and was gutted when he left. Some of you may remember a few years back I used to make videos about Newcastle and post them on here before copyright issues put paid to that sadly but anyways for those who havent seen it the one I made about Laurent Roberts time here can still be found on Youtube today but as with these sites the quality of the video is not as good as when I used to upload them to my server. Id post the link here if I was permitted but for anyone interested just type 'Laurent Robert' into youtube and its the one with some 23,000 views and is 05:46 mins long!
  22. The whole Newcastle/Tyneside region is one big administrative fcuk up. In any other country of the world the whole of Tyneside would be known as the same city and rightly so instead of four different councils as it is one big continous urban area around the same river. It therefore does the purpose of this thread no good at all. I have voted no because despite being born in North Shields and having lived in North Tyneside my whole life I am technically NOT from Newcastle when really I am but Im not when really I am but Im not if you see what i mean.
  23. It sounds ridiculous but a lot of people have been saying that. When we were losing at Derby he brought on two defenders, I've never seen anything like it. I know it sounds such a ridiculous thing to say which surely cant be true but If I was trying to get the sack I dont think I could do any better than Sam is at the moment in this regard. I sincerely hope one day it is all going to click into place and suddenly we become world beaters with Milner and Zoggy on the wrong wings and with such a negative attitude in all areas of our thinking and Big Sam will say 'AHA ! I told you so!', but thats not likely is it? As someone said, there seems to be something fundamentally wrong with this club which turns everything good we ever try to do bad. It is a never ending cycle, everything ends in tears with us.
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