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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Thought the breaking football news on 5live this morning was going to be our sale going through. Why oh why can nothing good ever happen to us?
  2. pedro111

    Alan Shearer

    If the Ashley era has taught me anything, it's that the most important thing to have as a football supporter is pride in your club. If I'm supporting a Newcastle United which is doing everything it can to uphold its identity as a sporting institution and a source of regional pride; and is doing everything it can to be successful... then any silverware would just be a bonus as far as I am concerned. Shearer was the embodiment of that attitude and I doubt we'll ever have a better example in my lifetime. Hopefully we will win something at some point, and of course you'd hope for more successful periods than unsuccessful ones; but as long as we're trying, I can live with it. I might be talking out of my arse here, but I bet the vast majority of NUFC fans in their thirties remember the 95/96 season with more fondness, sentiment and clarity than any ManU fan remembers any of their 90s successes. 100% this.
  3. Is it too early to go into failed takeover devastation mode yet?
  4. Imagine if it turns out in the end that we are not even halfway through his reign. I've fallen out with a good mate because of this cunt. Just go man ffs.
  5. im amazed those feelings can leave any fan tbh, i hate Ashley yada yada but results going like yesterday still get me and always will ,lose that then you may as well delete the account and pay no fucking interest in NUFC whatsoever? I think that I am at the point where even if Ashley changed his whole approach toward the club, invested properly and because of Rafa we won a cup, the whole thing would be tainted knowing Ashley is involved. There is no way back for me now. I cannot enjoy a single thing about the club under this man's ownership. But deep down I love the club and area and that is why I still follow everything and can't wait for the day he sells.
  6. I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.
  7. pedro111

    Kevin Keegan

    Sorry if I have missed it but is there any recordings of the Sage talk in?
  8. Heroes the lot of them. That video may just be a significant moment in this whole saga.
  9. pedro111

    On this day...

    Was 15 year old going mental in the gallowgate that night against Barca. Still remember it so vividly. Also remember the high all next day at school and my mates being jealous as fuck that I was there. Amazing.
  10. Jake Humphrey what a hero. The tide is definitely turning come on!
  11. Redknapp was embarrassing there like. Fair play to the presenter. The only fucker defending us.
  12. pedro111

    Shola Ameobi

    Has he responded to any of the criticism coming his way?
  13. This eleven sports is fucking dogshite like. What a fuck on I've had. Jerky as fuck on my tablet and when streamed to my TV the quality just isn't good enough. Think I'll give it a miss till they make a proper channel.
  14. Sickening scenario this is turning out to be. But part of me feels that Rafa leaving will signal the beginning of the end of the Ashley years as surely this will be the final straw for enough people as we then proceed to plummet down out of the division. It HAS to be. God I bloody hope so.
  15. Loads of South Americans are rich as hell. Theres tons out there who can afford it. Not that hard to travel from any country now a days either, especially not Colombia with Avianca as a big airline being from there. Cheers!
  16. Genuine question, how have the south American nations been able to bring so many fans to Russia? Seems like it would be prohibitively expensive and ridiculously hard to travel from Colombia to Russia.
  17. pedro111


    I am only up to episode 30 but the Alderman stories always have me in stitches. Some of the Mclaren stuff is funny too. The Scottish stories are hilarious. Also his names are class, Ronny hotdog ffs.
  18. pedro111


    Fucking lost it here too Bob Mortimer is a genius.
  19. pedro111

    Kieron Dyer

    Pretty sure on the Shearer podcast he shows a picture of himself with Shearer in 1998 and he was only 10 years old.
  20. pedro111

    Kieron Dyer

    True Geordie is what 30? Far too young to remember the Keegan days with anything other than vague childhood memories; hell I'm 35 and even I wasn't really old enough to fully appreciate it at the time.
  21. Next kick off so close, going to be after this game they said. Cheers
  22. Stifler, the Teesside urban area is for sure big enough to host a Premier League team and most certainly a Championship one. Lower leagues is a bit harsh.
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