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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. We are playing Man U at home and I genuinley couldn't give a fuck. Thanks Mike you cunt.
  2. Pretty much all I have left as a Newcastle fan is this thread. Everytime I see new posts I get a little pang of hope that finally, at last this cunt is selling up or is dead. Straights, thats all I have left. Depressing.
  3. Just had the displeasure of spending the day with a Newcastle fan who says he likes Mike Ashley. Basically his argument was that he has stabilised the club and written off our debt and that we have the worst and most demanding fans in the league who ARE THE REASON we never get anywhere as a club. Also said that the Keegan and Robson eras were 'blips' and we are currently at our real level. Said Pardew was a good manager and aarl. Apparently because he was going in the McKeag era and that I was a mere child then makes him right and me wrong. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry tbh. Hard to believe these fuckers actually exist, but they do.
  4. Yet another young, talented player exits the club without ever fulfilling any of his potential with us. I don't know why we bother getting excited over signings anymore as we know that 90% will end this way.
  5. pedro111

    Alan Shearer

    Great article. The man will never get the recognition he deserves on a national level. He was my hero. I loved nothing more than a big game win with Shearer scoring the winner. So many special moments.
  6. pedro111

    John Carver

    Did we expect anything else? The club, in January has basically written off the rest of the season. This is totally uunacceptable. But whether we get a new manager now or in the summer it is all immaterial anyway seeing as the club have a policy of non competition . Its all about the tick over. This club is shit.
  7. Jealous as fuck of all these clubs going through. Maybe we will try in the cups sometime before this decade is out. Nothing more to say really.
  8. Colin Murray is class tbf.
  9. pedro111


    We've moved on so much as a club these last four years. Butterbean said so.
  10. I still firmly believe that the fans can force Ashley out of the club sooner by some kind of sustained action. The problem is that it would take a lot of people to get up out of their comfort zones to achieve this; it seems so simple but getting people out of their comfort zones is a hard task and this regime has the handy knack of never pissing the majority off to the point of taking action.
  11. pedro111

    George Caulkin

    http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/public/profile/George-Caulkin Wha tha fuk?
  12. pedro111

    George Caulkin

    Damn, cannot read that on my phone. Too blurry. Any link?
  13. Horrible to think that this guy is potentially coming in and we have fucked off Ben Arfa and Mbiwa. Also having a hard time with the thought that this regime may be making an appointment for footballing reasons....nah I refuse to believe it, there has got to be a kick in the bollocks lurking here somewhere.
  14. pedro111

    John Carver

    Go to work on an egg mate.
  15. pedro111

    John Carver

    It is! Simple as fuck to make. Runny yolks, salt and pepper and some nice brown sauce. Just Champion tbh.
  16. pedro111

    John Carver

    That wound me up a treat. Nearly spat out me egg sarnie. They were on a proper wind up. Surely not your first choice of a sandwich? Double fried egg sarnie goes down a treat. Probably me 5th or 6th choice if all other options were available to me. Still higher up than Charver.
  17. It is the 11th of January, we sit 10th in the table and are out of both cups and with no clamour from anyone to sign any players. This is it for Ashley, his wet dream, he has won his champions league.
  18. pedro111

    John Carver

    That wound me up a treat. Nearly spat out me egg sarnie. They were on a proper wind up.
  19. Carver saying today's performance was better than the Cisse wonder goal victory a few years ago and is proof what of what he can do when he has a full week to prepare with the team. He says he is desperate to get the job.
  20. To me that KSI seems like a right bellend! Can't stand him! Apparently the True Geordie didn't want to be known by that name but after his Nile Ranger rant everyone kept calling him it so he just stuck with it. Don't think he initially set out to be a big youtuber but he is just rolling with it now.
  21. He's aaaareet man, well he used to be before his sub's exploded anyway. Just be thankful that he is the most prominent NUFC youtuber and not some of the thousands of other specimens who unfortunately for us call themselves Newcastle fans. We got of lightly tbh.
  22. He's not as bad as Wraith. Tells it like it is most of the time. He hates Pardew and Ashley so he's fine by me.
  23. This thread is a phone killer! Haven't been able to read the last 15 pages.
  24. Stereotypes are bad m'kay? There are loads of absolute morons in the North East just as there are loads of absolutely spot on sound lads in London, Liverpool, Glasgow etc. If my travels with NUFC have taught me anything then its this. Its just pot luck who you come across.
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