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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. What were them fans doing waving Union flags around anyways? All I know is that its gonna be some shit tv times for the next 3 world cups. Fuckkkkkk
  2. The ashely cole one was brilliant. I tried to start "Feed the mackems, let them know it's Christmas time" But no-one picked up on it. Maybe because its not even december yet?
  3. This has to be one of the saddest Saturday night conversations ever tbh. I will take my share of the blame.
  4. or maybe certain agencies want to minimise the risk of crappily spiteful lawsuits ? You're right mate but its all wrong, all wrong; its a fucked up state of affairs.
  5. I agree with Johnny to an extent but I think that people are vastly overestimating the supposed dangers that a foot of snow poses to a bunch of people walking into and out of a football stadium. Its really not that big a deal. Yes, a small percentage of people will injure themselves but hell, that's life, people get hurt, deal with it and move on.
  6. Shit, my snow covered garden table has stirred up quite the hornets nest it seems.
  7. Most of the country haven't had much snow though have they? The north east has been one of the worst affected places.
  8. I'm with Norway 100% on this one. We live in a nanny state and the powers that be are being complete and utter pansies about this.
  9. They don't play games tbh I present: Telemarksbataljonen http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/4122/norwegertelemarkbataljo.jpg Who are these weekend warriors, like?
  10. Erm: http://freshfromdk.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/amy_williams_1581571c.jpg http://images.mirror.co.uk/upl/dailyrecord3/feb2010/4/4/winter-olympics-gold-medalist-amy-williams-image-2-189743788.jpg
  11. I will be amazed if it is not though.
  12. and the local government over there will help finance the stadiums aswell. on a side note i wonder if the clubs, the nfl or the local authorities pay for the policing etc No idea mate but I think there is just a total complete, different mentality towards snow and sporting events over there. They dont fear and shy away from it like we do; they just shift the snow and go to the game no problems whatsoever. Its all part of the fun.
  13. I hate to use the same example every time this snow issue comes up but in America, NFL games are never called off due to snow; despite it being much colder than it will be tomorrow and there being much deeper snow on the ground and in most cases much bigger crowds attending the game. If they can do that with ease then we should be able to cope with this.
  14. Gotta agree with Norway; its pathetic the way we call games off over here. Health & Safety in this country has reached ridiculous proportions over the last decade. Its a foot of snow man ffs, its so easy not to hurt yourself in a foot of snow.
  15. Nowt to do with the pitch mate, you know that.
  16. Excuse the ridiculously poor camera phone pic but this is my garden table 5 minutes ago, 6 miles from SJP. This game is so off tomorrow. http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/1905/27112010001.jpg
  17. Its not the pitch lads, its the surrounding areas. Tonight is nearly as bad as the Charlton game imo.
  18. Ray Wilkins will not leave his life in London.
  19. This game is gonna be called off. I can feel it.
  20. Who was that lad who ran on to hug rooney? No one bothered to get him off the pitch!
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