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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. I'm pretty sure that the medical team at Man U and Liverpool are not that incompetent as ours. AC Milan has for example an own sports science department focusing only on how to prevent and heal injuries. Like us they were plagued with players not being fit or injured. However after opening that department, the injuries dropped significantly. Hell, all players below 30 are considered as youth/prospects, that's no coincidence if you ask me Is that you fat sam?
  2. ffs :lol: Had me in stitches that one!
  3. Cheshire Mag


    Aaron from Emmerdale http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0DRhMZv139g/SwDwDYdBaFI/AAAAAAAABbw/w9zrWM3aFNQ/s1600/ben-foster-001.jpg Ben Foster http://www.celebagents.co.uk/images/pics/DannyMiller4Web1.jpg
  4. Cheshire Mag

    John Carver

    Now for Pardew to sign his 5 and a half year deal
  5. Against Leicester City at home, 98/99 season? Lost 2-0 I think.
  6. Then he said I dont really care about statistics! :lol:
  7. Not so sure, would need a closer look. Wasn't high up the shin if so. I played it back in slow motion and am pretty confident it was the shin. Them ones normally are. Who cares if he bloody shinned it in? That is goal of the season man.
  8. This. It just doesnt seem right to me that any team moves away from their home ground. Maybe im just going soft.......
  9. I went to see my ma at work the other day who works with Smith's missus (didnt know at the time) and she was on about him and I said he was total cack. Her face totally dropped and she left the room.
  10. That'll probably be something to do with the fact they didn't properly 'sack' Di Matteo but rather placed him on gardening leave. di matteo was head coach as well He was. It's because WBA have a director of football (or similar title) and he will be Woy's boss. Who is their DoF?
  11. Ah right, didnt realise it was based in Ireland.
  12. Why was the Scotland v Norn Iron game at the aviva?
  13. This sounds all too familiar, it's just like the johnson bid from the relegation season
  14. Bothroyd? Kris Boyd? Saw that Gol who is quite reliable on stuff like this mentioned us signing someone from Bristol Rovers earlier on.
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