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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. Lasted 5 minutes and has now been stretchered off! :lol:
  2. Wonder what Punk77's views on this are?
  3. Agreed, I can't believe for one minute that the club would sell one of our best players the day before the season starts. Really? You cant believe it? You do realise who is in charge, right?
  4. Cheshire Mag

    Season Tickets

    Presented by Steven Taylor, the Geordie hero
  5. Cheshire Mag

    Season Tickets

    You rang them yet? Not had a chance. Been a mental week at work with not a chance of making the call. So basically I would like to thank Mike Ashley for screwing up my season ticket cos it looks like it won't arrive in time for Saturday's match against Arsenal... ...and thanks also to Sky for the faulty viewing card which means I can't now get ESPN at all (even though I'm bloody well paying for it!) so that's Plan B is also up the swanny! Will get a replacement card "in a few days time" apparently ...Arrrrgggghh!! Why not head down to the ticket office early doors on matchday and explain to them, pretty sure they will give you a paper ticket like.
  6. TBF, he is probably the kind of quality we can attract at the moment.
  7. I post on the same forum as someone whos dad was a schoolmate/played on the same team as Trevor Francis Who went to school with a former Exeter City goalkeeper Whos uncle was a youth player at Bristol Rovers and his housemates dad played for Stoke. Small world aint it?
  8. Cheshire Mag

    Joey Barton

    For some reason, reading that post with that picture has just made me laugh out loud
  9. Cheshire Mag

    Joey Barton

    Howay Joey its 4pm!!!
  10. Cheshire Mag

    Joey Barton

    Aye, now everybody is made up one of our best players has been fucked off, im sure there are thousands of people doing cartwheels down Barrack Road as I type this.
  11. Cheshire Mag

    Joey Barton

    Shits going to hit the fan if this one is true.
  12. The chants towards that steward on our side we good too "£4 an hour, your getting £4 an hour!". The jesus chants towards that steward we class too.
  13. Ba looked like he was limping quite heavily at times today, wouldnt be suprised if he was given a rest. Cabaye took afew big tackles too today.
  14. I saw him give you a card and was waiting for you to say something!
  15. Cassilas and Ronaldo, tbh.
  16. Think you were on the row behind me then. Did you see why that lad in the blue t-shirt got kicked out near the end? What was the point in them taking photos of us like?
  17. Where abouts were you sat Dave? Were you down by the Leeds fans in the corner?
  18. The Halifax Evening Courier!!! Jesus wept, what a shite paper!
  19. Isnt that twitter account the one that got hacked a couple of days ago?
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