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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Nor, it's the daft twat who was done for racially abusing Ba on Twitter.
  2. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/18093328.jpg http://memegenerator.net/Mackem-Logic
  3. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/18093102.jpg
  4. Lerner's fault for giving O'Neill a warchest, and allowing him to break the wage structure. Short won't allow it I would think. Lerner's fault for backing his manager, to the hilt.? I'd have thought most fans would want their owner to back their manager in such a way. No, a manager can be backed on a sufficient but also tight budget and wage structure. Similar to how both our clubs have been ran. Lerner was never running the club as a business, and obviously he got a shock when the stats came back to haunt him. Aye, because when he looked at the reserve team and saw all of those players costiing him millions each year, such as Shorey, Beye, Sidwell, Davies etc. not contributing to Villa's first team, and O'Neill still asking for more money, the penny must have dropped. That Martin O'Neill didn't have a f***ing clue what he was doing in the transfer market. Added to the fact that O'Neill was rarely seen at the training ground...I think Lerner was glad when he walked. He has never really used a squad either has he, sticks with same players where possible all the time. I do think he will always have them in and around the top 10 mind, however when he leaves boooom. Unless he has changed his philosophy in last couple of years he will buy british where possible as they match the mentality required, previous players that played for him, or have a go at foreigners and they will fail. He is clearly a good motivator of players and makes them hard to beat, its whether he can build on it and has a plan b. Always played on the counter from what I have seen I cannot doubt him because his tactics have been superb so far. And I'm all for quick, pacy and exciting counter attacking football, I would much rather watch that then watching boring dross football at Stoke City, like you say, you pay for your ticket and want it to be worth the price. You didn't watch today's game did you son?
  5. You and me both, mate. How many weeks do we usually ban people for libel? I hope it's not too long. I for one want to hear more about how Artie Ziff only bought badly because Randy Lerner gave him loads of money ergo it's the Yanks fault
  6. I can't wait. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1301712/Buy-buy-Martin-How-ONeill-spent-120million-years-Aston-Villa.html If it gets us 3 consecutive 6th places finishes, great cup runs and also European football then I'll take it. Even if it set you back 10 years ala Villa right now?? For starters it won't because we have a great owner and chairman in Short, unlike that idiot Lerner who thinks that he has more money than he actually does. Short knows what he's doing - He wouldn't give Martin O'Neill the massive funds to sign average players such as those, also we work on a tight wage budget that won't be broken, unlike Villa. Didnt you just sign Oshea and Wes brown on massive 5 year contracts :lol: And are you saying he will dictate to MON who he can and cant sign. I'm sure that will go down well. Oh, your boy Catts had a stormer today. Saw him give the ball straight to the oppostion on three occasions in the second hald despite being under no pressure what so ever. Better than Tiote O'Shea and Brown to wage cuts to fit into the structure, see my earlier post. Short won't dictate who we sign, but he shall give O'Neill a strict budget to work around, unlike Lerner who just threw money at him like it was confetti, that was never going to end well. Catts had a great game today (I was there), you're judging him off 3 mistakes? Thing with Lee Lee Lee Clattermole Clattermoleeeee, is he is a horrible little c***, thinks he is hard as f***ing nails, still remember him crying at Boro when got sent off or booked or some s***, total clogger of a player - can't believe your fans like him, you can tell every team's players think he is a prick - for me he represents you very well - exactly as I see your lot - most of you anyway, I do have some mates that unfortunately are. A fair few pricks have represented you aswell to be fair, Barton, Carroll, Bowyer, Ranger Very true, however we're not a classy club like you lot
  7. Wrong. He knew that we would have to cut back and work on a budget, after spending heavily for the past 3 years. What made him leave was that Lerner manoeuvred the sales of top players such as Barry and Milner behind O'Neill's back. I wouldn't really say he 'manoeuvred' the sales of the better players behind his back. From what I remember Lerner was pretty open about them needing to sell to balance the books and O'Neill threw a massive paddy because he was told he wouldn't get every penny made off the Milner deal to spunk up the wall, which was why he left five days before the start of the season rather than when he was made aware that sales would be made. I also remember Villa players texting pictures of bottles of champagne to one another when it was announced he'd fucked off. Great signs.
  8. He seems to throw money at whoever is flavour of the month with the press come the transfer window. We've seen how well that's worked for Liverpool.
  9. Didn't he walk out of Villa because Lerner finally refused to sanction his ridiculous spending? He doesn't seem to like or do too well when asked to work to a reasonable budget.
  10. I can't wait. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1301712/Buy-buy-Martin-How-ONeill-spent-120million-years-Aston-Villa.html If it gets us 3 consecutive 6th places finishes, great cup runs and also European football then I'll take it. I think he'll struggle to recreate that at Sunderland, especially with the club having to cut costs. Lerner threw money at him and got very little return in the grand scheme of things. I reckon he'll get you into the top ten regularly but that's about it.
  11. I can't wait. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1301712/Buy-buy-Martin-How-ONeill-spent-120million-years-Aston-Villa.html
  12. http://i.imgur.com/q4zDE.jpg
  13. Jonathan Wilson and Harry Pearson are good for separate reasons but apart from that I'm struggling to think of any journalist on the Grauniad I like. Jimbo maybe? Classic example of what I'm talking about regarding pomposity - in their "five things we learned at the weekend" column on Monday they had a go at us for reminding the country how thick football fans are. Our crime? We booed some of our ex-players. True - the 'five things we learned at the weekend' column was weak. I suppose I generally like their sports coverage as a whole - far more comprehensive than other newspapers I think - and the fact that they actually do regular pieces on European football, however boring Sid Lowe's articles might be! Paul Wilson and David Conn often write some pretty good articles, Conn especially. I forgot about David Conn. He's a cracking journalist and probably the best of the bunch.
  14. Jonathan Wilson and Harry Pearson are good for separate reasons but apart from that I'm struggling to think of any journalist on the Grauniad I like. Jimbo maybe? Classic example of what I'm talking about regarding pomposity - in their "five things we learned at the weekend" column on Monday they had a go at us for reminding the country how thick football fans are. Our crime? We booed some of our ex-players.
  15. I just try and avoid the Guardian's coverage of football altogether nowadays. Cracking paper apart from the sport pages, which are almost entirely written by public school boys and consequently they come across as horrendously pompous. Glendenning is an absolute wanker too, not just for the reasons you've mentioned (plastic Mackem with all the bitterness of someone who was brought up a stones throw away from Roker Park. Some effort that) but he's just not funny, bless him.
  16. Ryder has just said Obertan is pencilled in to return. http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/GifGuide/michael_scott/The-Office-gifs-the-office-14948948-240-196.gif
  17. I saw that. It was accompanied by the comment "they wouldn't serve pasta for Santon" when as a matter of fact we did
  18. Brian's son http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNTQyMjI4NDM4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTgzNDAyMw@@._V1._SX405_SY486_.jpg
  19. It's quite nice to have people like Neil and brummie on here because they not only act as witnesses to the unbridled levels of utter mentalness we have to tolerate from that lot down the road but they're also pretty handy when it comes to debunking the "everyone hates NUFC and loves SAFC" myth that they seem to cling to over there.
  20. Anyone know what was said between him and Pardew? "Why the fuck did you have to sell me to this shower of shite?"
  21. Hats off to him. Could've went safe, could've tried to protect the back four but he kept faith in our flair players and went with a bold team selection. It paid off. I do think he's wanted to go down this route for a while, but only since Cisse has arrived we've really had the players to go 433 (remember when he tried it with Best and co a month or two ago?)
  22. The sign of truly class player being able to play so well despite the fact he's out of position.
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