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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I can't contribute anything daft, so I'm just going to contribute funny (I hope). "Howay man Derek, get the fucking lead oot!" - Some time ago, when D. Wright was our physio "Come on ya black and white bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaards!" - Not funny to read, but when some fat, middle aged bloke says it in a fucking falsetto voice it's canny.
  2. You know the Stonecutters episode of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns says "Thank you sir, can I have another" after Lenny boots him up the arse? That is basically how I see macca888. Give the daft twat a round of applause - he did the right thing one whole year after he should've.
  3. The Danny Guthrie/Country House fusion and Pancrate choon are fucking brilliant
  4. Couldn't understand the rationale behind that. I could've throttled the fucker after the Arsenal match. That was me done with him.
  5. I've just mentioned it in the P'Boro travel thread. Fingers crossed it'll not go that far.
  6. I get the feeling he's took leave of of wheel, hoyed the sail up and thankfully the wind has changed direction.
  7. I don't have 'favourites' but I really rate Enrique, Colo and Lovenkrands.
  8. We win and the next day it's rammed with threads about us. You can set your watch by it Along with the obligatory "No Newcastle players would get into our side" topic there was one detailing all the allegedly daft things our fans have said, almost all of which are completely fictional. There was also a thread detailing how shit Andy Carroll is, another asking whether we'd have an open top bus parade if we won the league (That's so fucking trivial it wouldn't even warrant a thread on here ) and one full of 13 year olds reassuring themselves that the Championship is much shitter than it was all those times they promoted. Fucking pathetic man.
  9. Carroll, Carroll, He's handy with a glass Carroll, Carroll, He's got hair like a lass It needs polishing and another verse or two adding to it.
  10. iirc they were against the name change but as they'd just launched the yes we can campaign they couldn't and didn't want to be seen as organising a protest against the club. I think it was more to do with the fact they got quite a bit of abuse for the protests they supposedly organised when Keegan fucked off. They still supported and promoted the others that we going on via their website but they shyed away from going out and organising one themselves. Anyway it's just another example of the schizo criticism on here - they apparently protest and they're showing us up, they don't and they're not doing enough for the fans.
  11. A few months ago it was announced the name of the stadium was up for sale. An overwhelming majority of supporters were very unhappy about this, yet NUST couldn’t be arsed to try and organise any kind of grown up sensible protest. Yet they can find the time to try and organise a fancy dress party for the Sky cameras. They’ve got their priorities all wrong. Effective representation is what the supporter’s need, not over ambitious plans to buy the club, novelty records and Spiderman masks. That's fucking horseshite. They were straight in there banging the drum when the name change was announced.
  12. That's not surprising, seeing that NUST is an organisation that basically sprang from the mindless over-reaction to Keegan's walk-out. Since then, they've tried to re-define themselves as potential owners, or as an umbrella organisation for all supporters' views, but they still look pretty shambolic to me. I don't see why that should be used as a stick to beat them with, especially as they had fuck all to do with those protests. Regardless of how or when they started I do think the fact a club of our size was without a supporters group was pretty shocking. In comparison with some supporters clubs and trusts I've seen over the past few months they're one of the most impressive outfits. They're not making the same mistakes as they were in the early days, they're more measured in their reaction to events at the club and don't jump in with badly worded press releases but they're still far from perfect (Ashley taking money out of the club, anyone?).
  13. I can't see them having membership problems. They're very well supported already and we all know how willing our fans are to unthinkingly put their hands in their pockets so long as whatever they're buying has a black and white tinge to it. Personally I'll renew as a tenner is fuck all, I want to see what the elections bring and if I don't like it I'd get more hands on. I don't particularly care about the buying the club, it was a nice idea but that's never been the be all and end all for me, but I want to see them concentrate on helping the fans on a more basic levels and the best way to do that is try and effect change from the inside. You can throw a lot of things at NUST but it's never been a closed shop for those who want to get involved.
  14. So said posters can't be rabidly anti-Ashley because there's no realistic alternative?
  15. I'm confused. Why would NUSC speak up about this? It won't get Ashley out of the club.
  16. Nice to see them get there in the end, I really think they should be flying the flag with this stuff though rather than waiting for the FSF to get wind of it.
  17. I'd prefer them to spend more time publicising the trouble at Boro.
  18. Hopefully they're drafting up a release as we speak but at the minute they seem to be more preoccupied with getting a knock down price on Spiderman masks.
  19. Butt's name on the scoresheet wouldn't be a problem. Teamsheet on the other hand
  20. I don't think we gave on out I know there was a daft online poll which the Mackems tried to sabotage by voting for Geremi and then we joined in. He was hammering all comers
  21. Enrique with Coloccini a very close second.
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