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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Any reason this one is particularly foreboding? We've had some pretty bad ones in recent years. Time heals all wounds, there has been a lot less exciting windows( at least potentially) than this since the existence of a transfer window. "Keeping our powder dry"
  2. He was brilliant during the second half of last season and was one of our better players during the first half of this one. Half the cunts on here must watch different matches to me. I swear I've got a season ticket to the wrong fucking Newcastle United.
  3. I'd take £15m if they were throwing in Traore too, like.
  4. The only way Puma will take notice is if people don't buy it. Vote with your wallet. Simple.
  5. We shouldn't even think about letting him go for £15m.
  6. I'd hope we would. In fact I'm pretty certain the discussion about a new player would go beyond Pardew texting Carr "OMG i need a left bck k thx bi x" There's a lot of people stating speculation as fact. Why did we got for someone like MYM when we could've got someone like Nicolas Isimat-Mirin for a fraction of the price?
  7. Jesus wept, man I dislike Pardew but this melodramatic bollocks is just laughable. Can't get behind him? You'll be singing his name if we start next season like we did 11/12. The club you are happy to support isn't the club I want to support. It's called ambition and you've got none. As for singing his name after a few decent results, now that is laughable bollocks. I want to support a club that wins. Is that not ambition? I don't think Pardew is the man for the job, I'd prefer him sacked, but he's not the devil incarnate. He's just a bloke who doesn't look to be too great at his job who has been given a stay of execution. Maybe I'm getting old but I can't muster the energy to get that worked up about this. Nothing to do with lack of ambition, I just don't see how it's going to have a profoundly negative impact on the club in the long term. I can see it having a long term effect. At the moment we have rebuilt our reputation and our ability to attract very good players to the club, if however we face another season of utter shit, that reputation will falter and the resulting effects will be players leaving, unable to attract a top manager/player. We managed to do that when Pardew was a nobody who'd just been sacked by Southampton. We can still do that now. We didn't struggle to attract three French internationals in January.
  8. Jesus wept, man I dislike Pardew but this melodramatic bollocks is just laughable. Can't get behind him? You'll be singing his name if we start next season like we did 11/12. The club you are happy to support isn't the club I want to support. It's called ambition and you've got none. As for singing his name after a few decent results, now that is laughable bollocks. I want to support a club that wins. Is that not ambition? I don't think Pardew is the man for the job, I'd prefer him sacked, but he's not the devil incarnate. He's just a bloke who doesn't look to be too great at his job who has been given a stay of execution. Maybe I'm getting old but I can't muster the energy to get that worked up about this. Nothing to do with lack of ambition, I just don't see how it's going to have a profoundly negative impact on the club in the long term.
  9. I think you are a bit, he's just saying they're trying to keep prices down. Which is something they should be applauded for and many other clubs should be following. Asley has taken money out of the club, we didn't have to raise prices at the gate to be able to fund transfers. And before you say anything, the loans he made to the club were brought about because of the incompetence of him and his MD which brought about relegation in the first place. I'd say the previous administration who took out loans that they would've struggled to pay back probably need to shoulder some of the blame. I thought that the loans we've paid back, partially, were from the relegation season. The earlier loans are still on the books. Also, it was always claimed before relegation that Ashley wouldn't be looking to take any money out of the club which we now know was complete bollocks. Ashley loaned us money to cover the other loans that had already been taken out and weren't particularly favourable to the club. That's common knowledge. He put more money in when we went down (rightly so, it was his own fault). As for taking money out I've always assumed that it was beyond what he put in as loans. I think everybody is aware of the money he's put in and why. I don't know what you''re getting at with your last sentence though, why else would he take money out other than for loans? Because it's his business and he might feel entitled to it?
  10. I think you are a bit, he's just saying they're trying to keep prices down. Which is something they should be applauded for and many other clubs should be following. Asley has taken money out of the club, we didn't have to raise prices at the gate to be able to fund transfers. And before you say anything, the loans he made to the club were brought about because of the incompetence of him and his MD which brought about relegation in the first place. I'd say the previous administration who took out loans that they would've struggled to pay back probably need to shoulder some of the blame. I thought that the loans we've paid back, partially, were from the relegation season. The earlier loans are still on the books. Also, it was always claimed before relegation that Ashley wouldn't be looking to take any money out of the club which we now know was complete bollocks. Ashley loaned us money to cover the other loans that had already been taken out and weren't particularly favourable to the club. That's common knowledge. He put more money in when we went down (rightly so, it was his own fault). As for taking money out I've always assumed that it was beyond what he put in as loans.
  11. Only on N-O could not wanting to overspend be crime of the century
  12. I think you are a bit, he's just saying they're trying to keep prices down. Which is something they should be applauded for and many other clubs should be following. Asley has taken money out of the club, we didn't have to raise prices at the gate to be able to fund transfers. And before you say anything, the loans he made to the club were brought about because of the incompetence of him and his MD which brought about relegation in the first place. I'd say the previous administration who took out loans that they would've struggled to pay back probably need to shoulder some of the blame.
  13. No. Not working like that. The system has gone too far that IF THAT IS NOT A BARGAIN we wouldn't do the deal. Squad needs are in the very last priority. And imagine if you are Pardew, you ask for a right back, and the scout comes back with a DM (e.g. Anita) and told you he is the only reinforcement you can have, would you say no? You know what if we didn't go that far (the system) Anita would never join us on a fucking ridiculous 8m last summer. That's the final straw Pardew could have from the 2 cunts after a massive fucked up summer that we just aim at clauses or loopholes without paying attention to squad needs (which resulted NO player signed before Anita). This is systematic failure. Squad needs lower priority than bargains/profits Unmitigated shite. As for Anita, the club admit they made mistakes last summer.
  14. Really? We have 1 goal scoring striker in our squad. No genuine width and a severely unbalanced squad in general. We didn't look like a team at all during the whole of the season, to me that's down to how our transfer policy is shaping our squad. That's not a good transfer policy imo. This is me defending Pardew btw, as he hasn't been provided with the right players. There are always areas you can improve. I've never once looked at a Newcastle team and thought we didn't need to add any quality in any position. If it is Pardew's job to identify positions we need to strengthen, then the lack of width etc. is his problem. The striker issue has been exacerbated by the Ba/Remy fuck on in January. More often than not when we go into the market we sign genuine quality, which is a vast improvement on year's past.
  15. Jesus wept, man I dislike Pardew but this melodramatic bollocks is just laughable. Can't get behind him? You'll be singing his name if we start next season like we did 11/12.
  16. Yet we've still went a full 2 and a half seasons without a replacement target man which Pardew clearly wants. Our transfer system is great to a degree but it's no where near as expansive as it should be. That wasn't an issue 12 months ago when we had Ba and Cisse. Adequately replacing Best was more of an issue for me than replacing Carroll, because we didn't have a striker of Premier League quality on the bench who we can rely on. Pardew didn't need a target man last season, and when he reverted to that particular style of football Shola and Ba were adequate enough for the game we wanted to play.
  17. I thought it's been confirmed Pardew and Carr have to sign off on a player? Pardew picks a position, Carr goes to his big book of names and picks out the three best, he says who he prefers and if Pardew doesn't agree the deal doesn't go ahead. At least that's how I've heard it described a few times. I think people are upset so they're kicking out and anything and everything. Our transfer policy is one of the few facets of club management that the board have got bang on IMO. It's probably the last thing we should be complaining about.
  18. I think we'll sign 3/4 players, just because Pardew seems to have played the "lack of backing" card so well the club seem to believe it. I think we'll see a striker, a winger and a defender come in, possibly more if we sell someone.
  19. Didn't it emerge that after all the bluster in January San Lorenzo never once made contact with NUFC? I don't really think there's much more we can do in that regard other than complain to FIFA about SL tapping up our players.
  20. It's because it has a bearing on our financial state. The sporting agenda is completley irrelevant as long as the income remains. Yep. Pardew even admitted it outright after we won against QPR. Being around for the money next season was the important thing. Never mind the ignominy and embarrassment of a club like this going down. Never mind pride. That's true of every club. The financial rewards on offer for survival this season were at the front of every owner's mind.
  21. I don't think that's why the club are sticking with him. He delivered a finish above and beyond anyone's wildest expectations 12 months ago, last year he underachieved. They probably want to see what he can do next season when he hasn't got the lack of backing/Europa League/injuries excuses to fall back on. If we see a repeat of 12/13 rather than 11/12 he'll be shown the door. I'm not a Pardew fan but the short-termism shown in football is absolutely staggering. He's the second longest serving manager in the league. That's just mental. You can argue all you want about the importance of stability but since we've never had any I don't really think we're the best judges.
  22. The average supporter seems to be swallowing his PR bullshit. Only explanation. Or the few hundred users on N-O are not an accurate representation of Newcastle fan opinion? Of course they're not, but I feel the ability too see further than what's written in the local papers and being communicated through the club gives supporters a more dynamic view of our problems. If you've watched us throughout the season but still feel comfortable with Pardew leading us into 13/14, I'd suspect you're a victim of the PR engine that Pardew himself is head of. I don't think you could have seen much in our football that suggests he'll get things right eventually. I think you underestimate the intelligence of the average NUFC fan.
  23. The fuck? He was brilliant in the first half on Sunday
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