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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. It sounds like a bunch of fans getting together trying to have a say in their club. I don't know what people expected. Unfortunately I think the time for action has been and gone. Our support is just too fractious to be able to come together like a Spirit of Shankley type of way which, let's be honest, is the only way the supporters could be an effective force. The one and only time that our fans were able to get together and agree on something was post-KK, from which NUSC/T sprung. Great idea, badly executed which became consumed with 'owning' the club and then became a vanity project for Mr Jensen.
  2. Also hired a box for a few games for him and his family members/friends if I remember rightly. Back then the world wanted to watch the Toon. Today its own fans can't bear to watch games. He bought us a big flash bus too.
  3. Whey, he's not your regular player is he? He's been about France, won bundles but was never happy. He seems to be happy here despite the fact he's not going to add to hus honours list.
  4. Anita's one of the most technically gifted players on our books. Speaks volumes that Pardew's incapable of using him.
  5. It's about Pardew not rating Anita and not playing Sissoko in his best position.
  6. FYI this rebrand has been in the pipe line for months.
  7. This. Expensive, luke warm beer and takes ages to get served. If it was called Fumaca's nobody would give a shit at all. That's sort of the point though isn't it, that it's a shame there won't be a bar called Shearers anymore as it was a nice touch and he's probably our most famous player across Europe. And he probably doesn't want his name associated with that shit hole. You asked him like? Why didn't they call the new place Shearers? I was being facetious man.
  8. This. Expensive, luke warm beer and takes ages to get served. If it was called Fumaca's nobody would give a shit at all. That's sort of the point though isn't it, that it's a shame there won't be a bar called Shearers anymore as it was a nice touch and he's probably our most famous player across Europe. And he probably doesn't want his name associated with that shit hole.
  9. Shearer's is fucking shit. I really don't understand why anyone is sad to see it go.
  10. Never thought I'd say that if Pardew does go I hope Ashley's still got Redknapp's number.
  11. I'm not sure he will, I think he was grateful to get a premier league job and is happy to keep a hold of it for next few years. He was truly shocking as a manager last season and don't really want him to go into next season but the alternative - well who knows Big Joe or someone that the fibmeister himself finds. To horrific to think about Since he arrived, when he truly was grateful for the job, he's lead us to a top 5 finish and won the Premier League Manager of the Year award. That leaves last season but he can explain that away as he has done as down to a lack of investment, the Europa League, injuries etc. and the current farce would almost certainly act as a shield from any further criticism should we start this season in piss awful fashion as we finished last. If Pardew walked now he'd get another job in the Premier League. Would it be at a bigger club? No. But he'd get one and he'd get one quite easily IMO.
  12. 18 months ago I'd have been over the moon, now I think this is a awful news. Llambias had his flaws, many of which were exposed in the early days of his tenure, but I think as he's became more familiar with the role he's not been as much of a pain in the arse. I actually think he's been the drive behind a lot of the cheap tickets for kids stuff.
  13. I hope someone pisses in one or both of his two swimming pools.
  14. It doesn't really matter that I think our transfer policy is bang on, this Kinnear appointment is the act of a man who has no fucking idea what he's doing. Any correct decision must now be seen as through luck rather than design.
  15. I don't think Pardew and Ashley are particularly close. Llambias seems to be the only reason the two ever came into contact. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if when Hughton's head was on the block Llambias was the one who suggested AP and got him the job. I personally (and this is conjecture) think Ashley feels marginalised. When things were working well he was willing to give Pardew/Llambias the benefit of the doubt but because the shit hit the fan last season and Llambias went to bat for Pardew when he came under fire he began to feel like their working relationship was too close (could be why, if Kinnear is correct, Llambias has been moved to finance?) and he was losing control. He doesn't trust them anymore. He wants eyes and ears in the club. This is going to end in Pardew being sacked or walking and Kinnear getting the job again. Nailed on. Disaster.
  16. Say what you like about Pardew but at least he's got a 5th placed finish to fall back on. Kinnear's now drawing a wage despite the fact he was fucking shit the last time he was here.
  17. Llambias is actually based up here now, which is a far cry from when he was sat on Ashley's right hand down in London during the Keegan years. It's entirely possible Ashley feels out of the loop, especially as Pardew was Llambias' suggestion.
  18. It's not as if Kinnear will bring any new ideas. When he was manager he sat on his arse in the training ground while Hughton took the sessions. And players like Martins didn't even turn up!
  19. So two know nowt wankers are better than one? Righto
  20. Because Kinnear was able to get transfers done when he was last in charge?
  21. He's fucking Mourinho compared to Kinnear.
  22. The media team are going to be well worked this season.
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