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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I think they'll do well next season. The Fascist is assembling a half decent squad. I'm not convinced by the man himself mind.
  2. Lads, I've had a couple of cans, I've sat in the sun most of the day, it's warm, I'm not thinking straight... I apologise for the daft remark.
  3. Couldn't we just sack him if he gets convicted?
  4. If it wasn't for Pardew's management he'd have never got near the bench.
  5. http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/mj-laughing.gif
  6. Shit Kevin Nolan, basically.
  7. Because Taylor is better than Mbiwa. Plus we need at least one CB who is strong and commanding in the air. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzrjv2cjDx1r8fyszo1_500.gif
  8. If he gets cleared of the charges I'd love to see him in a Newcastle shirt. Looked a fantastic player last season, albeit in a wank QPR side.
  9. Payday loan companies and alleged rapists. Have you seen the size of Tino's dong? The world would hear the screams if he forced himself on a woman.
  10. The negativity on the football board in terms of transfer has swung far past logicality since the appointment of Kinnear. People are up in arms about stories that have nothing to do with us, rumours that have no foundations, the failure to acquire players they haven't heard or seen (and that the club hasn't shown interest in), and want to castrate themselves every time some team spends more then three or four million on a player. It is very annoying. Annoying? Cutting yourself is preferable to coming on here at the minute.
  11. He was never coming here. Not in a million years. It's almost impossible to be disappointed.
  12. His presence, his continued gobshitery, has managed to sap any excitement I had for the up coming season. If I hadn't already began to pay for the fucking thing my season ticket would be getting cancelled. What a joke.
  13. http://mufclatest.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Tiote-Tantrum.gif Noooooo....
  14. Sunderland's spending spree reminds me a bit of ours under Allardyce.
  15. Shame if it's true. I think if played through the middle he'd be brilliant for us.
  16. http://news.images.itv.com/image/file/223899/article_df45f78049d4446e_1372162130_9j-4aaqsk.jpeg "I fackin told you cahnts!"
  17. I bet we're signing fucking Patrick Agyemang
  18. The capacity of the stadium has increased by almost 20,000 in that time. Anyone complaining about low ticket prices can go suck a dick as far as I'm concerned. Football is overpriced as it is and the economy is fucked. The club have done a great job of making it accessible to all. I got my season ticket 8 years ago and was waiting for 2 years to get one and that was post expansion. The economy wasn't in the toilet then.
  19. The capacity of the stadium has increased by almost 20,000 in that time. Anyone complaining about low ticket prices can go suck a dick as far as I'm concerned. Football is overpriced as it is and the economy is fucked. The club have done a great job of making it accessible to all.
  20. I just think it's sad that our fanbase is incapable of organising itself so we're better represented at times like these. I hope tonight might be the start of something, but I fear we've missed our chance with NUST.
  21. It sounds like a bunch of fans getting together trying to have a say in their club. I don't know what people expected. Unfortunately I think the time for action has been and gone. Our support is just too fractious to be able to come together like a Spirit of Shankley type of way which, let's be honest, is the only way the supporters could be an effective force. The one and only time that our fans were able to get together and agree on something was post-KK, from which NUSC/T sprung. Great idea, badly executed which became consumed with 'owning' the club and then became a vanity project for Mr Jensen. I'm just yet to hear anything that's been said by way of doing something. It appears to have all been "I am not happy" and "I don't like Mike Ashley". I thought there would be a call for fellow fans to stop buying merchandise and hit the club where it hurts. It's just been an outline of problems with no solutions being offered. Thing is the minute you do anything like that you instantly alienate certain supporters because some just don't like being told what to do. NUSC discovered that when they tried to arrange boycotts etc. Until our support can sit down without bickering with one another then it's bets just left up to the individuals to do what they want. Wraith has his faults ("I don't know if I've mentioned I'm an associate of the Krays") but he's been pretty up front in saying that the meeting was a chance for fans to voice their discontent when club staff were in the room. He's not working on some grand plan to unseat Ashley. They know we're discontented but those that were present will have next to no power to do anything. The best we can hope for is that it will pressure someone further up in the club's hierarchy to attend next time and hear the concern first hand. Ashley's the only person that matters. He's not going to attend.
  22. It sounds like a bunch of fans getting together trying to have a say in their club. I don't know what people expected. Unfortunately I think the time for action has been and gone. Our support is just too fractious to be able to come together like a Spirit of Shankley type of way which, let's be honest, is the only way the supporters could be an effective force. The one and only time that our fans were able to get together and agree on something was post-KK, from which NUSC/T sprung. Great idea, badly executed which became consumed with 'owning' the club and then became a vanity project for Mr Jensen. I'm just yet to hear anything that's been said by way of doing something. It appears to have all been "I am not happy" and "I don't like Mike Ashley". I thought there would be a call for fellow fans to stop buying merchandise and hit the club where it hurts. It's just been an outline of problems with no solutions being offered. Thing is the minute you do anything like that you instantly alienate certain supporters because some just don't like being told what to do. NUSC discovered that when they tried to arrange boycotts etc. Until our support can sit down without bickering with one another then it's bets just left up to the individuals to do what they want. Wraith has his faults ("I don't know if I've mentioned I'm an associate of the Krays") but he's been pretty up front in saying that the meeting was a chance for fans to voice their discontent when club staff were in the room. He's not working on some grand plan to unseat Ashley.
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