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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Wonga is a toilet of a company. They prey on the vulnerable. It's not on the same level as gambling/your regular high street bank. Having a moral objection to it doesn't make you a hypocrite unless you own and operate a pay day loan company yourself. Some of our fans need to get a grip tbh.
  2. Leonardo and his elbow on Ramos, John Aldridge and Jack Charlton's tirade at the officals when they wouldn't let Ireland make a substitution, the match where the goal fell apart, Oleg Salenko hitting 5 past Cameroon.... And Motson squealing "Letchkovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv!"
  3. I'd need to know who he was responsible for bringing to the club first.
  4. @NUFCOfficial - I don't agree, it all sounds very fishy... BBC News - Ken Clarke: Bilderberg conspiracy claims are nonsense bbc.in/14Pv9p6 Mike obviously doesn't have a seat on the group.
  5. Pardew's scent changed last summer and that had a major impact on our form. Personally I think he needs to revert to the tried and tested Lynx Africa/Joop combination that he utilised to great effectiveness throughout last season. Even at the start of this season, after our victory over Spurs I was never convinced that the Sure Men/Farenheit Absolute would work and it never quite took over. The nadir was obviously the ill-fated Nivea roll-on/Davidoff Cool Water experimental mix he rocked against Reading, but he did look like he was about to salvage the season when he went Adidas Sport/Jean-Paul Gaultier against Villa and Chelsea. Daft twat that he is thought he knew better and settled on the Asda own brand deodorant/1 Million by Paco Rabanne combo for the final few games of the season despite the fact it clearly wasn't working.
  6. It's all about quality over quantity for me. We don't need half a dozen bodies, we just need a couple of class players in the right position.
  7. “When you look back, and we always do, Mike and I always look at where we are as a business – but did we make a mistake in the summer? I think we did.” Llambias, admitting his own shortcomings, 7 Feb 2013. Admittance is one thing, learning form the mistakes is quite another. Bear in mind that players will probably leave aswell, and it's open to debate if they'll get replaced, at least in time. The side is crying out for some width and more creativity - plus the obvious one that is goals. Apart from Cisse it's no where near good enough. If players leave then it's a completely different kettle of fish and I'd hope that money is reinvested in a big way. I'm not going to worry about that until it happens though. Personally I don't subscribe to the idea that our poor performance this season was due to a lack of investment in the summer. We could've done with more bodies but the side that finished 16th last season was more or less the same one that finished 5th the year before. The fault lies with the you know who for that. If we sign a striker and a centre back, taking into consideration the business we did in January, I'll be happy. We've got the quality to finish comfortably in the top 8 and I don't see depth being a huge issue other than in one or two areas (providing we keep the likes of Perch, Willo and yes, even Shola).
  8. “When you look back, and we always do, Mike and I always look at where we are as a business – but did we make a mistake in the summer? I think we did.” Llambias, admitting his own shortcomings, 7 Feb 2013.
  9. The club said in January that they'd brought the summer spending forward, I'm not surprised with what they are doing. And it's not like last year since we spent the fat end of £20m in January on five players. The only signing we made in Jan 2012 was Cisse.
  10. Obertan will never make the grade at Newcastle, if he's on even mediocre money it's a waste. Don't get me wrong, Obertan is a waste of time. But he's also one of the only true wide players with pace we have at the moment. It's pathetic. I'd have no real issues with keeping him in the squad providing he was at least third choice, or something. It'd just be nice to have a big squad for a change. That being said, if someone was daft enough to give us what we paid, it'd be no great loss. I've lost my patience with him now, he barely even broke into the side last season despite us really needing his width. Time to cut our losses IMO. He fell out with Pardew IIRC. Basically got himself frozen out when he was playing the best stuff of his career.
  11. To be honest I think we've got a pretty stacked squad other than in the areas the club have already identified and out wide. If our only business this season was to be a striker and a defender, considering what we've bought in January, I'd be satisfied. I am concerned at talk that they want to thin out the squad mind. Players like Perch and Williamson are derided by some but they do a job when called upon. Once Pardew gets the bullet everything will look much better.
  12. That's just supposition. All we know is that Wonga offered us a better deal than Virgin so we cancelled our agreement with them a year early. The brand may be cheap, but the cash on offer is more than what went before. Re: the shirts the solution is simple - don't buy them if you don't like them. Money talks. If Puma's designs are that offensive on the eyes that fans stop shelling out the club will begin to ask questions.
  13. I believe that Wonga was the best deal on the table, yes. Why wouldn't it be? The Puma stuff doesn't really seem that relevant to me. The kits are shit, but that's Puma's doing not NUFC. Their gear's been chat for a while.
  14. Because they win stuff. We almost got relegated and finished with the 3rd highest average attendance so they're doing something right. Also, what does he mean by top clubs? Man United sell out every week but then they've got lines of snap happy Asian chappies (forgive me oldtype) queuing for tickets week after week, similar for Liverpool just replace Asian with Irish. The London clubs seem quite secure, but then they have absolutely mammoth fanbases right on their doorstep. Every other club in the league is either playing week on week with an indeterminate number of empty seats in their ground or are looking at ways to get fans through the door. Anyone who criticises a club for making it affordable to supporters to get through the turnstiles and watch their team, especially in this financial climate, is a pillock.
  15. I find it hilarious that some fans genuinely believe the club would not try to maximise the amount of money we can squeeze out of a sponsor out of either a) ineptitude on the part of Ashley/Llambias or b) laziness.
  16. Are footballers not allowed to take a moral stance now? Wonga aren't your average lender.
  17. It exactly what you'd expect from a player in his position. Nee suggestion anything's in the offing.
  18. I wouldn't call not getting Carroll 'missing out' TBH. Blessing in disguise IMO. People whinge about the brand of football Pardew plays and then worry we might miss out on a striker who, if anything, will encourage him to adopt a more turgid style.
  19. This. I think we've got a very strong squad. Last summer had nowt to do with our peformances last season. It was all Pardew.
  20. I've always rated Westwood. I think they'll be fine.
  21. You know what I mean. This place is an absolutely chore to visit at the minute because not only is there absolutely nothing worthy of discussion going on but everyone's so bloody depressed. Maybe it's because Pardew didn't get binned that everyone is so down on everything. There seemed to be a lot of expectation he'd get the sack and when it didn't happen everyone went a bit emo. Don't get me wrong, I'm a glass half empty type of person but there's a lot of posters who have fucked off the water, smashed the glass and started rolling in the shards over the past few weeks EDIT: I will say the carry on with pre-season is a fucking disgrace. A joke we're in the same situation two years in a row. How's that for pessimism?
  22. We'd had bad transfer windows before. They're not indicative of anything. Just because last summer was shit doesn't mean this summer will follow the same pattern. The fact the club have acknowledged that last summer was a disaster suggests they're not seeking to repeat it. It's common knowledge we brought forward a few deals in January. If things had panned out differently I imagine we'd be here now chatting excitedly about where Sissoko and Gouffran will fit into the team, instead they arrived in the New Year. Good thing or bad thing? That depends on your perspective I suppose. I'd put my house on the fact that come midnight on 31st August most people on here will be up in arms, not because the club didn't spend but because they didn't spend enough/in the right areas. I probably wont be happy but I'm a fan and fans never are. There are always areas we can improve, however I hope that after a few days when I've looked at it dispassionately I'm at least satisfied we've improved the squad. As a fan I want to see us bring in two quality strikers, however I the realist in me understands that we'll probably only get one because we're not yet in a position where we can convince great players to sit on the bench. Christ, even Best fucked off the minute he realised that he'd be spending most of his Saturday's cuddled up alongside Steve Harper. That said I won't begrudge anyone a hissy fit at that stage. At this moment though, when most of European football are sunning themselves around pools/on beaches/on yachts, it just seems daft to get worked up. The window hasn't even officially opened yet.
  23. I dunno, January was pretty f***ing mint. People just need to calm the f*** down. The pessimism on this place is frankly pathetic. Wait until the start of the new season before chucking the toys out the pram. Although if we still haven't made any progress when it gets to mid-July I'll start to worry, would rather any new signings had as much time as possible to settle in. Likewise, but every fucker is on holiday at the minute. It's only deals that have been in the pipeline for a while that are getting rubber stamped.
  24. I dunno, January was pretty fucking mint. People just need to calm the fuck down. The pessimism on this place is frankly pathetic. Wait until the start of the new season before chucking the toys out the pram.
  25. Which player? Paulinho from Livorno. It'll be weird for him going from a proud left wing club which has a huge, often violent rivalry with Lazio to a side ran by Mussolini.
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