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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I'm now clinging to the hope Pardew doesn't get sacked.
  2. This prospect is enough to turn me into a fully fledged Pardew In-er.
  3. Has Joe Kinnear been brilliant at anything he's ever tried, apart from having heart attacks?
  4. Anyone have the phone number of that rich Russian fella that supports us?
  5. See: Wise, Dennis. What would Kinnear actually bring to the club? What the f*** is the thinking behind this? The man was seen as a bit of a joke before he managed us and solidified that reputation by swearing at journalists, alienating the playing squad and lying about everything from his contract to transfers. I just can't get my head around Ashley rationally going back to a DoF structure on the back of the disastrous Wise/Keegan experience. He hates us with a vengeance, the motherfucking piece of shit.. I don't think he hates us, I just think he has no fucking idea how to run a football club. Every time he hits upon a working formula he tries to tinker with it and fucks things up. We don't need a DoF, let alone one who is criminally out of touch with the modern game and has no experience in the role. Seriously, what is his job going to entail?
  6. See: Wise, Dennis. What would Kinnear actually bring to the club? What the fuck is the thinking behind this? The man was seen as a bit of a joke before he managed us and solidified that reputation by swearing at journalists, alienating the playing squad and lying about everything from his contract to transfers.
  7. I'm keeping my fingers crossed he has a massive coronary tonight. Seriously, if that cunt comes back on board in any capacity I'd have to think long and hard about my season ticket.
  8. I hated last season as much as the next fan and I have absolutely no faith he'll turn it around next year but short termism in football gets right on my tits. He's the second longest serving manager in the league, which is absolutely mental. Twelve months ago he was manager of the year and being touted as a future England boss. I don't think you can hammer the board for deciding his worth one last chance. And I mean one last chance because I certainly don't think he's untouchable. I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility that we get a rotten first half dozen games and he's clearing his desk come early October. Ashley's only loyalty is to his businesses being successful. Now we already know his measure of success is purely financial, but an under performing Newcastle side is a lot more costly than one that competes further up the league for more prize money. I don't think personal relationships will come into it.
  9. The way Monaco have conducted their business in the market so far makes me think if they really wanted Cabaye they'd have made a bid by now. I think this is one of those scenarios were there's nowt going on and a few journalists think it should happen so they've ran with it. Vadim Vasilyev didn't give the impression that anything was in the offing last week when he described him as "exciting" before going on to wax lyrical about Eric Abidal and bringing him back to France.
  10. So every time he doesn't leave, it's because we've agreed he can leave in the next window? This could become tiring. We've just got to keep doing it until his contract runs out.
  11. I think that's a good deal for the Mackems. Mignolet is overrated and Westwood is one hell of a replacement.
  12. I'm calling bullshit on a staged photo. Look at the imprint of where it lay. There would be no growth there. But it's just squashed grass. I feel I know this shit from tons of stuff out the back of mine It's recently (photo time) been laid there IMHO. http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/News/Gallery/0,,10278~3209955,00.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook Wreng.
  13. I don't see how he'd fit into our side or work alongside Cisse. He's a player who operates only in the 18 yard box and we played a system last season which saw us rarely venture into it. That said his goalscoring record is fantastic and it looks like if he did sign (I don't think he is. This is his agent talking) we'd get him for a relative pittance, so I'm pretty torn.
  14. He was going to take her to Jesmond Dene Hotel but every room was booked out under the name T.Barnetta.
  15. This issue has generated many, many more pages than it should've both on here and in the press. It's such a non-issue. He'll come back, sit down with the club and Wonga and a compromise will be worked out. Payday loans generate enough bad press as it is but can you imagine if the biggest sponsorship deal they've ever been involved in resulted in a club's star striker leaving because he didn't want their name on his shirt? Remember, these are the fuckers that paid money to not have their name on the side of the stadium just so our fan-base wouldn't hate them.
  16. I honestly have no fucking idea who these players are. You'd think they'd have the common decency to sign players I know to be shite so I can spend the summer taking the piss out of them.
  17. You're right, Gambling ruins far more lives (as does drink btw) and high street banks tend to be the folks who drive the vulnerable to the likes of Wonga, not to mention taking homes away, defrauding folks via PPI, illegal overdraft charges dodged on a technicality etc etc etc It's absolute bollocks to condemn Wonga and give the others a free pass. Nee cunt is giving them a free pass. Wonga, though, are wankers.
  18. That was Jesus, man. Navas?
  19. He wouldn't be the first religious person to disregard one part of scripture but feel strongly about another. It's open for interpretation. All religion is. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnbr86hTpk1qh59n0o1_500.png
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