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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Our marketing is absolutely fucking horrendous. Other clubs seem to put a bit of thought into kit launches and what do we get? A few unflattering photos of Elliot and Taylor looking thoroughly uncomfortable wearing the new strip.
  2. Imagine if the PCC had teeth? We might be able to take action against the journo that called us antisemities.
  3. Oh, sorry Rocky. Missing the obvious fish pun? Roeful forumming.
  4. Because he quite happily wore a shirt with virging money on, while playing in the barclays premier league. They're both money lenders who chatge interest. What Cisse is effectively saying is that Sharia law is ok with interest rates of less than 50%. Which is absolute bollocks. It isn't. The definition of usury differs depending on where you are in the Muslim world. Some consider any interest at all to be usury but many believe that only excessive interest is usury.
  5. How does that square with him gambling then ?. Why can't he gamble with his own money? He's not set a roulette wheel up on Percy Street for f***s sake. Against his religion, so he can cherry pick then ?. So if we were sponsored by a betting company who prey on people with addiction, what would he do then ?. You can't have it both ways, you back him up yet overlook obvious contradictions. Fair enough for f***s sake. There is such a thing as a moderate Muslim, yer kna? like ben arfa, tiote etc who will play in a wonga top ? Picking and choosing the rules they follow. Bimpy will go mental.
  6. He's advertising a service, encouraging people to use it. I wouldn't feel comfortable in his position. He's advertising a service, encouraging people to use it. I wouldn't feel comfortable in his position. He's advertising a service, encouraging people to use it. I wouldn't feel comfortable in his position. Again, would that not be the same with a gambling company? We're not advertising a gambling company. We're advertising Wonga.
  7. How does that square with him gambling then ?. Why can't he gamble with his own money? He's not set a roulette wheel up on Percy Street for fucks sake. Against his religion, so he can cherry pick then ?. So if we were sponsored by a betting company who prey on people with addiction, what would he do then ?. You can't have it both ways, you back him up yet overlook obvious contradictions. Fair enough for fucks sake. There is such a thing as a moderate Muslim, yer kna?
  8. He's advertising a service, encouraging people to use it. I wouldn't feel comfortable in his position.
  9. How does that square with him gambling then ?. Why can't he gamble with his own money? He's not set a roulette wheel up on Percy Street for fucks sake.
  10. Big business stinks. We know. It's not a new phenomenon. What Barclays and co. do behind closed doors is unjustifiable but these services are not directly marketed to the public. We're not advertising reckless investment banking or cluster bombs. Wonga are a payday loan company. That's their service, that's what we advertise. By getting into bed with them we further legitimise loan sharking. If you can't understand why this may cause consternation for Cisse then you're beyond help I'm afraid.
  11. Loads (most?) banks offer accounts that comply with sharia. Also, there is the notion that someone's can find things agreeable or otherwise in varying degrees. That doesn't exist on N-O. See the forum's opinion to Alan Pardew. Either Joop wearing lothario and best manager in the league or a slimy, lying tosser who will get us relegated.
  12. Sevilla and 888 allowed Freddie Kanoute to wear a sponsor-free shirt and it didn't cause them a great deal of harm. If any player has a stong moral objection it would manifest itself anyway regardless of whether a precedent is set here.
  13. I think that's well summed up. I'm no expert on Islam or interpretations thereof but if you are taking a principled stance then by definition that principle must be consistent. Wonga are not a bank. It's entirely possible to reconcile your religious beliefs with an understanding that what a high street bank does, I imagine it's a completely different beast to have to do the same with a company that pray exclusively on the financially vulnerable and make a fucking bundle out of doing so.
  14. Religious people break "rules" all the time. I wonder how many of the 2.2 billion Christians across the globe sell their daughters into slavery, or go around killing people who work on a Sunday. Well thats a helpful line of nonsense, but if religious people break the rules often, they are also hypocrites, as are most human beings to be honest. It's not though is it? You say it's laughable that religious people break "rules", yet religion evolves and scripture gets rewritten and repurposed. You seem to be suggesting that religious people should follow the "rules" blindly without using their own moral compass. And if they don't then they're hypocrites, which is just daft. I'm usually the last person to stand up and defend the madness of religion but I wholeheartedly understand why someone, religious or not, might object to playing with an advert for a payday loan company emblazoned across their shirt but go out and gamble, or be able to find it in themselves to play with the Virgin Money logo on their chest.
  15. Virgin Money offer loans for Muslims, sharia banking if you will. That particular brand of high street banking is also such an integral part of society, something that has been around so long there has probably been a degree of modernisation and acceptance from Muslims too. It would be extremely hard for anyone to go about their day to day lives without banks. Payday lenders are a completely different beast. They're relatively new entities that cater to those in dire need and make vast sums of cash off the back of individuals who don't have a lot to begin with. You don't need to be a religious person to feel extremely uneasy that there's an entire industry sprung up around lending money to people who are struggling to get by at frankly eye watering rates of interest. It's sick. And these cunts are associated with our club. And in a region where unemployment is through the roof and more and more people have to rely on them. I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments regarding Wonga as a classless, parasitic outfit. But I disagree with the ability to selectively choose how to display your principled stance. There is a certain awareness that comes with accepting a pay packet from a professional football club that you may at times endorse indirectly products or services you find disagreeable or even reprehensible. You have teetotalers, perhaps religiously motivated, wearing shorts with alcohol sponsors. You have players implicitly endorsing gambling, players who may themselves find it problematic or even immoral. It is difficult to pick and choose morally between a bank like Virgin Money, even if they offer sharia banking, and a payday outlet like Wonga. Most large-scale banking outlets have been involved in operations that are morally questionable, or full-on repugnant. It still represents a stretch of "principle" if you blanch at one but not the other, even if I myself find payday outlets horrible leeches on the poor. I disagree with that. I've nothing else to add.
  16. Religious people break "rules" all the time. I wonder how many of the 2.2 billion Christians across the globe sell their daughters into slavery, or go around killing people who work on a Sunday.
  17. Virgin Money offer loans for Muslims, sharia banking if you will. That particular brand of high street banking is also such an integral part of society, something that has been around so long there has probably been a degree of modernisation and acceptance from Muslims too. It would be extremely hard for anyone to go about their day to day lives without banks. Payday lenders are a completely different beast. They're relatively new entities that cater to those in dire need and make vast sums of cash off the back of individuals who don't have a lot to begin with. You don't need to be a religious person to feel extremely uneasy that there's an entire industry sprung up around lending money to people who are struggling to get by at frankly eye watering rates of interest. It's sick. And these cunts are associated with our club. And in a region where unemployment is through the roof and more and more people have to rely on them.
  18. Probably. He's not going to Portugal.
  19. Bullshit, he wore a Virgin Money shirt last season, they lend money for profit, he's just being a twat looking for more money or a way out. Stupid logic. I stand firmly against payday lenders but I have a mortgage, a current account and a savings account with a high street bank. It's possible and understandable that someone might hold the view that Wonga are worse than Virgin Money. I don't think I need to explain why that is.
  20. I think it's probably just a case that the targets we'd earmarked to bring in early we signed in January. The plan was always to sign Sissoko and Gouffran when their contracts expired this summer.
  21. Remy and a winger and i'm satisfied. Yep. Or any decent striker that could work with/instead of Cisse and a winger Those are the only areas I think we lack bodies/quality. could do with a CB imo Now Colo's definitely staying I don't see it as a problem area. Fair enough, I just don't really want Willo back in the team at any point He's not great and if he was on the cusp of the first team I'd agree but as a fourth choice, someone who will only be called on a few times a season, he's quite capable.
  22. Remy and a winger and i'm satisfied. Yep. Or any decent striker that could work with/instead of Cisse and a winger Those are the only areas I think we lack bodies/quality. could do with a CB imo Now Colo's definitely staying I don't see it as a problem area.
  23. Remy and a winger and i'm satisfied. Yep. Or any decent striker that could work with/instead of Cisse and a winger Those are the only areas I think we lack bodies/quality.
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