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Everything posted by James

  1. However imagine if 18 months ago someone told us that Spurs would bid £23m for England International and Newcastle top scorer Andy Carroll.
  2. He took out £5m in 2008, put in £11m for 2009, and took out £1m in 2009.
  3. We should just do this tbh. Everytime the saggy scrotum faced wankbag talks about Carroll, talk about Bale. Everytime the saggy scrotum faced wankbag puts in a bid for Carroll, put in a piss-takingly derisory bid for Bale. Just show them up for the pieces of shit they are and irritate the fuck out of them. Hell, I'd be so immature I'd put someone on the payroll to contact Spurs every one minute, placing new bids for Bale, upping the offer by 1p everytime. I was thinking something similar.
  4. Why would he? I meant SSN will report it form there sources, there is only a few days left, they need to make something uo. Do you ever smile SUPERDOOM?
  5. I have an interview from Leon Best in 442 Magazine from last year where the subject is what happens on transfer deadline day. He first heard of our interest on the window equivalent of today.
  6. I remember when Barton texted Jim White to say he wasn't going anywhere. Would be great if our whole squad phoned up SSN one by one throughout the day to announce that they are staying.
  7. Dan Gosling did and he was held together by double sided sticky tape at the time. That was because he was free. His insurance is probably very low, so when he fully recovers we'd have to get him reinsured.
  8. James

    Dan Gosling

    Ethical geordie strikes again.
  9. Or they could be downplaying it for a better bargaining position if we are trying to buy someone. If we are desperate people will ask for more money. However both scenarios seem unlikely as we could now have gone until Monday without changing the story, but we have indeed gone and done so.
  10. Did Mancini ever move into that house he bought in Newcastle?
  11. Although if Johnson signs Dave should drink Messi's piss.
  12. Why? Are you on acid? Are you mental?
  13. Could be lying, not have been lying, but I'm glad someone understands
  14. Say Andy Carroll really does have an injury that means he is out until April, clubs and agents would be using it to justify higher fees/wages. Think about it.
  15. As we have been trying to buy a striker, it would actually be very wise to lie about it if Carroll is out until April, and in this scenario it is quite possible that we have been lying about it for the past month. Reason: To prevent being held to ransom on the negotiating table.
  16. James

    Alan Pardew

    He was given a solid group of players who were carving out decent but inconsistent results and because he came at a time where there couldn't be much upheaval, he has had to stick with it and make just a few minor improvements hence the honeymoon. The honeymoon ends when it stops becoming Hughton's team and starts becoming Pardew's
  17. James

    Joey Barton

    New contract as early as next week, expected pay cut - Sunday Sun
  18. James

    Alan Pardew

    He's dong OK merely on the basis that he has pretty much kept things the same bar a few minor adjustments, not fallen out with anyone and kept the motivation amongst the team high. I'd say the squad players have been playing better than they had been before too. At the moment it is basically Hughton with knobs on. The improvements are that we are playing a bit better in the second half of matches whereas before the second half would often be defined by the events of the first half. Also Pardew seems to work a bit more on the tactical side of attacking moves, and as a result we are appearing a bit more clever when trying to create chances. In interviews he'll big up individuals a bit more and offer an explaination of what he thinks went right or wrong in the match, which differs from Hughton where it was all about the team, the spirit and the fans. This is really still the honeymoon period though, next season he'll have made signings, done his own pre season had more chances to change things. This is where most new managers get things wrong. However it is the good managers who are quick to accept when things don't work and make the necessary changes. That will be the real test for Pardew.
  19. I love Andy Carroll more than any player since Shearer and want to have his babies, although ideally this will involve a mating session involving Barton, Coloccini, Nolan and Enrique.
  20. James

    Nicky Butt

    Kezman has gone up the shitter. Nicky Butt Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
  21. Good luck to him. He is a top Championship player and helped us get promoted and that should not be forgotten. I hope he continues to occupy an important role at top Championship level clubs/lower level PL clubs and earns a decent wage for it as he deserves it.
  22. James

    Shola Ameobi

    Shola has said that he's playing with an injury which will have to get sorted eventually. http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2011/01/18/shola-can-save-boss-splashing-the-cash-61634-28003807/
  23. Again.. http://www.gifsoup.com/view/100077/partridge-shrug-o.gif There are lots of other threads for you to read. If no-one cares, it will fall down the thread list onto page 2 and never be seen again.
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