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Everything posted by James

  1. Shares are actually down from Friday when they were over 80p if I recall correctly. Share prices are irrelevent on this anyway, as it is all just speculation from traders in the shares market. As for the article, they may just be reporting what was said in the Mail on Friday, although I'm not 100% sure on that one.
  2. Notice how I'm right as usual
  3. James


    Good question.
  4. here is the quote in question: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/6182409.stm
  5. BBC say that UBS have pulled out of the deal.
  6. Obvious what is going on here, Halls have accepted the bid (hence the Mail knowing all) and Shepherd is trying to dig himself in (hence Sky Sports denial)
  7. James


    FUCKING YES!!!!!!!
  8. So is 14th in the league good enough?
  9. ITV say there is a statement to be released soon.
  10. Was on the bench today wasn't he?
  11. Where did you watch the match? Stamford Bridge I know, it was a rip-off - good thing I brought binoculars.
  12. James

    The Injuries at NUFC

    Good point well made, although if I was picky, Zoggy started this match, so you would have Joe Cole instead of sinclair starting and coming off at 40 minutes, and I reckon it would have been Wayne Bridge coming on.
  13. Babayaro had charged forward to play the offside trap, as did Ramage and Hunty. Taylor/communication was at fault there for him not following.
  14. Where did you watch the match? Stamford Bridge
  15. Obviously you didn't watch the game from your description of events. May I add a disclaimer saying that pessimists should deduct two from all my scores.
  16. 9? I thought he was f*cking horrendous tonight. Obviously you didn't watch the game then
  17. He literally ran circles around Chelsea at times. He was feeding off long balls, yet kept the ball under control brilliantly, and cleverly waited until someone had either caught him up to offer support or fouled him. It was a very intelligent performance.
  18. I'm dissappointed we didn't get a result. The players undoubtedly deserved it. Given - 7 - Made a couple of good saves Huntington - 7 - a good debut considering he kept Robben and Cole quiet for most of the match. Might have learnt a lesson from their goal though. Taylor - 8 - Defended excellently today Ramage - 7 - Solid shift Babayaro - 9 - Absolutely outstanding performance, tackled well and was vital in our counter attacks. Milner - 7 - Marshalled the right flank well Butt - 7 - Played an extremely intelligent and committed game which saw us boss the midfield in the first half. N'Zogbia - 7 - Helped the team move forward well on the counter-attack Rossi - 7 - Showed great enthusiasm, and passed the ball around very well. Created a good chance for himself. Sibierski - 8 - Imposed himself very well in the air, had some good touches leading up to counter-attacks and generally ran his socks off. Martins - 9 - Lacked support up front, but ran circles around the Chelsea defenders, frustrated them, and won numerous set pieces. My man of the Match Pattisson - 5 - Poor first touch and chased shadows. Him coming on allowed Chelsea to take control of the midfield. Luque - 5 - some good touches, but did not have any time to make a positive or negative impression.
  19. WOOP! WOOP! THICKO ALERT!!! bluelaugh.gif gay.gif
  20. Anyone remember when Duncan Ferguson bought Nobby Solano a llama for Christmas?
  21. You are missing the fact that he plays the geordie card for the 1000th time, demonstrating that he is totally out of touch with the fans. Didn't Sir John Hall say the same ? See my post to jimmymag Whatever SJH said is irrelevent. It is the current chairman I am worried about.
  22. You've completely missed the point! (Again!) This is another example of Shepherd voicing his small minded parochialism. Shepherd seems to believe that Geordies are a sort of super race much like Hitler believed that a pure German Aryan race would one day rule the world. He's on record saying that ideally he'd want a team of Geordies managed by a Geordie manager. It's utterly pathetic and continues to make NUFC a laughing stock! Its you that is missing the point. It is irrelevant. I don't consider we will be a laughing stock when we play in europe again soon - again. We were however a laughing stock when we spent decades struggling to even stay in the top league or the 2nd division, losing to utter shite teams that we shouldn't even be playing, selling our best players, and playing in front of sub 20,000 crowds. Oh FFS, it is you who has missed the fucking point. Answer this question - Do you agree with Shepherd's 'us and them' approach to the Geordie nation and NUFC?
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