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Everything posted by James

  1. If Baines isn't given the goal, he'll get an assist, and if he was second best player on the pitch, I'm through.
  2. Thanks to goals from Emre and Baines, I think I'm going through Edit: Baines goal might now be an own goal. If it is, I'm out
  3. Carr, Babayaro, Bramble and Ramage make me shit my pants for 90 minutes - now that is dirty.
  4. Blatantly done by a Spurs fan.
  5. You are like Michael Owen. Despite some setbacks, life is is generally good and won't be long till you are back to your peak. Remember, height is never usually an issue (only length and girth). Some people find midgets sexy. Your lucky animal is a zebra.
  6. James

    luque tonight

    He will do what he does. Nothing more, nothing less.
  7. James

    Carr may be back

    Still not in the first sixteen having missed several games with a STUBBED TOE. If he was fit, you would expect him to get in ahead of Huntington (although I'm glad he isn't) Like his hernia injury, where he was always due to return very soon, only didn't - took a couple months more than Shearer despite having similar injuries. Sounerss said at the time that they had similar complaints. During this time, there was a post on the forum stating that he saw Carr in a pub when Newcastle were playing live on the TV, and he chose to move into a room where the match wasn't on, preferring to shun his own team and team-mates. Dont know whether that was true or not though. Regardless, Carr is a fucking wastrel. Not only is he the worst player of our 20 or so seniors, he is totally uncommitted. Deserves to be booed in every game he plays.
  8. Solano was first up for vs Watford iirc, and he took a few when Shearer has been injured also iirc so it'll be him.
  9. It is on the Disclosure section. Basically, we have disclosed that Belgravia are in discussions regarding a takeover.
  10. What do you mean, "for once"? Last winter we got nobody in, but then again I don't think Souness had any intention or money to do so, and the winter before that, didn't we have Boumsong & Babayaro signed by Jan 2nd? Ah, I had this stretched memory of them being last minute signings but you are right. At least we are bidding for players before the transfer window opens. O Nut 3-0 Taylor27 4-0 actually. (That makes it 4-1)
  11. What do you mean, "for once"? Last winter we got nobody in, but then again I don't think Souness had any intention or money to do so, and the winter before that, didn't we have Boumsong & Babayaro signed by Jan 2nd? Ah, I had this stretched memory of them being last minute signings but you are right. At least we are bidding for players before the transfer window opens.
  12. At least we are bidding for players before the transfer window opens for once.
  13. So many unlikely player permutations needed to get me through. Galatasaray need to beat Dyer's Sore Hammy and my team, Jimbo's XI need to beat League Winners. Currently the scores are: Galatasaray 37 (39 after subs) - 46 (49 after subs) DSH Jimbo's XI 45 - 47 League Winners so if it stayed like that, I'm going out. The following players are yet to play for each team: Galatasaray - Taylor and Emre (vs Reading) - Kishishev (vs Blackburn) - Boateng and Yakubu (vs Tottenham) DSH - Friedel (vs Charlton) League Winners - Friedel (vs Charlton) - Seol and Doyle (vs Newcastle) - Bent © (vs Blackburn) Jimbo's XI - Baines (vs West Ham) - Doyle © (vs Newcastle) Everything is so intrinsically linked. I'll probably need: A Newcastle win and preferably a clean sheet with important contributions from Taylor and Emre (especially if we concede) against Reading. Seol must not score or set any up. Charlton to score and preferably keep a clean sheet vs Blackburn without Darren Bent scoring. A Wigan clean sheet at West Ham Good performances from Yakubu and Boateng at Middlesborough. I cant really ask for all that
  14. There is only one proper celebration. The Shearer One-Arm Aloft one.
  15. Some people end up hanging around the wrong friends, and I think that is vey much the case with Dyer and Bramble's Ipswich mates. If they both had any sense, they would both ditch their bloodsucking entourage.
  16. On the contrary, you are wrong. We were only in the first month of the season. As much of a panic as sacking Gullit and replacing him with Robson ........ I don't expect you will understand that. Did you criticise the purchase of Owen at the time ? Perhaps you would prefer someone like Heskey, Jon Stead, or Viduka, as they aren't "trophy players" etc etc... Odd that you criticise this board yet you can't keep away from it For the last time, Gullit resigned.
  17. I cant believe what I'm seeing with regards to the result to the poll. In the first twenty threads, there are only three or four threads with transfer rumours. One is a generalised thread, so that is OK, one is about us not being able to extend the loan of a player currently at the club, one is a recommendation to sign Stephen Pressley, and worst of fucking all, and this is really quite messed up in my opinion: The worst rumour thread, is something totally unsubstantiated, and happens to have been started by the guy who wants to complain about there being too many rumours and there not being a fucking transfer forum.
  18. Both LuaLua's have now scored belters away at Exeter for Newcastle. I remember an incredible scissor kick by Lomano a few years back.
  19. there will be many more when the window opens Perhaps, but what is the problem right now that people have to start complaining? People see a couple threads they dont want to read and start crying over it. Just dont read them if you really dont want to FFS.
  20. Funny thing is, there are very few transfer rumours, so what are people's problems? I think some people on here really are spoilt little girls in my opinion.
  21. Websites (including the two previous incarnations of this forum) have actually been closed down becuase someone has posted more than 6 fixtures next to each other (without dates). The fact that we cant show fixture lists is indisputable.
  22. The moderators live a thankless job in reality.
  23. tmonkey, youve made some very good points there which tie in with my earlier post, although you have missed one thing which would add more credence to your own argument. Robson had identified his target right back long before Euro2004 - it was Seitaridis the best right back of the tournament, but Shepherd would not bid for him before the World Cup, citing a ridiculous opinion that we should wait and see how well he does in the tournament. Subsequently someone else (Moscow?) bought him before Euro2004 with Shepherd steadfastedly refusing to bid - obviously he had something planned for after the tournament. Miguel was only bidded for on the back of a good tournament (although Robson was probably already well aware of him).
  24. Perhaps Maxxed can afford the risk, but Newcastle United have complained about very minor things, and in the past, they have found that threatening the server (the server, not the site) with legal action has been enough for the servers to delete the likes of howaythetoon and toon-chat without giving any warning.
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