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Everything posted by James

  1. That is pretty much it really, it has been a very very quiet week.
  2. Perhaps Manyoo are willing to wait a month for his services?
  3. You should know by now how twisted up I am
  4. Impossible. Players cant sign for Premiership clubs on loan right now can they?
  5. before 1991 the US had never had a president who got them into Arab lands. Since then they have been there more often than any other country. Which other country had given its troops the opportunity to compete abroad the way them Bush's have ? Where were you when those other presidents presided over the embarrassments of previous decades. Were you there ? Did you live through incompetent presidents. I did, I know how it was, you have no idea unless you we,re there. Well listen to me, this president is far better than any that have gone before. The Bush's have always backed their troops. Okay the last appointment of Rumsfeld didn't work out, but who at the time argues against it ? Did you. Don't remember you saying anything ? So Bush is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. You might want a new president but how do you know the next one would be any better ? How do you know that a new guy, or even woman, would be able to do any better than Bush ? I would rather stick with Bush who clearly knows how to back his troops into body bags than gamble on some unknown. Fucking hell that is one of the greatest posts in all eternity. :lol: :lol:
  6. James

    Alan Shearer sings

    Still worth a rewatch though.
  7. James

    Players Boots

    If I remember correctly, Shearer wrote to all the main manufacturers asking for a free boot deal, stating that he was a Southampton trainee. Umbro were the only company to get him some boots, so later in life when all the manufacturers were after him and offering millions of pounds, he went for the poorer Umbro out of loyalty.
  8. There was no red card though - no punches were blown, it was just a bit of shirt pulling apparrently.
  9. The Dyer-Bowyer incident was much worse. This was just a bit of grabbing and shouting, nothing more sinister.
  10. James

    Look at these Stats

    Someone check Stephen Carr's stats.
  11. That link is well fucking annoying, so thanks Davey. What do you think about my question and HTL's questions? It would be interesting for you to enter this in-depth debate.
  12. Inappropriate? Childish? That's rich, given what I'm replying to. I'd say it sounds like you're one of those who takes the view something they don't agree with is "inappropriate". A common trait on this forum, it must be said. What do you want me to say in response to the kids question that is totally unrelated to football? I couldn't give a toss about any warehouse, I couldn't give a toss about what Fred has said in a brothel. I don't care that Geordie women are dogs and whatever it is he said about Shearer. I couldn't give a toss about dividends as long as money is made available to the manager to strengthen the team, which is what this Board has consistently done and which may not happen under another Board. You can believe the opposite if you like. That's my answer to the question. Perhaps you and your chum can now answer some of mine? Like why do you think it's guaranteed another Board will appoint the right manager, will provide as much funding for players, etc etc. They're all there in the thread but have been *childishly* ignored so far. How can you not care about a chairman giving our own money to his other family business when we are paying for it to be spent on the team? In response to your question - those that have taken over at other clubs haven't done badly have they? Fact is, only good businessmen can afford to take control of a Premiership club, and that can only be a good thing for the football club. Therefore, any replacement coming in is bound to be better.
  13. So where is our divine right to be, then? Also, tell me why there is more chance of replacing the Board with a better one than a worse one? Tell me why another Board will automatically be better than the current one, why they will automatically make available as much or even more cash to the manager and will automatically appoint the right manager? Thanks Because those currently investing in football clubs aren't old dinosaurs solely concerned with massaging their own egos. OMG. I love the way that you can coherently carry a debate along.
  14. gay.gif Struggling to keep up, or even understand what people are talking about. You may as well not bother posting. Actually, it is you who does not understand what people are talking about. You just spout the same blind nonsense regardless of what good points others make. Obviously you are struggling to keep up. Keep posting though, as your lack of eyesight continues to amuse me.
  15. So where is our divine right to be, then? Also, tell me why there is more chance of replacing the Board with a better one than a worse one? Tell me why another Board will automatically be better than the current one, why they will automatically make available as much or even more cash to the manager and will automatically appoint the right manager? Thanks Because those currently investing in football clubs aren't old dinosaurs solely concerned with massaging their own egos.
  16. James

    Given VS Krul

    Don't really want to pressurise the lad, but he already looks like he will possess attributes that Given never has (ie good distribution and dominance) as well as being a good shot stopper. We'll have to wait and see.
  17. Thats it you pair of bores - perfectly typical of the pair of you, hiding from the real questions. What is the justification of the club selling a warehouse to Shepherd's brother and then paying an extortionate amount of rent to shepherds brother to use it? You know there is no justification. Shepherd is a bad chairman, end of.
  18. gay.gif What an idiotic gobshite you are. Is that the best response you can come up with? See you have ignored my comments on the warehouse. Cant explain that can you? Can you? CAN YOU? No you can't you blind child.
  19. Where is the evidence from RIGHT NOW that the club is being run properly? All I see is 17th place in the league. How would you explain the Shepherd warehouse scam. Putting the fans money into his own family coffers there.
  20. Because he's shit. Shouldn't you be on the plane to Frankfurt?
  21. NE5, and HTL why do yo always spout garbage? Are you saying that 17th in the league is good enough? - it is not, and there is only one person to blame - Shepherd. Any suggestion otherwise is bullshit.
  22. My team (Jimbo's XI, Group 17) could go out despite scoring the most points. I have to play team at top, while the team in 2nd have to play Galatasaray, who were quite frankly rubbish until they played me this saturday.
  23. Two things: a) Please remember that I cannot count your vote unless I receive a PM. That includes you Nut. b) Before you submit your Best Newcomer vote, please, please, please, please, please, please can you take into account the fact that Kitman registered in 2005 so is not eligible for the award.
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