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Bad Mongo

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Everything posted by Bad Mongo

  1. That's obvious: We sit back and hope the other clubs implode.
  2. Milner's poor crossing probably had a lot to do with immobile and small strikers being marked by bigger defenders, and the poor mobility of the strikers had a lot to do with the overall mobility of the team, with no midfielder pushing forward. And of course, he never had the same understanding with Michael Owen that Geremi has; i.e., he seems to try to cross to players instead of a yard or two in front of them (a bad idea when crossing to Owen, who's small but has superb anticipation).
  3. He was our best player under Roeder, with 11 assists and 4 goals.
  4. I'd think about it if we go another goal up. Just to remind everybody on here how shit he is and why he should never play for us again. Exactly. But in the current situation, I'd use just about anyone else.
  5. I'd actually put Smith on for Shola. Not because he's any good or because it's not an insane suggestion, but it would be nice to be reminded every now and then how totally and utterly shit he is.
  6. It's already happened, when the transfer window passed us by due to Llambias' and Ashley's amnesia.
  7. Nah. Most really small clubs have no music, nor cheerleaders. I'd say it's a club with smaller crowds than clubs playing two divisions lower.
  8. Or rather, he cared so much that he left. A player isn't a fan, he's an employee of the club. Do you expect blind loyalty from other employees? Fact is, the club isn't a great place to work anymore. The football is poor, and the players have no idea what the plans for the club are, if there's any kind of improvement in sight, and their "boss" obviously makes things up on the spot whenever he's asked a question. Of course Given was fed up and wanted to leave: he was among the few who knew he could do much, much better.
  9. One of the most honest and forthright posts I've seen on here in a long time Doug. The club wanted him to stay, he didn't want to stay. He's twisting the facts now. We are slowly getting there in terms of a squad of players who have passion and want to play for NUFC. Bassong, Guthrie, Collicini, Nolan, Jonas - they'll do me. Time for everyone to get together, it really is. I honestly believe we are moving in the right direction. What a bunch of crap. There was a statement from his lawyer after the Liverpool game. Given left for football reasons, not for the money.
  10. I'd say the system resulted in the most sensible and productive spending we have done in recent memory. I can't think of any of the players that have 'failed'. It doesn't matter whether Colo and Jonas were 'hard to find' or not, fact is we identified them and we got them. Tell me what's sensible in getting rid of all our creative players without replacing them? Milner has more assists and goals this year than Jonas has had in his whole carreer. I'm not dissing Jonas, btw, I'm just pointing out that although he's a better player in many ways, he doesn't contribute anything in attack, and no other player brought in produces anything in attack: he's been bought because he was a bargain, not because he filled a specific need in the team. Tell me what's sensible in not buying any backup for the fullback positions even though the manager has been harping on about the need for reinforcements for several months? What's sensible in paying a record amount for a defender who's too weak to succeed in the premiership (a rather poor statement signing, for the money)? There's no sense to it, because none of the players have been bought within a vision as for how the team is supposed to play. And I've said this before, to you. For some reason, you seem to think it's irrelevant that we have a totally unbalanced team and have done nothing to rectify our actual problems. All because our two best signings were the cheapest ones.
  11. Sounds like he is for the first team at least. To be honest I haven't got a clue what's going on in the background. Seems like the loss of Jimenez was part of Ashley abandoning his previous system. Mike Ashley really is unbelievable. How did a bloke this thick ever succeed in business. So in response to the Keegan fiasco, he apparently decided that he would have to scrap the system, which was probably the only successful thing he did here, and give 100% control to the manager. The manager being in control isn't a bad idea in itself, but he fails to consider that "the manager" is Joe f***ing Kinnear. The system wasn't a success. The scouting was, to a degree, in that it got us Bassong (Argentine internationals aren't exactly hard to find, nor was Guthrie, and the other players have failed). The system was a recipe for conflicts, and that's what it created.
  12. Bad Mongo


    Not that hard to find, is it?
  13. He tried to sell the club at a profit after having decreased its value and during a global market crash. He needs to sell at a loss.
  14. I'm more curious how Kinnear is allowed to speak about transfers but Keegan wasn't. Do people still remember the press release that came out after Keegan left outlining the do's/don'ts of his role. Seems Kinnear can do whatever the hell he wants. Perhaps he's allowed to say whatever he wants as long as it isn't the truth.
  15. As opposed to writing it off? Well, the club is worth less in its current situation than it was just a couple of years ago. Of course he should write it off. That will be reflected in the price of the company, not the value of the debt. Unless you think the company is now worth less than £100m? Of course. But the selling price has been rumoured to be £250M = the cost of the club + debts + a tidy profit. He can just forget about the profit after his mismanagement.
  16. As opposed to writing it off? Well, the club is worth less in its current situation than it was just a couple of years ago. Of course he should write it off.
  17. Some of them very likely could. It's not so much the individual players that we've brought in that are the problem, it's their existing teammates. Could they? We seem to be buying players based on who's the best bargain (with the exception of statement signing Coloccini), not on what they actually add to the team. Jonas is fine as an individual player, but his goals and assists ratio is far worse than Milner's or N'Zogbia's. (Those are the kind of players that we're selling.) Why don't we have a creative player somewhere to take advantage of what Jonas actually does bring to the team? There's no vision for what we're trying to achieve on the pitch. No coherent plan. We're a selling club.
  18. None of the signings so far "are going to develop the club over three to five years". So far, we've only regressed. Also, the only thing that doesn't make the Modric signing a "statement signing" is the fact that he never signed.
  19. No, it was confirmed as real. The "journalist" was one of Ashley's mates.
  20. We've never brought in "the Shevchenko's (sic), Robinho's (sic) or the Berbatov's (sic)". We've had players like Robert, Bellamy and Solano, all far better players than anyone brought in under the Ashley regime.
  21. The "wow signing" has never been confirmed as a quote. I'm pretty sure he promised to add players to the threadbare squad at the beginning of last summer's transfer window, though, but I can't find the quote.
  22. True, but that was never said before Keegan left, was it? No, it wasn't.
  23. And look at the date:14/09/2008. That's after he'd shown his true colours. <--
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