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Bad Mongo

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Everything posted by Bad Mongo

  1. Money being available means money does not have to be made available through sales, as the money already is available.
  2. Northerngimp, it was from the official interview in the official magazine, reprinted in the Chronic. Toontastic: yes, it does imply we don't have to sell to buy. Money being available means exactly that.
  3. From Mike Ashley. That does not at all imply we have to sell players to buy. Mike Ashley is a liar and a fraud.
  4. Ah, yes, so those who support Ashley do it because they are intelligent and knowledgeable people and those who do not do it because they are stupid. That's the reasoning of an idiot. To spell it out for you: your reasoning is the reasoning of an idiot. Ashley knew what he bought, or at least he should have. Most clubs have huge debts, and Newcastle's were known to be particularly bad. The debts and the cost of running the club were part of the price. If he couldn't afford it, he shouldn't have bought it. That's stupid. Demanding some ambition is not: without it, the club is headed for relegation. Ashley deserves no more sympathy than a landlord who lets his house fall down.
  5. We won't appoint anyone of note since we've got an owner who doesn't back his managers.
  6. We need to get Ashley to put the club up for sale again.
  7. Kinnear isn't the one who negotiates the deals. Ashley and Llambias are the people responsible for this mess. The £10M were most likely never there, a lie just like last window when promises were made and broken. Nolan is mediocre, so is Løvenkrands, so is Ryan Taylor. Shay Given is class. That's one class player leaving and three mediocre players coming in, three players who will help out in our injury situation but not at all improve the first team. The first team is still shit, and the squad is still shit.
  8. Reality is our first team is now worse than it was in December. Of the £10M Kinnear allegedly was handed for transfers, the club have spunked a whopping fuck all, not counting profit from the sales of our best player and a whinging French cunt.
  9. The very least they could do was to make sure they knew what City wanted for Johnson before making the offer. It's bloody obvious that they aren't interested in improving the squad.
  10. profit means alot when we could go down. I was being sarcastic.
  11. At least we know for certain by now where Ashley's ambitions lie: £££
  12. At least he's made a decent profit this window as well.
  13. Bad Mongo

    Happy 50th

    He did some good today, tbf, made some decent runs (true story!) and got into good positions (also true), but like the rest of them, he's seriously lacking in end product, in timing and in decision making. But he took the penalty very well, even though he looked nervous as fuck.
  14. No, he's very good at getting into positions to cross, his crosses just happen to be wank. That's not to say he's a useless player, just that we're not making proper use of him. He needs better support from midfield and from the attackers.
  15. Even his poorer crosses are better than anything I've seen from Jonas so far, and those were against immobile midget strikers sandwiched in between defenders. Duff never tries to cross, so I don't know whether he's capable of it. See, and just after he put in a good cross. My complaints work. Also, Bassong is my hero.
  16. Even his poorer crosses are better than anything I've seen from Jonas so far, and those were against immobile midget strikers sandwiched in between defenders. Duff never tries to cross, so I don't know whether he's capable of it.
  17. He's been trying and been getting into some decent positions. He's looking like he can do something, as opposed to Duff. Ameobi is fucking wank while Carrol has done well, impressed with him tbh. Enrique has been our best player by a mile and Bassong has been good too. This is far from over, but we have to score. We need a win, draw isn't good enough. I agree with all this. But we really need to replace James Milner; the only decent crosses have come deep from Enrique.
  18. In a ideal world, however he will take Jonas off. Jonas has been shit. His crossing and passing is atrocious.
  19. Good question. What better way to prove oneself than to perform well under an absolute cretin?
  20. No, some of the stats surely must be wrong. BTW, Shay Given is 6 ft and 14 st according to those pages, and he's hardly overweight. Nolan does look thinner than Shay, though.
  21. According to those stats, Viduka is both two inches taller than Nolan and the same height in cm, while being the same weight in stone and a few kg more. It would be more disturbing if all that could possibly be right than it would be if Nolan and Viduka had the same BMI.
  22. Going by Wikipedia, the swimmer Michael Phelps has a BMI of 24.4, just slightly below the "overweight" limit (25). I've got more fat on my BMI 21.5 body. Lennox Lewis's BMI was 29.7 (6 ft 5 in / 250lbs) in his prime. Muscle just happens to be much heavier than fat.
  23. I still have some hope that Tottenham might go down.
  24. I think we should send him on loan to WBA until he repents.
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