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Bad Mongo

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Everything posted by Bad Mongo

  1. Coloccini worse than Ryan Taylor? No. Coloccini did OK except for a couple of costly mistakes, but Ryan Taylor was shit in absolutely everything else as well as costing us a goal.
  2. What happened to him by the way ? sobered up? He's probably only 12.
  3. If only! They seemed more like they didn't know what the hell to do. On the pitch, that is.
  4. Stop making fun of Dowie. He's here to make Peter Beardsley look good.
  5. That avatar :lol: Googling for 'ian dowie' from my location gives me 'Image results for ian dowie' as the top result, with three versions of that picture and a fourth in which he has the exact same expression but a different shirt on. Edit: in fact, he looks like that in all the pictures of him, except the ones that are of other people.
  6. Wise is being ignored because Kinnear knows better.......after letting Keegan walk in preference of Wise? Mother fucking genius. It doesn't seem rational, but it also seems unlikely. Why would Wise be enraged due to a free signing of a potentially useful player on a short term contract? It's not like it's much of a gamble, like signing a £10M defender playing for Deportivo, or a waste of money, like giving Ameobi and Nicky Butt new contracts.
  7. Correct, he isn't much of a poacher any more. But what Keegan did was that he made Owen play deeper so that he could direct the play and make better use of his undoubted vision and anticipation than he can when being marked out of the game in front of a clueless midfield, which seems more in line with Allardyce's tactics. The way we played under Keegan tried to got the best out of the attackers and the midfield, the way we play now expose every weakness we have while not making use of any of the qualities we have.
  8. Bollocks. 9 goals under Keegan last season, in something like 17 games. He's a very clever player, but useless if he doesn't get to take part in the game.
  9. Alan Smith. His injuries may still save us from relegation.
  10. Bad Mongo

    Alan Oliver

    Highly respected among journalists, probably. Banning him from the ground because of an article is a pretty cuntish decision regardless.
  11. It's not like we'll have a choice in the matter. People are just looking for a silver lining.
  12. Not "still". We're that club again.
  13. Mike Ashley did say the squad needed reinforcements in depth as well as in quality before last summer's transfer window. Too bad the management structure he put in place couldn't follow up on his plans. Too bad they replaced one excellent and one decent player with two mediocre and one poor player in January. Too bad Mike Ashley failed to replace Kevin Keegan with a competent and healthy manager when he no longer wanted to be part of his shenanigans. But yes, really, it's the players' and manager's fault. No, it's the players' fault when we lose a game we should have won. It's the manager's fault when we consistently do so. It's the owner's fault when we have no manager.
  14. Coloccini defends like N'Zogbia did: out of position and uninterested in getting back into it when caught out. Probably doesn't want to be here.
  15. He was out of position and jogged along as if he couldn't be arsed for both the second and the third goal. At fault for both. And those weren't his only mistakes today.
  16. Bad Mongo

    Ryan Taylor

    I thought he was just the player we needed when he signed, but he's useless.
  17. Lost us the game today; at fault for both Arsenal's goals after the equaliser.
  18. We've been decent. Best I've seen from us, attacking-wise, in a long time. Should have had a couple of goals. Even Duff has been good. Raylor is shit, though.
  19. He means he prefers the word 'delicate'.
  20. I can't believe there are only two mackems on this forum.
  21. Yes, but only because it never will happen. Basically, I'm the kind of guy who'd do anything and everything I never will do.
  22. Bad Mongo

    Alan Smith

    No, he had a shot on target for us as well.
  23. OK, 8, more realistically.
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