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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Sima

    Miguel Almirón

    That chance where he was six yards out and was petrified to hit it with his right, man. Ended up outside the box trying to shift It to his left.
  2. I’ve read Chilwell will be moving to LCB.
  3. Other way around. I’d swap ASM for Zaha in a heartbeat.
  4. Sima


    Or grooming kids with V-Bucks.
  5. Sima


    We already know he follows 14-16 year olds and likes a load of MILFS on Twitter.
  6. Inkling is if this was happening it would be on the move by now.
  7. My understanding of the situation was that we were looking for a RW who can also play up top. When Wilson inevitably gets injured the RW can go up front and Almiron/Fraser can fill in at RW.
  8. Sima

    St James' Park

    About that, aye. L7 upped the capacity from 36.6K to 51.2K. Once you factor in the corners it would be around 59-60K. I wonder if we could somehow add a big corner to the Leazes/East Stand without touching on the Halls of Residence. Possibly move that section brick by brick?
  9. Sima

    St James' Park

    Drink included, no kids?
  10. Sima

    St James' Park

    Aye. If we can manage to mirror the Leazes End at the Gallowgate that's enough imo. Might be a different story if we're going for the title in five years though.
  11. 95% of those would have been during the Norwich game.
  12. Fuckers. Guess those hundreds of billions won't earn themselves.
  13. Either that or being used to flush Spurs or Man United out.
  14. Sima


    The only slim chance they might have is the Boxing Day fixture but they could be near the arse-end of the table at that point which will sink it.
  15. Sima


    Going to stick my neck out and say they won't beat that average of 43,388 for a single attendance all season.
  16. Fuck these whoppers after that game at the City Ground in 2016. One of the most ludicrous refereeing performances I've ever seen. Two stonewall pens not given, a goal disallowed for fuck all and two red cards for us that were both rescinded.
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