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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Sima


    I don’t understand. Why have they tweeted that?
  2. Sima

    Dogawful Officiating

    Wew, this is a but ruff.
  3. Sima


    Geet up. That Ozturk is absolute dump.
  4. Sima


    Max Power by name...
  5. Has to be the furthest distance for away support to travel.
  6. Sima


    Cattermole's passing
  7. He the cunt that sent off Coloccini in the derby?
  8. Spurs wanted it to be moved to the Etihad, which has been blocked. So as of now there's nowhere to play that game Move it to the day before? I guess the NFL takes longer than a day to set up though?
  9. Karren Brady's article is a good one tbf. Drops him right in the shit (excuse the pun).
  10. Sima


    Ground is full of kids and the dead, marra. And NPWs.
  11. It's taking the 'bumped' figure of £112m tbf.
  12. Not reading anything that fat mess writes. Let's not get militant and go after minor celebrities on Twitter please, it's proper cringeworthy and can be spun easily (as previously mentioned) by Keith Bishop.
  13. Rugby League Magic Weekend maybe? Possibly but that's a big receipt for something that gets only around 30K iirc. Plus wouldn't the Super League take the majority of the wedge and just pay us to rent the stadium?
  14. Derby equalise. Awful goalkeeping.
  15. Sima

    The Magpie Group

    Just got into the pub from attending. Well played to everyone who turned out.
  16. the fact Pogba etc are all starting tonight would make it odds on the stars will start for Spurs. Fuck.
  17. Is there anything that can be done in terms of appeals to the City Council to slow things down and just generally make the whole thing a misery of red tape for him? Planning permissions or something like that? Could murder someone and dump the body in there?
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