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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Is the Space Raider coming on?
  2. Ron Weasley's playing well at LB. Decent player.
  3. Catts for me like. That fucking pass man
  4. Did Tyler just refer to Redknapp, Bond and Jordan as the "Tottenham Brain Trust"? http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__vsv5Gv9mQE/SCMm2BBrDhI/AAAAAAAAGoA/DJ7pZrgo5Kc/s400/scr_711_04.jpg
  5. Looked like a handball from Turner there.
  6. Cattermole charging around like a mong.
  7. Worse than our game yesterday.
  8. Has "Catts" been on the sunbeds?
  9. Took a shot at Pards when they were talking about the England job too. wasn't that Alan Sugar? Or did Redknob get in on the act too It was Redknapp, said something like "People who have got no chance of the job have been ruling themselves out" Cue raucous laughter form his media chums.
  10. Kyriagos looks like an extra from LOTR
  11. tbf it's not too far off Simpson, Williamson, Perch, Santon
  12. Watch your mouth, Colback is better than Tiote tbh
  13. Sima


    Hmmm......Seems this Paxton fella really should practice what he preaches. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showpost.php?p=12284724&postcount=22 Plays a blinder in this thread as well. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=688420&page=3
  14. Sima

    Alan Pardew

    Championship fodder ffs
  15. Needs a goal. Hopefully he can get one on Monday.
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