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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. Consider this lads: This thread was over 100 pages long *BEFORE* NE5 got involved. Either run away from this thread or bring a pillow, blanket and good book because it will be a while.
  2. CaliMag

    Alan Smith

    What mix of players is that then? We still probably have the best first 11 outside the top 4. We just need to boost numbers. That last line is my point. What happens if Cahill's injury has a major set back and you have injuries to two of your starting XI like say Arteta and/or Yak? Most teams have prolonged injuries to at least 2 of their starting XI and Everton would be the most effected by that. I would imagine many of your supporters would agree with me.
  3. CaliMag

    Alan Smith

    I thought we were desperate? And I thought they didn't need anyone? In all seriousness I think they are probably the most desperate team in the league at the moment. Who have they signed? They have let half a dozen players leave brought in no one and they already had a smaller squad then us.
  4. CaliMag

    Alan Smith

    If we were in Everton's situation, with that size of squad and those mix of players we'd be just as desperate and we would be writing the exact same things here.
  5. We are due. Think of all of the games where we should have gotten something from them and didn't (like Tim Howard upending Shearer in our 0-0 game). Think of all of those teams that are worse than us that have gotten points off of them. There is a chance there and it is bigger than the past 4 years.
  6. GOD I hope he is not being sold. On a positive note there is the possibility of a trade with a club like Arsenal which could help us out in the short term.
  7. That team sheet must mean Milner as the lone striker right? He is the only one with any experience in that position.
  8. CaliMag

    Alan Smith

    Everton are beyond desperate. Who have they brought in? No one. Their squad makes our look robust. Their pre-season makes our look highly succesful (they were embarassed here in the states by average MLS youth teams). Moyes has to bring in new faces at almost any cost and they need cover in *every* position. Smith theorhetically (we know the truth) covers two of them, notably their problematic CM which is completely vacant as far as I can tell.
  9. Unless you back that up with a promise of eating your genitals you expose yourself as one of the many who holds some hope.
  10. I have personally seen some seriously f*cked up PR shit in my time from unveilings of new "lifestyle" centers (read as soul-less Shopping Malls) to porn film launchings and that still made me embarassed sitting 7,000 miles away from Munich.
  11. We should definately make some bids for Cuellar. How about a straight swap of Miller and Smith?
  12. I'd have this as the 1st team when fully fit. We need Butt as backup only. s**** season last season, hasn't got the legs and is on a fast downhill spiral. Would like to see Milner in the centre, give him a chance there, is a good player but his lack of pace is effecting him in bad ways down the wings. ----------Martins----Owen--------- ----------------Milner---------------- Zoggy------------------------Jonas ----------------Faye----------------- Enrique--Taylor--Coloccini--Beye ---------------Given------------------ Wouldn't it make more sense to switch Owen and Milner? That is a lot of reliance on Milner being able to feed Martins and Owen... not sure if he can do it.
  13. Considering how toothless our attack was last season Zoggy's numbers are actually pretty decent.
  14. this. whatever people think of charlie's attitude give him enough time on the pitch in the right position and he'll do SOMETHING Didn't last season. Zoggy did more than Duff: Zoggy 07/08 - 32 appearances 3 goals 5 Assists Duff 07/08 - 16 appearances 0 goals 0 assists
  15. No no no...surely that would have to be Warren Barton. Who cost us the f***ing league. can't decide if you mean that or it's some sort of irony ? Note to Madras on Forum Etiquette: You're supposed to decide for him and then attack him based on your own presumption and follow it up with lots of exclamation points. you taking the piss ? (!!!!!!!)
  16. No no no...surely that would have to be Warren Barton. Who cost us the f***ing league. can't decide if you mean that or it's some sort of irony ? Note to Madras on Forum Etiquette: You're supposed to decide for him and then attack him based on your own presumption and follow it up with lots of exclamation points.
  17. You could argue Modric was our number one choice, but you could just as easily argue he wasn't. So "fair" - I don't think so. We need a mole (probably in London) to let us in on what is really happening. The other point that hasn't been emphasized enough is that it is very likely that Jimenez, Wise and Vetere are supposed to prioritise youth targets. We'll not know if that is working out intil we see these young signings in three years. We have signed quite a few youth players and maybe they are told to spend the majority of their time on that.
  18. Parky: mardras makes a good point. We have no idea who was even on that list since we haven't heard about our transfers unless it came from anotehr club or the deal was done. For all we know Guitierrez was our 5th choice or our 1st choice. We will probably never know. I am with those that said we really can't judge their success failure until the window is closed. FWIW I am glad we are not in Everton's siutation. Their backroom is in complete upheaval, no transfers and their first team is even smaller than ours.
  19. that would put the player/agent in the driving seat I am not convinced this is true. From what was reported from Depor and his agent Jimenez and Wise refused to deal with Depor and stuck it out with the agent. I don't pretend that agents have any loyalty, however if he did try to broker a deal with another club Depor could try again to negotiate directly with NUFC to screw Colo's agent out of a sizable chunk of his commission. So its not necessarily the case that if another club came in the player/agent would have the advantage. We'll just have to see who is going to act the most spiteful and dishonorable.
  20. Acuna was a hit - they don't know what they are talking about. Unlike the others on that list there was no fanfare when he signed (he was completing a years suspension for testing positive for speed and was signed after a trial where SBR thought he was one of the hardest working blokess he'd seen in ages) and he was purchased for a modest sum (less than 1m IIRC). He left because his mother was dying of cancer and he asked to get out of his contract and play in Chile to be closer to her - hardly the heartless mercenary type. His best game Leeds away. He only played when SBR's illegitamate son Dyer was injured.
  21. If only we could get our sponsors to become as small as Pirelli on that Inter kit... that alone would improve ALL football kits.
  22. A large amount of the anti-foreigner stuff is just internet talk. I have been supporting NUFC all of my life but since my early childhood I haven't lived there. I do go to matches every couple of years and I have a yank accent and no one has ever given me any grief about it at SJP or around Newcastle on the day of a match wearing a replica top. I don't know many of the "current" songs (and I obviously mispronounce the words I do know anyway) and I have never been publically criticised for it (aside from chiding from family members). I am sure a few of the 50,000 or so might have issues but I haven't met them and I would be willing to guess its even more rare on the day at SJP than it is in here.
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