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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. If you look at the ex-manager cam you can clearly see he is NOT smiling furthermore he is wearing a Norwich top and a makems scarf.... END of discussion.
  2. Yellow card for Mido for being a twat to the away end... a red surely.
  3. Not a smile in sight I'm afraid.. FYI - he looks like that because he has one foot in... not because he's supprting boro.
  4. SBR nodding in the Boro VIP box to the Zoggy goal... ledge.
  5. Wear an Australian national shirt with the number 9 on the back...
  6. If we stick with the wholly uncreative midfield three of Butt Smith and Geremi and have Carr at RB - this will be a draw or a loss. If we just substituted Carr with Solano (please please please God) - then we have someone who will give adequate coverage down the flank AND be able to pass a useful (dare I say creative) ball forward. Personally I think things will only begin to change if we add Nobby, Barton and to a lesser extent Emre back into the midfield. And yes Carr pins us back on the right and needs to be gotten rid of. If I get what I want then I'd say we'll batter 'em into submission - they are crap.
  7. I suppose that must be areference to the CL Title. The Regulars: Great translation by the way. I wish my spanish was that good.
  8. http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2151243,00.html
  9. He will try his possible best to master the English language. BRRRRRAP! "Expectation grows.... listening to the outside world...... Focus on the internal" He's on the herb by the sounds of things. No that is just his attempt to reach out and connect with the fans and by the sounds of things he seems to have Parky and Madras as his examples of the typical Geordie...
  10. The ultimate insult. I'd love WHam to go down.
  11. I would say: Harsh but fair. Shola has actually done what was asked of him... even Luque has... Owen not so much. However, Owen has been paid fucking lorry loads of cash to play what seems like two games for us ove rthe past three seasons. He absolutely must deliver the goods.
  12. You mean beyond what SBR wrote in his book: "I thought Nobby's legs were going and he weas getting fatigued too easily." Seemed SBR was pretty straight forward. He liked us to have younger players (even to his detriment) and for an old codger he was always looking for a way to get rid of the older players (SHearer included) and it would seem on the surface for purely football related reasons. for those reasons he should have been sold in the close season when we had time to find a replacement. Solano was never the fittest, just though there must have been a different catalyst. As for Robson's book, he also hinted at a problem with Solano's attitude as I remember. Leaving the Boro ground before the game was over after being sending off I think. Aye, he did say that - Nobby left so he could go to Peru again. But he never mentioned an attitude problem at all, Robson's words were: "I guess that's the modern day footballer for you." said with not even a hint of comtempt And yet he was happy to keep Dyer, Bellamy and Robert - no doubt it was said with contempt! That is an excellent point. SBR hardly tried to get rid of problem players... he collected them. Bowyer... Woodgate even. And its not like Nobby is even in the same league as them/
  13. CaliMag

    Kieron Dyer

    Is this the new thread that NE5 will take up residency in? Admins - Perhaps we should mark it appropriately then.
  14. Not sure why people are critical of Nobby. He is not Ronaldihno but he lost posession of the ball fewer times in a season that Carr (or any of our other defenders) does in one game. He keeps hold of the ball and gives it to another Newcastle player 99% of the time - that kind of consistancy is invaluable.
  15. You mean beyond what SBR wrote in his book: "I thought Nobby's legs were going and he weas getting fatigued too easily." Seemed SBR was pretty straight forward. He liked us to have younger players (even to his detriment) and for an old codger he was always looking for a way to get rid of the older players (SHearer included) and it would seem on the surface for purely football related reasons.
  16. CaliMag

    Kieron Dyer

    hmmmmmm... no word on Nobby I see. Fair thee well Dyer.
  17. And if Carr doesn't play? I am thinking we'll just edge it 7-0 in that case.
  18. I am worried about Carr and I refuse to get carried away so I predict a modest 5-0 - an Oba hat trick followed by an unlikely brace from Zoggy.
  19. Chelsea used to do the huddle thing and I noticed they stopped last year... hmmmmm.
  20. I'd rather not start Carr at all. Allardyce doesn't care if we sell Nobby or not so he should just start him at RB and have him stay there. I so desperately want him gone right now.
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