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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. There was also a "homeless world cup" recently that was entirely composed of folks who had lived on the streets. Footie brings the world together - that can't be a bad thing. I am surprised a Latin American country is hosting it considering most of those Countries have laws prohibiting anything related to being homosexual. Much like the Southern American States.
  2. Too true - I never rated him and I usually agree with his assessments of NUFC and even himself as a player.
  3. :lol: :lol: Owen gets an automatic one point deduction though... you know... for being... Owen.
  4. The thing is, we can all argue for those penalty shouts but the fact of the matter is that they are never given by referees. In recent times, I've never seen a referee give a foul like that, although they are clear as day penalties. That was some of the worst I've seen - especially the first one. The only thing missing was actually anal penetration on Rozza.
  5. I cannot believe Carr is not winning this poll hands down. Shocking.
  6. Despite the fact that we had two clear penalties denied it is fact that Derby wanted it more and were first to the ball especially in the second half. They still were only able to win by a wonder strike from Miller. Other negatives... Zoggy was wearing ice skates from the look of his performance - especially in the first half. Rozza missed a sitter (before he was raped in the box twice by "he with the dodgy bonnet"). Smith was terrible and we are missing a playmaker. Barton and Emre would have been handy this game... no idea why Geremi was taken off instead of Smith. Also Ameobi cannot be Viduka... nor will he ever be - that plan was not working so why not try something else? Owen/Martins? That sucked... but we'll survive and I am not sure Derby will. Pearson was clear MOTM today still on a high from beating the frogs.
  7. The moment of truth: Our first FA Cup match. If Owen avoids getting cup tied due to some "minor" niggle or unspecified injury then this Board will go ballistic.
  8. London - Charlton because not all of thier supporters are complete twats Birmingham - probably Villa ... I don't hate them. Liverpool - Tranmere Manchester - Mansfield Town (admittedly this is a stretch - if you want me to pick between the "Big Two" then City no question). Sheffield - United Glasgow - St. Mirren... yes, Paisley counts Wild Card - Pompey
  9. Excellent suggestions. Also appropriate for Ashley to lead the way as a retailer.
  10. I must say I like the idea of a "London Season Ticket" - that is brilliant. I would have really appreciated it when I lived there. Jack J - How about we actually win something and then worry about the bandwagon later eh?
  11. Aside from Los Hermanos Robledos easily the next most successful South American import to Newcastle. Yes... better than Tino.
  12. I would like to echo many of the sentiments on here reagrding SJP... 1. Get a good PA system - one that actually works is possible - they even have consultants that do this. 2. If/when a ground expansion ocurrs read all of the shite the club did to its loyal season tickets holder and the SOS campaign and figure out a way to better integrate the ticktes holders in the process 3. Lower prices for all tickets - especially cup games which should be nearly free especially after the ground expansion 4. Have an effective community liaison that actually figures out a way to better integrate various community groups with NUFC not just hand out tickets to favourite charities 5. Add a standing section if possible - the Home Depot Center in Los Angeles actually has a section of the ground that is sloped turf so before the match people can sit around on the grass drink beer have a picnic etc - I don't think that would work for SJP but having a ground made of something soft (not concrete) lowers the risk of serious injury when people are jumping up and down etc.
  13. Thank for the memories Nobby. Free-kick goal against ManU, amazing solo effort against Munich 1860, wiping the tears from your eyes when we lost to Chelsea in the League Cup quarters due to a late JFH strike, side-footed goal against the Arse in 05 (Shearer assist), and a dozen other great moments I probably should have mentioned.
  14. I don't knwo what is more fucked up... that I am laughing or that you actually banned the sad bastard.
  15. I am just happy it lacks the tension and dispondancy of last year's deadline when everyone was at eachother's throats. The playing with the newbies and dripping sarcasm are a bit OTT mind.
  16. It would seem that goal.com had an exclusive interview with him on August 12th where he said he was likely to go to Roma... http://www.goal.com/en-us/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=380028 So this could be a follow up and another exclusive. Its not like anyone in Europe (like skynews) is going to care about a young MLS player with potential.
  17. Same could be said for most of the team - its Big Sam's doing... and its not just him Lord Ferg was trying to get him to play more defensively before the project (of replacing Keane) was abadoned.
  18. Why not consider throwing Milner into the mix instead: 4-4-2: Milner or Martins + Owen or Viduka 4-4-3: Milner and Martins + Owen or Viduka Edit: I have the order of the pairs reversed... but you can see what I mean.
  19. Dear Christ. Have you ever seen Mark Viduka play? That wasn't an exaggeration in the slightest btw, his touch is superb and he's absolutely f*** all like Phillips as a player. I'm not saying he plays like Phillips, but then you know that. How is he Kevin Phillips then? Best thing about Viduka is his link up play because of his good touch. Or are you saying that he's a one season wonder goal wise, because his stats don't back that up. I was calling out the stats thing. It wasn't just one season, Phillips had a few good seasons playing in mediocre teams which is what Boro is. I admitted this was a controversial view up front - I think saying he has one of the best touches in the league is equally controversial btw... but I am not going to accuse you of never watching other teams/strikers play though. I am also not going to bother putting up a list of half a dozen other strikers (in this league) that I think have a better touch, because no doubt we would be arguing over one of them who I'd rank as better or we would be arguing semantics like "one of the best" means out of the top 12 or something... and this topic would digress further. To get back on track I think Viduka will be used in every game that he is fit by Big Sam and that he will not score as many goals this season or get nearly as many assists. Loved to be proved wrong.
  20. Dear Christ. Have you ever seen Mark Viduka play? That wasn't an exaggeration in the slightest btw, his touch is superb and he's absolutely f*** all like Phillips as a player. I'm not saying he plays like Phillips, but then you know that.
  21. Admittedly, I don't like Viduka but surely you are overrating his ability. "One of the best touches in the Premiership" - an exagerration. Gejon - I am unconvinced his stats last year were anything other than a fluke. Blind prejudice on my behalf is possible but right now I'll put my tin hat on and say he's Kevin Phillips circa 1999... laugh away.
  22. Viduka is here to stay (I am certainly no fan) but the big guy up front is what Sam wants and we will stick with him until he is injured... which I expect will happen soon. Viduka = Big Dunc redux. How many times have we heard "A good touch for such a big lad..." applied to both with little end result?
  23. "No silverware, no silverware Oh why the fuck should I care." Props must be given to last year's intertoto norwegian away game "You only sing when you're whaling!"
  24. I think there is a basic point missing here. Regardless if we have a 4-4-2 or a 4-3-3 Big Sam is going to play it narrow, tight and boring... and I am not sure this is a bad thing. Even when he was playing Solano during the summer he was experimenting with him in the middle because Big Sam wants to keep the same kind of football he has been using at Bolton. One of HTL's old favourite subjects (back in the SBR days) on 4-4-2 was that there was a difference between playing wide and playing wingers .. .and I think Big Sam is NEVER going to play with wingers. I don't even think we will be playing with wing backs. During the first 15 minutes of the Boro game (when we were killing them) it looked like we were playing with Zoggy as a wingback but we weren't. The most important factor of our good play in the begining of the game was Zoggy and Milner charging up and down the field like mad men (but getting back in time for cover) - after about 15 mintes of this we saw a slight decling in their mobility because they are human and could not go on like that. Big Sam was reasinably happy with our overall play but as he said in his post match interview "It felt like a loss." Becasue up until the Arca equalizer that was what he wanted and expected from this game. Running it down the middle to the big lad (Viduka) who then hold sit up and either passes it out or scores himself - which only works about 1 in 20 attempts and in Big Sam's mind thsi is how it should be... because its really difficult to counter against. Big Sam is looking to build Newcastle as a disciplined physical side (that unlike Bolton can pass it on the ground because of greater talent, larger budget etc) and that will be either a narrow 4-4-2 or a 4-3-3. George Graham lives and his name is Sam Allardyce.
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