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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. Swindon have become Team Canada with that kit. The reddish glare from the unicef logo and the pinkishness of the with surrounding the St. George Cross would indicate that the background might not be pink and that the whole picture is skewed colour-wise.
  2. CaliMag

    Club Captain

    Since the same names are being thrown around perhaps the Mods or the original poster could add a poll: Solano Butt Given Taylor New Signing
  3. Who would replace him? Certainly no one replaced Viera. If they rely on their existing team (without Henry) next year the'd be lucky to finish in the top four.
  4. Can't see it. Biggest two reasons: 1. Henry would be betraying the gooners big time 2. Arsenal might as well raise a white flag (to match their new kits ) to being competative next season Only reasons it would work: 1. Wenger's leaving and; 2. Silly money is offered
  5. CaliMag

    Club Captain

    I have mentioned the before but the armband should probably not be given to a single player instead "co-captains" should be assigned to Solano and Given with Solano being captain when he plays (hopefully at RB) and Given the next choice. Regardless of what the Captain really needs to do the amrband itself is a magnet for criticism from the crowd. One of the primary reasons we saw a decline in Parker's form (and his exit) was the fact that he was made Captain. Many expected way too much of him and the pressure and the (negative) supporters got to him - also importantly it made him difficult/awkward to drop. This is one of the true Legacies of Shearer and he is still too recent a memory for the Club. No one can compare and no one will be as resiliant or less suseptible to criticism. Now Butt being made Captain would be a disaster IMO. He is even more fragile than Parker (in the confidence stakes) one f*ck-up from him and it would be the Semis at Wembly all over again. The crowd would be on his back and we would see the worst of his performances. I still don't trust him and don't think he has anything close to true leadership abilities however experienced he may be as a player. He is introverted like Shay and only seems to get outside of himself when the team is playing well - when we are doing poorly he doesn't say a word and even his body language withdraws from the team. A terrible choice - I can't believe how many people compare him to Speed (shameful IMO - Speed is 10 times the player Nicky is especially when it comes to leadership abilities). Think of teh times we have gotten into trouble on the pitch between players and how Speed (when he played for us) was invariably the first person to intervene (especially when it was Bellamy as he was clearly his 'minder'). Now witness the infamous Dyer-Bowyer bust-up. Butt was only about 15 feet away and Gareth f*cking Barry is the first one to arrive at the scene to try to break it up... and while Nicky looks on (powerless and dispassionate) our slowest player Stephen Carr marches up (at least 20 yards) to be the second on the scene and then -only then- does Nicky reluctantly get involved with the rest of both squads arriving in support. I am hoping Barton (and other new signings) will be a very talkative member of the team and act as a "leader" on the pitch in the way that Madras described with the actual armband worn by a "fan's favourite" Nobby or Shay (Owen certainly does not qualify IMO). That way we avoid the negative consequences of expectation and Shearer comparison. Also I still don't feel comfortable with anyone other than Nobby taking our penalty kicks at the moment.. but that could change.
  6. Alex beat me to it. This is the best point so far. Alex Ferguson preferrs Saha over Smith up front (!). Ferguson did not see a future for Smith as a forward but rather tried to harness his energy and agression by converting him into a midfielder - and a defensive one at that. This project has been abandoned by Ferguson because it would appear it failed. Ratehr than being comapred to Shola I would see Smith as Dyer v 2.0 - not particularly good at any position but with a few decent qualities and perpetually labelled as having "potential."
  7. Forgetting something? No, but good use of a photo.
  8. I would also like to get rid of Dyer, but I believe his days of throwing a temper tantrum when asked to play out of position are over. To be fair his attitude has improved since SBR got sacked (a long time now) its just that his skill level and injury record has not.
  9. I am firmly in the "anybody but Carr camp" so I see this as good news.
  10. Best of Luck to Sibi. He'll get a warm reception when he returns. It will probably surprise him.
  11. No one is going to sign on to manage Citeh while ownership is still in limbo. As long as this is drawn out they're f*cked. If they take all summer to sort this out they could end up with a skeleton of a team and Souness-type manager. Which would be terrible for me personally as I don't mind City and absolutely detest ManU and their "fans."
  12. Bluf: As living in Scotland you should know that the reason there is less violence when Celtic & Rangers play in Europe is largely due to the fact that they both have such a long history of violence that the Interior Ministry has a very good list of trouble makers that would be unable to travel during away games in Europe. It would be much easier travelling in Europe being say a Gremlin than one of those IRA-wannabes or Orangemen f*cks. Irregardless Liverpool should be punished... but so should all of the Serie A. How many policemen would we have to stab to get a European ban anyway? More double standards than you can shake a stick at.
  13. That Hertha Berlin shirt rocks! If Nike ever became Newcatle's sponsor I bet they would try to give us racing stipes like that. Would be class (IMO) and probably start a riot.
  14. As a hockey player for the Mape Leafs? Cheeky get. Yeah that is cheeky, the Bonk and Wellander are clearly Canadiens fans. [sneaks away quickly]
  15. I honestly believe that it will make England worse - but I suppose I am pulling a "vic" here because I have no evidence to back that up and Hargreaves has hardly been the backbone of the England team has he. Nah, just the best player for them at the last WC. Sorry, I'm over defending the lad. I wouldn't say he's a crutch, but he's a key player for England. Shame he doesn't play for Canada... any chance of you qualifying next time around?
  16. I honestly believe that it will make England worse - but I suppose I am pulling a "vic" here because I have no evidence to back that up and Hargreaves has hardly been the backbone of the England team has he.
  17. He is 26 and hasn't played in this country at all yet, I can't see how his experiences will get any broader staying in Germany. I think the broader point still stands. Just because you are English (or in Hargraeves's case plays for England) doesn't mean you should have to play there - and in fact the fewer players on England who play abroad the weaker the team will become. English players are not "wasted" playing in the continent anymroe than Owen is wasted playing for Newcastle.
  18. A Canadian who's dad played for Bolton and is from the Merseyside? Plastic manc tbh.
  19. I am with Bluf on this one. Especially if England want to succeed in the Euros or WC they need players to have broader experiences. The nations that have insular leagues where their own nationals rarely play outside of their own Country suffer. Look at Mexico - they have loads of money and support for their leagues and they overpay for their own players (so they rarely leave) and they suck internationally. On the other hand I support Scotland so carry on.
  20. Even if their spending is limited they just got Claudio Pizarro on a free ... lucky bassads.
  21. Hmmmm.... its approaching midnight, Stevie, Vic and AS9 are all on this thread... I suggest the rest of you stay the f*ck away until tomorrow. Nothing to see here folks, please move along.
  22. I'd be sad to see Parker go. He had potential but like most players he dipped in confidence. And on that note a major reason many on here are celebrating his impending departure is due to the fact that he was made captain. As all of our managers have pointed out (including Big Sam) very few players can play at SJP and even fewer can wear the armband. Wearing the armband is the equivilent of being Jon Dahl Tomasson having a start every day - you make a mistake and the crowd will get on your back in a heartbeat. Like JDT I think Parker will go onto be a great player... just not here. The legacy of Shearer is a f*cking huge one and he is one of the few people that could take the heat and get plenty of forgiveness from the fans (the obvious Shearer haters are obviously exempt) - We are not going to sign another Shearer and we certainly are not going to have one as Captain. That said making Butt captain would be a huge f*cking mistake. He is about as talkative as Given and when his play (and the team's) goes bad he becomes even more reclusive/introverted which would only compound matters. He is a confidence player as well and his confidence would suffer immensely if handed the armband, the crowd would get on his back, his form would get worse, repeat cycle until transferred. The only options we have as Captain are Solano and Given - because both know the SJP crowd and are by and large well liked by the supporters. Because pressures are so huge (and Shearer's shadow lingers) I would not even bother assigning a single "captain" right now but would probably have Solano & Given as co-captains until our team becomes more solid and time moves on.
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