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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. Sell to who? Vivid entertainment?
  2. CaliMag

    Copa América

    Golly gee wizzz, thank you kind british man.
  3. CaliMag

    Copa América

    I am fairly tolerant of fellow Geordie-Americans... but FFS Ray needs to take off the Red, White & Blue specs every once and a while. Eddie Johnson the future of American footie? Jesus, I hope we can do better. And our best player was probably Mapp and DeMeritt (yes the one from Watford)... the yanks (we) are screwed. The Argies evidently gained all of Brazil's luck that was missing from their Mexico game.
  4. Nowt like an OTT thread to start a conversation. So if there is ounce of truth in the Martins/Wenger thing , then he is as good as gone IMO. So who gets the number 9? ... if no one, then what are we waiting for? Another local of Shearer Milburn proportions? Or perhaps you have someone who you think we can sign today and meet expectations.
  5. You're smoking crack. I am sure we have both seen Bocanegra play many times and I think he is a liability of Steven Carr proportions whenever he gets the ball. The only thing that edges Carlos out over Carr is that he has more pace (but then again who doesn't).
  6. Hughes > Bocanegra, so its a good signing for them.
  7. This. What the hell has Owen actually done wrong? He's not said he hates the club, he's not said he wants away, he hasn't refused to play, when he's played for us, he's scored goals. It's actually quite ironic because people who say 'don't believe everything you read in the paper' have been influenced by what the papers have said about what Owen wants, he's never actually said himself 'I want to go', it's been the papers saying he wants to go. thank the f****** lord someone agrees with me. ive been saying this for ages but it seems everyone wants to think the worst of him. It's not hindsight, at the time I expressed reservations about signing a player who was literally begging one of the top clubs to take him instead. Nothing much has changed really. I rate Owen as the best when it comes to the art of goal-scoring but I don't want a player who would rather be somwhere else. Didn't then and still don't now. which of the current staff wouldn't move to one of the top 4 if the move came along ? I don't think its an easy question as many would suppose. If I was a player for Newcastle without any ties to the region I would actually consider 1. money and 2. playing time. Also its not as cut and dry with Owen. Martins would (probably) rather have signed for ManU than us when he left Inter but there is a sense with him (and Emre) that he has made up his mind - with Owen everyone is always waiting for the other shoe to drop and its really annoying.
  8. Funny thing how neither Barton nor Jenas play for Liverpool nor do they have anything to do with Liverpool's spending capability. Get a room ffs.
  9. CaliMag

    St James' Park

    I can't see it - there would be riots in 99.99% of cases. I can only think of one exception and that is if a Company called "Fortress" spent millions to have it renamed "Fortress - St. James."
  10. This is the third fo fourth iteration of this topic. Nobby - Given co-captains for me. Certainly don't give it to any one person for at least a year.
  11. You're one of those people that can't be bothered to read threads aren't you?
  12. Same difference. Anywhere in the United States--- in the world really. Henry is not going to go unrecognized in an arena full of sports fans. Even in OHIO. OHIO. Have you been to the "Flyover" states? Outside of the major metropolitan areas you'd be hard pressed to find a more provincial unworldly non-cosmopolitan group of people anywhere in the developed world.
  13. Gerrard is just that. Still doesn't work out for them.
  14. Essentially 0% chance of that happeneing. If it was a Lakers or Knicks game however... In fact two years ago in a play off game I was watching the Lakers on TV and some bloke in the front courtside was wearing a Newcastle top... I have no idea who the person was but they must have had serious money, connections or both to get that seat (5 feet from the players bench). Also he was wearing the 99-01 Brown Ale shirt (?) eventhough it was 2005.
  15. I'd say winning the UEFA Cup, the CL (and the Portuguese treble) with less than 5m euros makes him a brilliant manager (I know many on here disagree). He had a bad season (by their standards) and this "planet Roman" seems to have been part of the cause - signings being made against his plans/will/authorization so I'd say it cuts both ways to some extent. I am not defending Chelsea by the way but the endless pisstaking of Mourinho is usually uncalled for. There were number of Newcastle supporters on the old NUFC.NU board that were calling for his appointment when Porto won the UEFA Cup (myself included). He is "special" and also smart and I think his comments are partly him being ironic since they were almost identical to the comments made by Lord Ferg when he took the helm at Chelsea. And to answer your last question I think he would have done better than MON or Curbs. That said I think this past season Mourinho has lost his way a bit and might need to move on to rediscover his abilities. And being at Chelsea with Roman's money and influence is defo part of the reason for his personal decline.
  16. 1. Its not Mourinho's fault that they spent big and in most cases overpaid - he's still a brilliant manager 2. Alex is right - I would not care if it happened to us either
  17. Back to the original post - Liverpool did not achieve this past season (by thier own standards) despite spending loads of money on some very good players. The money and the number of players was significant and this is why the Press are like circling vultures over Rafa instead of over "Emirates Stadium." Arsenal has never really competed with ManU, Chelsea or even us in the spending stakes and last year Liverpool really spent big money. The Press desperately want one of the new billionaire owned clubs to fail so they can print their hyped articles with Schadenfrued. I wouldn'y worry if I was a Liverpool supporter though because it will mostly likely be us that fits the prescriptive narrative here. I guarantee next year there will be similar articles about us swirling around and since Mr. Ashley is notoriously reclusive there will be dozens of unnamed club insiders saying: "Mr. Ashley don't even speak to Big Sam anymore... they aren't on speaking terms... he's getting the silent treatment..." etc. b*llshit etc.
  18. He'll be a fixture regardless. His ambition is to manage Peru (the national team) and a team in England... he could return one day. As stated earlier he'll be back for Given's testimonial and don't forget Dyers' :-[
  19. Two words: Brett Emerton I have a feeling we'll be having this discussion up until the moment he appears with a WHam jersey in his hands on Sky Sports.
  20. Solano already said he will return to South America after this season. To take up management he says. I will wish him the best of luck. Whichever team he ends up managing I will try to watch. Hopefully it will be a good enough team to regularly participate in the Copa Libertadores (South American CL) because they get loads of television coverage overhere. I'd imagine if he does retire after this season there'll be some kind of acknowledgement like a late subbing in the last home game or something.
  21. I'd say it's more likely to be Trezeguet. Why not both? - probably can do both for less than 18m.
  22. I hope you're right ... for your sake. Even if he does have the money somewhere else - I woudl also hope he never steps foot in Thailand again. Seems a tad precarious either way. Glad we aren't in Citeh's position.
  23. George Bush? He's no a billionaire is he? No he's not. He is worth a small fortune though... because he started with a large one. GWB < $100m
  24. CaliMag

    USA Stadiums

    Yes - most of them do - they are named after large corporations with very dull names. The Galaxy play at "Home Depot Center" - Home Depot is a large DIY-type store. As bad as commercialism is in the states, only professional "Soccer" allows the names of companies to appear on the front of the kits. Ruins them IMO. I would pay extra if I could buy a newcastle top without a corporate logo on the front.
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