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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. CaliMag

    The FA Cup Final

    Well done. I bet you're good at it as well.
  2. CaliMag

    The FA Cup Final

    It is so easy to hate all other supporters especially Chelsea's and ManU. Those 40+ year old Chlesea geezers are clearly trying to re-live the "glory days" of the 80s... f*ckers. The lot of them should be sodomised with cattle-prods.
  3. No thanks for Viduka. Me thinks this is his agent trying to pretend there is a battle over him to get a higher salary. And yes I would MUCH rather have Pizarro... who BTW is mates with Nobby.
  4. It looks as if Sewpa Kev has just eliminated Wolves.
  5. CaliMag

    Man City

    Because he knows how to play decent football. And he has experience. And he's been sucessful almost everywhere. And he can spend money. And he's a quality geezer. I agree completely.
  6. CaliMag

    Massive news!!!!!

    Clarification: So is this the new artificial turf stuff? I thought it was still banned in England?
  7. My Expectations (or things that must happen): I never want to see us topping the Premiership Injury Table they way we have done every season since... well... since Gullit at least. I do not want to see us beaten at home to a Champioship side 5-1. I never want to see Carr play for us again. I want a complete clearout of our staff including Clarkie and Terry Mac. Both love the club neither have any real management/coaching skills. This clearout should include our physios and conditioning coaches. (The gardener/groundsman can stay - say what you will about the ineptitude of our staff... but the pitch seems to be finally coming together.) If Allardyce must insist on bring back people from our past to be a part of our back room staff I would only appreciate the return of: Speed or Craig. The return of Steve Clarke or John Carver would be neutral anyone else would raise some concern for me. I want him to maintain his ruthlessly dispassionate system of team selection that would mean dropping favourites (even the likes of Owen, Solano and Given) when they fail to perform.
  8. Stars should be prohibited or at least limited by the Italian/Mexican rule that a star signifies that you have won the league five times for each star.
  9. Nice to see you back AS9. Back from University then?
  10. Freddie Shepherd once again shows increadibly poor judgement with this latest debacle. If Shepherd agreed to the get out clause in the first place then he needs to take it like a grown up and admit that his gamble has failed and that Owen leaving in these uncertain times is understandable if totally unpalateable. Owen will leave and Shepherd will have pushed him by showing the amateurish way our club is run. Pathetic.
  11. CaliMag

    Players in public

    Does Zoggy only hand around with French speakers? I kna he's French, and obviously would prefer to speak his own lingo, but seriously, whats his English like? There was all the crack that he was gutted when Boum left... who does Zoggy generally knock about with - Bernard n Gooch? What other general crowds are formed within the squad? Dyer n Bramble's Pimpin team... No, I've seen him out with Taylor on numerous occassions - his english aint to bad either - he sounds like a more fluent Martins. Martins is a native English speaker though... isn't he?
  12. I think Alan Oliver's motivations are that he is doing Freddie and the Board a favour by writing this article. So far Allardyce has had the best negotiating position. "Sam is the only candidate" makes things a bit difficult for the Board when dealing with Sam's contract and possible compensation with Bolton. It is in the interest of the club to make Sam feel wanted but not appear desperate and Oliver is serving this interest probably by direct request of the Board. That said I have never rated Erikson and would be gutted if he came here.
  13. Or you could say: The bloke isn't even our manager and he ALREADY started getting players in and out...Shows Roeder when and how to start dealing in the transfer market...
  14. I am surprised the media has not linked Speed with us yet... seems an obvious one.
  15. CaliMag

    Players in public

    carroll's missus is a dog. shes a slag. goes down on her twin sister...licks andy's arsehole. NO LIES!!! Me and Rocker saw her with him the other day at the academy. She's a right munter. Aye, but apparently she goes down on her twin sister in front of other people... that certainly adds to her value.
  16. Went from 11th (twice) to 4th.
  17. like this... Apples and oranges mate. I have a sneaking suspicion that was done by AS 9 when he was really really stoned.
  18. Top six or the sack. On the one hand we are far behind the top four, but after that there is not that big of a difference.
  19. That is so pathetic on many different levels. Consider the amount of grief we would give a fellow poster for posting something like that with a makem bairn kit.
  20. Not sure why you think its funny - He loves that system and relies heavily upon it to tell him who is performing and who is not. He uses it as an aid but im sure he doesn't use it directly to tell him who to pick each game Right. Its still an aid that he relies heavily upon - along with exhaustive fitness tests/ psychometric testing. My point was that he uses mechanical aids to justify who plays and who gets dropped. In the interviews I have read he seems to defer to them as opposed to use them soley for his own justification (like most managers would/do).
  21. Not sure why you think its funny - He loves that system and relies heavily upon it to tell him who is performing and who is not.
  22. I feel pretty nuetral about this appointment. I mostly think of the negatives of this appointment but there is one saving grace for Big Sam that I am clutching desperately at: Big Sam relies heavily on his ProZone system. In one respect its cowardice to rely on a mechanical measurement to say if players will start or not, but it also has given Allardyce the courage to drop players who are not performing. I am extremly confident that if ProZone is used at NUFC then Stephen Carr will never play a game again for us. I would say the biggest weaknesses of KK and SBR were their blue chip brigade. No matter how poorly Bez played (costing us games say at Anfield) and how well Elliot did at the time, Bez would start because he was one of the lads. SBR had a similar situation with Dyer who would start no matter how poorly he played or petulent he would behave (I think its possible Dyer is SBR's illigitimate son - Dyer was born in Ipswich the same year SBR won the UEFA Cup for them). Anyway Big Sam does nto have this weakness... he has a very dispassionate character when it comes to team selection and by simply playing our best players in their best positions we may yet achieve success.
  23. Sam Allardyce will want to bring Speed in if possible. If he doesn't then it would entirely down to the fact that SA does not think Speed is good enough. I am thinking Speed will be offered the same position here though = First team coach and captain. That would suit me just fine personally. Also I would be pleased to see "lack of effort Duff" stripped of 11 so that it went beack to its rightful owner.
  24. CaliMag

    Sven or Big Sam?

    I totally agree. Especially with Klinsman - he would require NUFC to spend all of their off-season training in Southern California which would suit me fine. Both Sven and Big Sam have serious deficientcies. Between those two I would choose Big Sam just.
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