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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. I smile like a little fucking kid when I see HBA and AP smiling and laughing to eachother man
  2. Shola just destroyed that man my word. And Cisse, coolest striker in front of goal man, my word. GET THE FUCK IN!!!!!
  3. would have assumed we would have simply went 4-3-3 with Perch in holding with Jonas the box-to-box and Cabaye the attacking CM - guess not.
  4. Think you mistakingly put Jonas to start at LW over Ba mate.
  5. No way he hit the cross bar, no way...nyah
  6. Think Ba has been a bit unlucky not to score in the last few matches. He'll get his chance and he'll score and this will all be forgotten.
  7. You've prob seen him more than me, so I can't argue with you. But I believe I've seen him play in nearly every appearance for us and I'd like to see him play ahead of 2 center midfielders or play a traditional 3 midfield with him on left, Tiote sitting, and Cabaye on right. Add him to Jonas and Guthrie and you have a rotation of 4-5 that hopefully are anchored by Tiote and you play the in-form guys. Could be all Championship Manager stuff mind you coming out of my head. But I'm very much looking forward to him playing for us, and if he's a squad player who comes in and plays in the attacking 3, thats fine too really, he's a talent and I hope he can get and stay fit and provide something different for us.
  8. I think long term hes perfect in a midfield 3 with a destroyer and a creator (Tiote & Cabaye). His engine, leadership, close control, ball retention and decent defensive ability make him fit for that role. I think he and Tiote behind Cabaye is excellent. I know some would like to upgrade on midfield if we have a 3 in there, but to me, his skill-set and leadership make him an almost must-starter for me. Which I know may be unpopular.
  9. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    Where's that Mr Burns laughing gif when we need it?
  10. Wolves, WBA yep. I'll even count Mackems at home. But you are right, marvelous season with an exciting run-in.
  11. I keep forgetting about him, then I just get really excited to see him hopefully get fit, have a full pre-season to get himself sorted and integrated into our team and hopefully watch him kick off. He looks a real talent from the times Ive watched him. "like a new signing" - had to.
  12. With you Yorkie, 16 is what I'm hoping for with continued form and bit of luck. Funny, I find myself looking at past fixtures and say theres a few home and away fixtures that "should have been." But I think at least a point on Friday but really hoping we push on for 3. Look they are a great passing side, but our form at current we shouldn't fear anybody.
  13. Tiote lives for matches like Sunday, thats his bread & butter - fucking love it. I was laughing/loving him screaming his ass off after Cisse's 2nd.
  14. Kanji

    Steven Taylor

    Leon looked like he was on the prowl to slag some lasses tbh - in full gear to hit the clubs
  15. Kanji

    Danny Guthrie

    He should have a look at how Mr Barton and the co are doing after they've left. Like AP has said, some times players miss seeing the bigger picture. The bigger picture for Guthrie is that hes a vital member of the squad and sometimes the grass is not always greener.
  16. Tiote + Cabaye + Jonas/Guthrie in the form we are in...add that to our front 3 and I like our chances.
  17. Kanji

    Danny Guthrie

    Classic man, after a few good performances he gets hurt. I hate seeing that, his luck is terrible isn't it? Thankfully we have Jonas who can put in a damn good shift in the midfield 3.
  18. The whole story is amazing, but am I the only one who found it even better that the witch doctor texts?
  19. Kanji

    Erik Pieters

    i think its hilarious this lad follows us enough to tweet about it and cheer us on
  20. To me, hes the absolute rock in our midfield and there isn't a value you could put on him when you plays the way he did yesterday. He's just an absolute monster in our midfield and was a joy to watch him boss the entire Liverpool midfield yesterday
  21. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    When you are watching on television and when he gets the ball, you can just feel our crowd and hear them sort of collectively urge him to destroy his man and run with it - sort of go on son. Its fucking brilliant to watch and hear.
  22. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    "it was lovely" AP man, what a pleasant bastard!
  23. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    He's something else and I keep thinking of Demba's tweet that when Papisto sleeps, he dreams of scoring goals.
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