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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    Erik Pieters

    i think its hilarious this lad follows us enough to tweet about it and cheer us on
  2. To me, hes the absolute rock in our midfield and there isn't a value you could put on him when you plays the way he did yesterday. He's just an absolute monster in our midfield and was a joy to watch him boss the entire Liverpool midfield yesterday
  3. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    When you are watching on television and when he gets the ball, you can just feel our crowd and hear them sort of collectively urge him to destroy his man and run with it - sort of go on son. Its fucking brilliant to watch and hear.
  4. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    "it was lovely" AP man, what a pleasant bastard!
  5. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    He's something else and I keep thinking of Demba's tweet that when Papisto sleeps, he dreams of scoring goals.
  6. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Brilliant. Simply, brilliant.
  7. The dive, the fall when Tiote tackled him, the countless whining etc - all I had for him, the 5% all gone. Have we literally just witnessed the absolute rock bottom of Andy Carroll? What a fall man, you had it all here and you left - and your club is better for it. Thanks for taking one for the team, and by thanks - really, just fuck off.
  8. Great prank. Assumed it was after initial what the fuck moment. Shoutout to Cuba for the texts. Anyway great execution Dave, now I can concentrate on the match.
  9. This with either Santon at LB but that 6 ahead of defense is perfect
  10. Absolute embarrassment. We're Shitty and We Know It! shocked, totally agree.
  11. Fancy him to hit a left footed belter on as a sub in-the-run to seal us 3 pts.
  12. I shouted "no" when he passed the other way, Cabaye was just about clean through. his 1st time layoff to HBA into space was Edit: and by his, I mean Cabaye's layoff
  13. This 100%. His close control, ball retention, quick feet and accurate short passing are tailor-made for the sort of role he played on Sunday. Add to that, his brilliant fitness levels, his engine and attitude and you have someone who could really hold this position down as his own.
  14. Kanji

    James Perch

    When a player is called upon in an incredibly important position, rises to the occasion and plays his socks off for the team, you really can't help but love a performance and the player himself. He's done very well when called upon and for that I am very grateful. Hopefully this continues on the weekend in an important match. Massive credit to Pards for instilling the confidence within Perch and long may this form continue, hopefully this helps the lad turn the corner and this is more the standard of his true abilities. Mind you, he has a rocket shot (nufctv) which I never would have guessed either.
  15. Had a dream we had a sensational bid from Umbro and they were going to give us the England/Man City full "tailored by umbro" treatment and our kits were lush as fuck. Where's cubaricho at, he'll know this as I discussed how i wanted this for our next kits in the pub yesterday.
  16. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Had to have been pre-leg break no? I recall him coming on as a substitute in a match and scoring a pretty mouth-watering drive with that golden left foot of his.
  17. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    Double leg cramp man, get the boy some water. Think his 1 on 1 finishing will come good and it doesn't really concern me yet. I think he may simply just need to put a little more concentration into those thats all.
  18. Gladly rest him when the season is up!
  19. His slip/fall/foul on that was unfortunate as I was hoping that would be his goal. But he played some wonderful stuff and was dangerous as usual. He did look tired in the 2nd half for all the tracking back he was doing, which fair play to him I was happy to see. Special mention for his medical translating he had to do for Cisse man, - having to listen to an ailing Cisse, then tell the physio what was wrong.
  20. Say what you will about that play, he got fucking decked by Krul that would make any NFL Defensive Back proud. Part of me laughed deeply on the inside.
  21. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    When he's near the box and he's got the ball tee'd up for his left peg, you'd almost put money that he will score. His accuracy and power is just brilliant.
  22. Trying to figure out how to watch this whilst on vacation next weekend with the girlfriend....
  23. My maverick mind convinced myself we'd win this match to the point i was telling friends in the build-up for a week we'd win, thank fuck i was right
  24. Fuck it, with the way we are attacking we can win this match.
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