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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    Unleash them vs Villa man, come on Pardew.
  2. That image is brilliant man, my word. I can't stop laughing
  3. This is one of the worst matches of football I've ever seen, its like an MLS match.
  4. going the KK route, going to score more than concede with Dembas up top
  5. The damn Nike kit that changed it all for me, keep comparing all future kits to this one. I had even created this in Pro-Evo for my mock Toon team, which I'd literally transfer over whoever we were speculated to sign around this time, we were fucking lush man.
  6. The fact that there are uneven stripes near the puma logo and the sponser just make it rank as hell. I hope that isn't the final.
  7. He played upfront in that game. Was 2 diff thoughts, but sure OK...my mistake? Regardless, he was brilliant that night
  8. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    Thought AP was hilarious on that sky bit, the smug bastard
  9. Used to love seeing Dyer playing CM, dropping deep to pick up the ball, play it forward get it back and make some quick passes and darting runs. Remember Dyer away to Southampton? He was unplayable at times with his face and close control.
  10. despise the fucker, he's an absolute joke of a former toon player, picked up massive wages, did fuck all and somehow continues to fuck us over every chance he gets considering he does nothing else versus anyone else
  11. Andy Johnson...just pointing that out, Andy fucking Johnson and we fell apart.
  12. As predicted by myself (because I'm f***ing class) he has improved markedly with Ben Arfa in the team as he doesn't have to be sole runner with the ball and can use his intelligence which is massively underrated by many to get involved and help dictate the game. this but is post of the day - and i mean this with 100% respect.
  13. Then you look at your class signature and just crack up
  14. Kanji

    Joey Barton

    What a loser - used really like the guy when he played for us and initally gutted when he left. But he's a waste of time, total fake. Thinks hes smarter, cooler, and more underground/man of the people than EVERYONE else. Joey, you're a helmet.
  15. Just re-read that - wow. I remember how excited I was...
  16. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    I love the fact that there is this hunger for a post Et'o/Drogba generation - and he hasn't gone the route of an Adebayor who seems like an absolute mess of a footballer who on his day is nearly unplayable but is a massive problem in the dressing room. This lad, like Ba, has worked hard to get to where they are and will continue to do so. Just still wow'd that we signed a player of his talent and promise and he's going to line up for us - next to Ba as well. Just wow.
  17. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    yeah, has nothing on Ben Arfa or Luque. Seriously, they're mostly soft goals against s**** opposition. No evidence he can do the business on a cold night at the Britannia. Its not like the club scouted him through youtube, apparently they've monitored him for 2 years. Apparently so. But lets face it, he's never played in anything close to the Premier League. We need to be smarter about this. Should have taken him on trial first like with Jason Prior, or at least a loan with a view to a permanent move if he cuts it. How many clubs have been burned by buying players with good scoring records in foreign leagues? It's a lot of money to spunk away on Mateja Kezman II. Every transfer of any player outside this league is a risk mate. You have to trust your scouting, homework and gut that the fee justifies the player and that he produces on the pitch to justify a quantifiable return on the investment we've put into him.
  18. Me, i see a PSG move for him near the end of his career as surely he knows he would just massacre the french league and not be up against the best knowing that the standard of the PL is greater than french league. But this has to go a long way - def could see a new deal put in front of him soon that I think (hope) he signs.
  19. Gorgeous, and you consider if we keep all of these you have say a healthy Marveux into the team and we have some brilliant players there
  20. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    he knew what he was doing. What a guy. Mike Ashley prob watched as Ben Arfa weaved through, played a beautiful ball to Best who played a ball to nobody b/c Shols was just jogging into the box, then decided to sprint at a snails pace then as it cleared, he fell over and layed on the ground. Mike had it, couldn't even slug his next pint as he had enough with Shola.
  21. Kanji

    Leon Best

    I hope we dont sell him. Hes a valuable member of our squad.
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