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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. whoeever the CB is, needs to be on the plane, signing for us, in a training kit on Jan 1
  2. Kanji

    Steven Taylor

    Shi*t. Terrible. Mike Williamson in for Tayls asap, Santon in the back 4 somehow and my word we need to have a new CB capable of starting in the PL done and dusted in city on Jan 1
  3. he's GOT to play next match from the start. Be at CB, LB, RB or something.
  4. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He's only going to be able to play out wide when we have a LB or RB that doesn't need a winger helping him out nearly every single time the opposition attacks. He looked really good out wide against Everton because he had Enrique behind him.
  5. Other side note, ESPN's Ian Darke has been calling the ground St James' park vs S*A
  6. IMO, hes def one of the top 3-5 CBs in this league. I'd love to hear everyone else's opinion on how he would compare to others in different leagues, I don't really follow any other leagues anymore, but some of what he does on the ball and off the ball are just sublime - world class. What a goal, and celebration too.
  7. Strong woman, that Louise for showing up to the tributes, brilliant show of public strength. Glad that she will be coming to St James for it.
  8. Would Pardew be adverse to doing something like: Simo-Tayls-Colo-RTayls -----Ober-Cab-Guth----- ----------HBA------------- -------Best--Ba----------
  9. Kanji

    Joey Barton

    Joey bangs on about how he's changed so much and how he such a more mature person but quite frankly he's trading physical for verbal in terms of his outlet for whatever reason. If had grown up as much as he said he has, he would keep his mouth shut and worry about his life, his family, and his career at QPR. What really annoys me is that smug look he has on his face, where he thinks hes about 40 pegs higher and smarter than anyone he is speaking to. Its like an addict really, kick drugs and then in exchange they are addicting to food or drink, but for joey - the man had a self destructing temper where he would lash out in anger using physical means, hes really just traded that out with this diarreah of the mouth.
  10. Kanji

    Joey Barton

    Dekka's best reply to date.
  11. sorry for the massive quote, thanks for editing for me Admin
  12. His best attacking ability is running with the ball into the corner. His crosses are good around 1 in 5 - which he may only get 5 crosses in a single game. His crossing is strange, he hits floaters in with no real pace when attackers are already in position so its tough to get a head around it with any bit of power.
  13. Harps interview made me lose it, my word. I'm just at a loss about this.
  14. Wow. Gut-wrenching story to read mate.
  15. I woke up this morning and checked the twitter feed and saw this, had to re-read it multiple times. This one abs has cut me up today, puts life into perspective really. He was one of my favorite Toon players for his commitment & profesionalism on and off the pitch. He always gave his all to us and I can vividly remember some of his goals for us, esp from set peices and what not. I'm just gutted tbh. Legend.
  16. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    Bring on Chelski man, bring them on. Can't wait for this one - the atmosphere will be electric and I hope we just take the match to them.
  17. Kanji

    Soft spot?

    Leicester - my father was raised there and lived some 15+ years of his life there. He's still a massive LCFC supporter too
  18. Kanji


    Sunderland, Spurs, Man City
  19. Our 3rd best side would destory their best
  20. I could even do this again with: GK: Given RB: Beye CB: Woody CB: Colo LB: Enrique DCM: Tiote CM: Lee CM: Solano CAM: Beardo ST: Cole ST: Shearer And even that you could have Speed play the role next to Lee. This would assume leaving out Ginola and Robert. Midfield could be something like: Solano - Lee - Speed - Robert or Ginola - Lee - Speed - Robert Midfield has a billion options tbh!
  21. From players I've seen: Given Barton Albert Colo Enrique Solano Lee Tiote Ginola Beardo Shearer
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