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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    This is depressing, all of it.
  2. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    Me and you both my friend, this club's state of affairs are really killing me, and I've usually been very optimistic. F**K you Mike Ashley.
  3. Big Al has to be felt let down by him. There were friends, and I'd like to think the tw@t showed his true colors.
  4. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    Roman ruined football as we knew it. Simple as that. I've become so scornful of what football has become. Chelsea in a bidding war for Kaka @ 75million, Gareth Barry for 12million on 100k a week for Citeh, wtf has football become? No more youth academies and youth players rising up the ranks b/c they are already not good enough and teams must buy foreign players. These top 4 clubs have massive bandwagon fans who only support them b/c they've won titles, theres no affection or love there. Its sickening. Its no longer about the club its about the owner. Whoever has the richest owner will buy themselves a manager, a starting 11, and finishing place along with a title. I'm happy our club is going to play in a league where any team can win the match, any team has a shot at getting promoted, managers, tactics, youth players, hidden gems scouted from lower levels or the cheap signing from a foreign league who is hungry. Bring back the love of the game vs. the paycheck. Maybe my mind will change if we get sold to a billionare who puts in hundreds of million to get back into the premiership, but even there - is it worth it? Its effectively a 5 team title race every season, the rest duking it out hoping and praying. Think I need time away from the game, its killing me how much things have changed and how bad the souls of clubs are gone.
  5. His boro goal sums him up for me. Owen and Oba woulda missed it.
  6. Big Al isnt stupid, "Pay me XXX quid or No go for me" - Please, he didn't get this far in his career and life to be a complete idiot. He knows the club is in the Championship and won't have cash to spend on a cushy salary. Encouraging, maybe a deal can be agreed in principle this week and we can move forward.
  7. Hope Adidas/Puma/Nike will be in for us after the Adidas deal is over...I'd vomit if we had anyone other than those 3 making our kits. I don't trust Umbro one bit - unless they made a kit as simple and clean as the current England one for us, that would be class. A classic Black & White stripes, Plain Black shorts, and Plain Black socks with maybe a white hoop. Bring back a classy collar. I'd dig that.
  8. Just love how the same article can have different titles and spins. Makes me sick... Same quotes, from Jose, but, "Enrique to look at offers" the other "Enrique to stay at Toon" Reading comprehension 101 you tw@t journalists - the MAIN IDEA of these articles should be the damn title. He made 1 comment at looking at offers the rest was about him loving life here but so upset about relegation, and he would liek to fufil his contract obligations.
  9. Nothing would make me happier - with Big Al in charge and a solid backroom staff that he's handpicked. Getting images of a revamped, hungry Newcastle side that will give it all every match, scoring goals and winning matches, bringing some joy back in our lives in regards to the club. Basically putting two fingers up to the Premier League and all the doubters - we are coming back, better than before and will not put up being a laughing stock. Ashley - give us our Shearer and let him move this club forward.
  10. Kanji

    John Carver

    I posted on here the week Shearer took over that Carver had been asked to join him even before the news had broken. Carver initially refused as he was still employed in Toronto. Carver has been Shearers guest at SJP on a couple of occasions already - sitting in Shearers box. Saw them together in Shearer's box on the tube - backing that one up for sure.
  11. Aye, best digs in the Championship
  12. If the club read the message board and my posts, they would have known to buy some of these lot before - to fill up the squad with hungry and skillful players who wouldn't cost too much, and if we got relegated, these said hungry players would then know they would be charged to getting us back up and being the core of the squad. Should have listened to me.
  13. I've never seen him fumble his words, he's hurt like the rest of us. I hope he stays, for hte good of our club. Shearer, please.
  14. That Man Utd side listed would prob give any side in the bottom half a run.
  15. FINALLY. new kit looks f'ng weird. Too much white on socks!
  16. HAH, at least setanta missed the trophy being raised, :-)
  17. I know, lets go want to watch the match damn it.
  18. I generally wait for the new signing before I consider who to buy on mine. Then I look at pricing and shipping and just order the damn jersey plain.
  19. Kanji

    Mark Viduka

    If we stay up, the team you fill above still coudln't cut it for a full season. We need at least 1-2 strikers. A player wide-right and a defensive CM. As well as signing up 3-6 MORE squad players in my opinion. Our squad is paper-thin still, people need to be reminded for some reason. I said it before and I'll say it again, we shoud have always been looking at solid Championship players age range of 18-30 to fill in any SQUAD positions and be able to provide competition. There are some really solid players I've seen in the Championship that have some pretty good passing and movement about them. We still need an overhaul my friends, don't forget that.
  20. Kanji

    Mark Viduka

    Minus Berbatov, are there any strikers of his mould anymore?
  21. Kanji

    Mark Viduka

    Viduka was immense last night, his volley that hit the upright and the flicks and touches were superb.
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