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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. "well if she wants it so bad, pony up and pay!!!" is the dumbest fucking counter to this I've ever read/heard.
  2. the 1 match he started he fucked up, scored, played well throughout the rest of the match and we won away to West Ham... however dropped and never heard from again and sold. R U T H L E S S.
  3. I actually think he’s pretty decent
  4. So did you think the whole sale was a lie from day one? by his post it sounded like KI was a skeptic the entire time and we're all idiots for having hope, again....
  5. FB is terrible for football news/patter. Absolutely s***. It really is, I know better too ffs. Its the Toon Army NYC group that is full of brainless twats.
  6. I need to stay off the facebook groups - those fucking imbeciles are doing my head in. Actually made me even more furious at how blind, stupid and submissive the general population is over this. People seemingly thinking Ashley hasn't lied to us (ever), his price is his price and if nobody is going to meet it, how is it his fault then? and that he's never had intentions to sell so those of us who believed are fucking stupid believers.
  7. Explaining that to an objective observer is one thing, try selling it to Mike. every seller is entitled to set their price and wait, but the fact he's gone on record to say he wants out and will sell, sets an aspirational price, fails to get more than 1 bid in within his timeline and then throws a fit when it doesn't go his way is absolutely mental. I'm fucking sick of trying to explain this to people. YES the potential of this club is that it could be valued well north of 300m, but today's position in the table and the state of the club's facilities are a direct result of the poor ownership of Mike Ashley over 10 years coupled with the lack of parties interested surely is common fucking sense that he's overvalued the club.
  8. Yeah, this takeover is well and truly over. That kind of comment from MA is ridiculous. Asking for an earnest money deposit at LOI is fucking stupid - no fucking deal is ever done that way.
  9. Not a reassuring way to bring the parties back to the table if you're pointing fingers and getting personal. Again, what the fuck was the curry meet-up for? I'm trying to remain hopeful but I'm fearing the absolute worst for this club right now.
  10. Straight from Trump's Art of the Deal that. What a f***ing asshat. Oh right Mike Ashley, because we should have any sympathy for how exhausting this has been as you've held our club hostage, bled it dry and continue to fuck us over.
  11. More likely either of those would get more goals than Gayle would ffs, so simple of a concept
  12. Striker, #10, and GK please. No fucking LB needed man.
  13. Yedlin is on the whole a decent fullback who is very useful at times on the counter and overlapping - his issues really are bombing forward when not needing to (Rafa is working on that it seems), his issue tracking late runners in the box (we've conceded a few because of this) and his end-product in the final 3rd. Think he can improve in every single one of those areas over time with Rafa's coaching though.
  14. It's quite funny/sad that we're creating all these chances with the likes of Ritchie, Atsu, Murphy, Ayoze, Shelvey, Merino etc. Not really bursting at the seams with top quality either...fucking hell, just 1 bloody PL capable striker and to Dave's point, we'd not be talking about ANY of this.
  15. Kanji


    I think we’ll be fine regardless of the window activity but it’s going to be painful to watch and we’ll just do enough to finish between 13-16th place or something like that + or -. Man we desperately need the takeover because I don’t think Rafa will honestly want to do this s*** again with mike Ashley making a mockery of him and this cloob.
  16. Yeah tried that and still nothing. Even deleted and reinstalled app.
  17. Having issues with Tapatalk too?
  18. Not jealous at all right now of Liverpool and this Attacking trio they’ve got.
  19. He’s got very good box awareness and movement, and usually presses well too but his finishing is hit or miss. M
  20. Kanji


    Yorkie is really passionate about defending his feeling depressed about NUFC. Down and out already. Nah man. Rafa has this. Hell scruff it by and well hate how we play. I’m certain of it.
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