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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    How about when we took the p*ss out of Liverpool at home? We were strolling about the entire match. James Perch smashing 7 shades of s*** out of everything that moved. Hatem ran Enrique ragged, Cisse had a great 1st back-post header goal, We had a near-team goal for his 2nd, and Enrique had to play in goal man. Suarez literally did nothing that much either.
  2. Robson made a transfer profit during his first 2 seasons at the club. He did sign players and he also sold players, including the 2 you mention who cost less than the 4 that I previously mentioned. I'm quite sure that we didn't go into a transfer deficit until we signed Bellamy ready for Robson's third season and then we spent quite a bit. I think Robson averaged £4 million a year above what he brought in over the length of his contract. It's better than what we currently spend but it's hardly a fortune either considering the improvement that was made. Souness was the one who was given the money and we all know how much of a flop that one turned out to be. I wish Sir Bob was given that money Souness was given man, esp in the season before we crashed out of the Champions League.
  3. I enjoyed football when Shepherd was our chairman, call it SBR's squad and that's fine. I also hated many of his decisions as well, and not saying he was ever a fantastic chairman - but compare him to Ashley, a man who is a malicious fucking prick who's sucked every bit of life out of this club and most especially out of the stands. He's thrown his cheap sporting good brand and ran Keegan out of the club, hired Joe Kinnear twice, and has left Alan Pardew in charge 2 seasons too long. Shepherd was a bellend in his own right for many of the things he did - but some of the best years we've had were under SBR and we still had an ounce of hope and people still dreamed we'd get it right soon or later.
  4. He'd have to put together a group or company to buy us, if he ever had a chance to do it. He would likely be a small equity % but want control as Chairman or President and be teamed with either a Private Equity, or Partnership of some kind I imagine.
  5. Nah, he wouldn't. If he ever had another go and it was after Mike Ashley, he'd do everything opposite - the prospect of being the "Geordie Hero" would actually play in our club's favor, imo.
  6. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    How about when we took the piss out of Liverpool at home? We were strolling about the entire match.
  7. We aren't debt free. We owe mike 120 million? I know that man, fairly obvious our "asking price" is full-on purchase of club and "debt" to Mike Ashley. The "debt" to Mike should be equity, by the way. But thats for another conversation.
  8. For one thing if Shepherd took over the club again - he'd be able to revel in a debt-free club that our Board peddles about, but would be able to get some decent financing (like every other club does, as long as you get good loans and not over-levered you are fine) and we'd be accountable, relevant, and Shep would be in the press reminding people how big of a club we are, can be and will be. I believe he'd be FAR BETTER then he was last time and infinitely better than Ashley.
  9. He probably has ambition, and sees none of that here; anymore. The dream sold to him (and money) have clearly worn off.
  10. You should be studying law if you can argue that advocating a squad place equates to saying he's one of their most important players. "Of course" he's going... but he's still not important. There you go again, man. Of course Kyle Walker, Phil Jones, Michael Carrick and James Milner (if fit) are going to the WC. Nobody with an ounce of sanity would claim any of them are one of our most important players. Anyway, nice try. Why do people waste time recalling and searching for old posts to prove points?
  11. I couldn't give a single f*** about this match. Losses in my mind hopefully = AP rattled = Ashley rattled = Lee Charnley sacks AP. Wishful thinking.
  12. warrior's contract with Liverpool doesn't seem to justify the actual work they put into these kits for them.
  13. Anyone who wants to build a winning football club pls
  14. He'd have sacked Allardyce quickly too.
  15. FS pisses all over Mike Ashley. He'd have sacked Pardew a long time ago, probably would have never hired him either. It wouldnt' surprise me if FS quietly has tried to put a group together to buy the club - his ego would get stroked as the "man who saved Newcastle Utd from Mike Ashley" and he'd probably hire a good manager and put a marketing campaign of righting Ashley's wrongs and doing it his way or what have you. Far cry better then sitting about clapping away at the lucrative 9th place finish and 1-2 signings, within reason (always qualifiers with this current regime)
  16. I feel Lallana, Sterling, and Henderson have to be in the starting 11.
  17. That won't happen, mate. Too many on here want us to fail just so Pirlo and Uruguay go through. Terrible way to show some love for one's country! I see your team and I'm actually excited by it - Liverpool's title run couldn't come at a better time for England's WC squad with Johnson, Gerrard, Henderson, Sturridge, and Sterling all capable (should-be IMO) of playing in the starting 11. I'm torn on Cole vs Baines at LB, but there is obviously Shaw (who may be a little too naive for the WC?) Any possible chance Big Andy makes the squad for last possible striker role?
  18. I agree with Deuce, if Woy plays the right team I think there is potential for England to do some damage, hope so, I've grown up with England as my second team my whole life thanks to my Dad and my Uncles...also, would be awesome to see this place go mental if England put in a good cup run. Would love to see Sturridge and Lallana tear it up.
  19. What is everyone's ideal 11 for the WC?
  20. If you don't want to get depressed, don't red all the FFS articles in the chronicle...much different club then!
  21. Has Belhanda given MYM a ring or text yet? Interests him? Jeez man.
  22. class video man, Sturridge is awesome.
  23. Kind of crazy that people were loving Laudrup and Lambert's "style of football" and all that... At last they didn't win Manager of the Year like the idiot in charge here
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