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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    Massadio Haïdara

    I'm all for us taking whoever to fucking court.
  2. Kanji

    Massadio Haïdara

    Disgusting. I'm bitterly angry about this, again - probably even more now. to the Chairman, great response.
  3. Rodney, thats a fantastic photoshop effort man. I just really don't like the Puma kit Probably a fan of our current one only b/c it has that collar. But my goodness you nailed the photoshop of that. Anyway you could do an effort that was just classic black & white stripes without the black sleeves?
  4. Kanji

    Steven Taylor

    Just want him to say its one of the best feelings ever. The crazy awesome bastard.
  5. Wish Colo would be back sooner, play him at CB with Saylor and play MYM at RB until Debuchy was fit to play. Hopefully this all times out ok and he's back playing for us sooner than later.
  6. Kanji

    Massadio Haïdara

    Excellent from .com as well. The serious foul play bit at the end makes me even more angry about this. Hope to fuck the news about the results is some miracle and he's not hurt too bad. Poor lad.
  7. City did some massive audit on their facilities and such a few years ago and made numerous changes. Really wish we'd do something of the sort if we hadn't already.
  8. Kanji

    Massadio Haïdara

    He hurt the lad ffs. He deserves punishment. End of.
  9. I don't fault that in a young player in a new team, who knows hes one of the few players who can drive us forward.
  10. I think he's a good player and has done decent there thats all man. Didn't slag Simpson off at all - just think he should get a shot playing there if Debuchy is out. Nothing less nothing more. And no problem with Simpson at all standing in. Fucking hell man
  11. No issue from him. He's clearly a lad who doesn't hide and wants to pick us up whenever we are down. I think his full-steam ahead type runs are him being a bit naive in that aspect; case of trying to do a little too much. I'd rather him want to do that then hide at this point in the season and his career. He'll be fine man, hes young and still a bit raw in some of his game. He's class and will be immense for us for a long time.
  12. Kanji

    Massadio Haïdara

    I'm praying the lad is OK and we can just breath after all of this.
  13. I'd play him as a fullback if Debuchy is out.
  14. Kanji

    Massadio Haïdara

    What really upsets me about this is that he's a promising young lad who was really putting in a great shift for us and this potentially has derailed all of the momentum and positivity he was having about his own performances and joining this club. These kind of challenges are disgusting. Clearly when a player is stretchered off b/c he's seriously injured the player involved in the challenge did something f***ing wrong. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Just like what happen to Ben Arfa man - if you're tackling someone so hard that you break their leg or knee, or cause ligament damage, you've clearly done something worth punishment. Played football my entire life, you don't f***ing tackle like that - its not part of the game. Martinez and Whelan should be ashamed of themselves as their comments only continue to allow this type of stuff to be OK in the game. (Clearly I like the word disgust today)
  15. Kanji

    Massadio Haïdara

    Ears are still red about this.
  16. Kanji

    Massadio Haïdara

    Martinez and that fucking clogger of a footballer can fuck off - disgusting disgusting tackle. Pisses me right off.
  17. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The power of google makes ordinary men into Medical into experts. Nobody's to blame, lets just put our support around the lad to get fit and become the legend we know he's capable of being in our shirt.
  18. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I accept it seems strange he started the match away in Russia but you make it sound like complete incompetence from the medical team. If the up to date scans have been done and show nothing, the player's reporting no problems in training consistently then I don't see what else they could've done really. They've followed normal guidelines. You've missed my point man, I'm probably not being clear. So I'm sorry. To put it simply, experts in their respected field gave the green light to play and Hatem probably felt ok to play so he did. I'm not blaming anyone. The exact opposite. It's nobody's fault based on the information we have. Unless there is some poor judgement or mistake on someone's spot not adhering to medical advice or listening to Hatem if he didn't want to play. It's an injury that looked healed and he triggered something again. It's out of everyone's hands in my opinion - poor luck, poor Hatem and poor us for missing such an exciting and brilliant player for us. Not many medically trained people on here for what i know- think its a bit naive of people to judge otherwise. I really enjoy this board alot, and really like nearly every poster on here- but people on here need to lose the hysteria a bit, relax, and just hope he recovers for his career and for our club.
  19. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Trained medical professionals said he was fine to play. He did. He further aggravated it.
  20. Just hoping we get anyone but Chelski or Spurs. I imagine they'd feel the same too about us!
  21. Kanji

    Steven Taylor

    Mental awesome bastard. Dude is constantly smiling and smirking throughout matches and its awesome. But now he's putting in real top top performance - Keep it up Stevey man!
  22. Kanji

    Steven Taylor

    Or when he had the ball on the wing and did some stepover
  23. He's put in a full match's reason and 2 match winning assists in the span of a week and rightfully needs to be in the first 11 this weekend. CLASS Sylvain man. He's kept his head above water and fought for his place each and every time. I'm so proud of him.
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