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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. if that's true and we're not one of them, drop him for the rest of the season ( if he ever recovers from his "injury", that is). I don't think he will play for us again. Massive co incidence that our full French internationals are all out injured with 4 games to go and the World Cup on the horizon
  2. geordiedean


    They are 7 adrift now that will mean none of the bottom teams getting anymore points. They are gone won't win another game this season
  3. Another game without a goal that's 12 out of 16 so nearly half a season without scoring a goal. He should be thrown off the Tyne bridge for that stat alone
  4. Starting to show why he only cost pennies truly awful awful footballer
  5. Looking good for the Play offs now whether they have it in them to beat the teams around them over 3 games I doubt it
  6. With this clown in charge will struggle to get 20 points next season. The thought is horrifying 2 goals at home in 2014 and it's early April......fucking hell I'd be wanting a refund on my purchase and reporting the fuckers to the trades description
  7. Not scoring in 10 out of 14 games is horrific. How this cunt is still in al job I don't know Serious serious problems lie ahead
  8. Its now 75 games since weve won after being behind at half time. Nearly 2 fucking seasons worth of games an absolute fucking disgrace. When will this cunt and fucking imposter Pardew just fuck off
  9. geordiedean


    You're thoughts here are about palace...both the mackems and palace will go down IMO...Cardiff will stay up
  10. geordiedean


    I've got a feeling Norwich will hammer these on Saturday 3-0 or 3-1 if palace beat us which I suspect will happen and WBA beat hull the mackems could be 6 adrift by Saturday night
  11. geordiedean


    Next week could be pivotal for them if they lose and as I suspect we do too they could be 6 points adrift I can't see them winning 3 or potentially 4 more of their home games bearing in mind these games at home the opposition need the points desperately too Kills me to think that if the do stay up the last 2 seasons they have survived because of us gift wrapping them 4 and 6 points respectively
  12. geordiedean


    I think they will go down, however I fear they will stay up, if you get what I mean. I just don't think they are capable of getting the 3-4 wins that are needed to stay up. Too many of the games that they will see as winnable and must win games they will draw. They had their in from spell around about January/early February, in that time they only got out of the relegation zone briefly and by the end of their little run they weren't out of the relegation zone. With other teams needing the points just as desperately as they do, with other teams having longer period of rests between games I think it will just be too much for them. Completely agree with this. I still think they will need 14 points from 12 games to stay up so that's 4 wins and 2 draws bearing in mind who they still have to play away from home then these points must come at home imo
  13. geordiedean


    This whole thing about fans being better than other sets of fans is a real bone of contention with me. The mackems bleat on about being class and the term "he's a massive lads fan" wtf???. Just goes to show these really are a bunch of self righteous arseholes No set of fans is better than anyone else in my view, we all go to watch our team with hope and anticipation like every other set of fans the length of the country, naturally you are always going to say your fans are the best but it's easy to support a premier league team, the fans I give credit for are the people that go watch the likes of Rochdale and Hartlepool home and away week in and week out that is dedication to the cause I also hate the mentality of mackems who think its class because some other set of fans hate us for whatever reason. They truly are more concerned about hating the mags more than loving their own team.....stupid cunts
  14. Meireles's beard makes him look like Krusty the clown when he runs away and homer finds him living on a boat
  15. geordiedean


    Theres that "class" word being used again, salt of the earth the mackems wheras we are all just scum with a nice city that we collectively love to smash up. I told my wife I can't help being a hooligan, it's because i'm a nufc fan and she will have to live with that. This Class my arse they are a bunch of small time chips on their shoulders living in the dark ages odious pricks Class isnt leaving covent garden looking like a fucking bombsite god I despise these horrible bastards
  16. geordiedean


    Shes 41 eurgh wouldnt touch that with a stolen cock Her parents (mother in video recording her getting her lard arse done) calls her car after safc players shes currently driving a red clio called Darren Bent FFS Her and her sister dont associate with anything NUFC for example Wont go to Newcastle to shop eat night out etc they prefer the delights of mackemdom her sister once got fucked in the toilets by Martin Gray in Annabelles..classy chick Cleaned their bank out when Northern Rock sponsored us Wont eat sugar puffs And to top it off wont wear anything that is black with any white on. Which is a shame because we all know black and white makes fat chicks slimmer This family is truly obsessed with SAFC its an integral part of their lives its pathetic
  17. geordiedean


    What a set of gnashers - could make tombstones with those. Had the misfortune of going to school with this fat fuck and her equally fatter sister what a couple of fucking inbreds her whole family live red and white its so sickening. These were the stupid bastards that were on premier passions too her sister having safc curtains and bedspread aged 25.....what hope is there for these cunts
  18. geordiedean


    This....its so disheartening to think they will have survived the last 2 seasons because of Pardews cowardice in the derby games. Under this puppet they have our number and next season will be another meek surrender twice
  19. geordiedean


    2 trips to Wembley for these cretins but never mind cups aren't priority
  20. Hate every ounce of this guys being a complete imposter of a footballer for years he's been worse than shite far worse than Titus or Boumsong ever were but same as Shola this cunt wouldn't fetch a fart at a bring and buy sale
  21. Not in the same league as Rob Lee, Gary Speed and Amdy Faye I'm afraid Cabaye is good but not that good
  22. Need to score to be a top 4 side. Thats 3 league games without a goal now
  23. ill have what this guy is drinking.....0-4 chelsea not even getting out of first gear and our GD taking another raping
  24. Nazi state here we come. ....everything censored and the higher body dictating to the minions
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