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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. No Matter what people say after wednesday when we lose the big fat guy is a goner taking 1 p[oint from 6 games is a sackable offence You can gloss over the cracks but the facts are we cannot defend and have not improved as a team in any shape or form we continuously go away from home and lose, the failure to keep a clean sheet in 20 away games ( over a year) is nothing short of a disgrace Get the fat bastard out now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. be over the fucking moon..i realise now at the age of 33 i am never going to see us win anything, so if i was offered this guarantee by anyone id bite there hands off
  3. Yeah rant over, but im not the only fan who is thinking this, i wish for once people would take off the blak and white glasses and get a sense of realism. we are a mediocre shite team who has brought in 9 new players and made no improvement at all. the final straw for me with the big fat one will be around 3 oclock next weekend we wont be a joke if we sack him now we will only be like spurs hahahaha
  4. Sack this useless fat bastard now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He doesnt have a clue about any tatis or how to play football to your strengths, he is no better than souness or roeder and that is a fact. we have had a very easy start to the season and still lost to shite. new players new manager same old shit, Ashley and Mort will not put up with the garbage this wanker is serving to us week in week out, when we lose next week and make no doubts about it we will lose the fans will turn against the fat useless shite and want him out Been saying it for years we need to go foreign get him out now and break the bank for mourinho have another billionaire bankroll him in a team
  5. i honestly believe he is no better than our previous 2 managers when it comes to tactics...we are still going away from home and rolling over to shit opposition. we have the quality of players to be going to derby reading and sunderland and coming away with 3 points end of story. Any manager with an tactical know how would exploit our quality and use it to our strengths. no use having quality when we play kick and rush football thats fucking atrocious to watch (cant rem the last time i came from a match thinking we played very very well there). I think Ashley has set targets and if we dont meet them Sam will be gone just like Martin Jol at the spuds
  6. Seriously dude ... get a life. You are comlpetely clueless about football. You are really an embarrassment. Souness and Roeder? You disgust me. get a life FFS what is different to the shite we have seen this season to the shite we have seen the last 4 nothing absolutely nothing, its wankers like you that want to take off the black and white glasses and realise that we are just a mediocre mid table team and always will be, the only time we have had something to crow about was when we had 2 managers in the last 20 years who know how to create an attacking team. the last 3 managers have been work ethic managers who want "proper players" teams win fuck all and play atrociously with no flair players in there side
  7. Why is everything knee jerk?..what do you expect we have had years of shite like this under Souness and Roeder this is no different. A different team a different era its all just fucking false dawns. Allardyce has bought shite journeymen footballers lets be honest here. whats the point in having a team of hard workers when you sacrfice the talent in the team for it.Geremi is shite when will people realise the top 4 teams get rid of these players because they have had it.We got rid of Dyer and solano and in one fell swoop we lost our pace and creativity in midfield now we cant pass, tackle or have a clue about anything football related. we have now played 7 games and not one single goal has come from a midfielder doesnt the big fat bastard see that its just no good.Why oh why is it that no matter what players we have in defence they all become total shit and have no idea of defending.I watch a lot of football and i never see another team defend so terribly and so embarassing, i cringe everytime i watch us on tv now its just fucking awful This ugly boring standard of clueless football must stop or Allardyce will not last the year out, we have not had a decent team with a clue of how to play since old bob was there.and why does our last 3 managers not have a clue about substitutions it was plain to see that we needed enrique and emre on as soon as city scored there second. Im dreading the Mackem game now after watching our away performances its just total shite to watch Rant over im going to get very drunk fall asleep and forget that my team is a fucking joke and total and utter shite
  8. this is total and utter its just like watching spuness and roder shite same meat different gravy...the big fat bastard should be booted into touch. he doesnt have a clue. we have no width,pace,ability in possesion or any clue of how to play football. we have resorted to a team of journeymen workers, we as supporters have given the new team a chance but we will not put up with this standard of football for much longer. its fucking awful to watch and am embarassment. Allarydyce piss off Oh to have had a chance to get sven and the players he has unearthed a winger with pace and midfielders who know how to play Oh and Alan Smith is he matty pattison in disguise or is he just wanting to take his mantle as the clubs worst ever player 6million pounds worth of shite id rather play with 10 men than that wanker on the pitch
  9. Coventry - Eton Boat Song Norwich - On The Ball City Sheff Utd - Greasy Chip Butty Portsmouth - Play Up Pompey Leeds - Marching On Together
  10. Guaranteed Owen will not be injured when it is time for the Estonia and Russia games.....
  11. Tin hat on time here. im probably going to be crucified for what i say here but who gives a fuck.That performance was totally and utterly unacceptable, outfought outpassed and out thought by a team who in all fairness are nailed on to finish bottom of the league. Not once could we do anything simple like make a square pass or play the ball out wide. after watching all the games so far this season we have been clueless in all of them playing boring ugly through the middle football ( we were warned by a lot of bolton fans on here and theres us thinking they were just bitter, welcome to there world under Allardyce) Nicky Butt had possibly his worst game for the club and thats saying something after the shambolic display he put in against Man U at cardiff, our 2 centre halves were terrorised and terrified by an ex roofer from tow law and Kenny Miller...kenny miller for fucks sake what on earth is Fernando Torres going to do. Our goalkeeping situation is a worry after seeing sams interview it doesnt look like shay is going to get back in which is a crying shame as Harper is nothing short of a pub goalie, his positional sense is absolutely shocking ( too many people on here up the guys arse face it lads he is shite) How can our players have such inablity to deliver a cross or a corner or deliver a free kick into a dangerous area, tonights set pieces were nothing short of a total disgrace, we gave away the best set pice taker and deliverer of a ball at the club ....nice one sam..we have no width everything is through the middle too crowded and sloppy... One last thing we slated scott parker last year for his total inabilities in midfield now we have another captain in the same mould...and how shite is Shola when will people accept that he is just not good enough to be a premier league player Rant over im now going to get extremely drunk and fall asleep and not bother reading the shite in the papers tomorrow Knee jerk and ive got my tin hat on
  12. No mate they are an xl i was 18 in that season and have taken an xl in my football shirts ever since
  13. Flintoff i have that shirt from 92-93 the green mcewans lager one..the one we wore against the mackems at roker and at grimsby to win the title...also have the home shirt from that season too
  14. This is by far the best football chant going at the moment Closely Followed by this Total class crying shame we cant get anywhere near these two
  15. I have all of the jerseys i have had in a box from the 85/86 season i was looking to sell
  16. taken yesterday after the game no doubt
  17. If he goes he needs replacing asap. we cant let players go when we dont have the squad depth as it is. We need 4 defenders and now 2 midfielders. Yesterday showed how painfully thin and lacking in depth this squad is...We had to put a goalie on upfront because of lack of depth, we couldnt even name a 22 man squad for a friendly FFS Get some bodies in now, as far as net spending goes we are the worst in the league. while all other clubs are spending there guaranteed income we are yet again keeping our powder dry..If we havent got anyone in by next weekend thats when ill start to worry.Its also a worrying situation that we are not even being linked with anyone anymore
  18. My brother Bilo he has a very funny retardation..sometime my sister show her vagin to him saying "you will never get this you will never get this la la la la la"
  19. Where from? Or you could get it for free like me how you get yours free?
  20. Where from? direct from the asian cup website http://www.afcasiancup.com/en/
  21. 14.99 to get the whole tournament streamed to your computer every game live
  22. What about the mighty strikeforce of Connolly,Stokes,Murphy,John Strikes fear into any defence i dont think they have 10 goals between them
  23. Remember this - it was on Sky, in the ZDS cup or something - the reporter was in the centre circle during the toss up which was weird. can you remember the reason given for kevin brock's substitution ? i cant no was it something to do with the pen shootout??
  24. Also Denmark 6-1 Uruguay from the 86 world cup Preben Elkjaer Larsen and Laudrup were on fire that day total class then the Danes go and lose 5-0 to Spain Same tournament Belgium 4-3 Spain quarter finals
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