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Everything posted by NewJerseyMag

  1. Nope...... same as last year post Demba..... and the donkeys in charge still don't make a signing.
  2. Won't be sorry to see him go tbh. He was highly rated we got him mind He's got the talent surely. Should be handeled differently, thouhg. Looks slow & unsuited to the PL..... get rid to France/Spain/Portugal
  3. Ashley sh**te Pardew sh**te Kinnear sh**te I don't blame one individual, they are all responsible but I have to say it starts at the top. The squad is piss poor, we have one recognized striker in the whole club. ASHLEY F**K OFF YA FAT BASSA!
  4. Feels like the Seymour/Westwood era. At least the ground looks good, with the exception of the tacky SD s**t.
  5. Keegan followed closely by Beardsley. The comparison with the drivel served up to day is depressing.
  6. Unreal how people are so quick to jump to this conclusion. He is tho. Ah right, thanks for clearing that up. Last year it was depression..... what a fanny.... I'd be f**ing well depressed if I was on > one million squid a year. I don't know where to start with this one. Like the bloke is a fanny. A f**ing fortune for kicking a ball around and his head isn't right because someone "may" want to sign him. Jesus wept.
  7. Unreal how people are so quick to jump to this conclusion. He is tho. Ah right, thanks for clearing that up. Last year it was depression..... what a fanny.... I'd be f**ing well depressed if I was on > one million squid a year.
  8. Unreal how people are so quick to jump to this conclusion. He is tho.
  9. NewJerseyMag

    Alan Pardew

    Did we sign anyone yet then?
  10. Jesus wept this thread. When is the transfer deadline, bring it on.
  11. Might do if he gets himself so worked up that he has another episode.
  12. No change IMO. You have to get rid of the puppet master not the puppets.
  13. Hope he signs soon so it doesn't drag on like last seasons nonsense. Never was coming here. Might as well have started a Rooney thread.
  14. To be fair we aren't exactly light years ahead.
  15. And the new 15 million signing is ............ DENNIS WISE.
  16. It really is woeful. I find it all the more surprising in that this should be Ashley's area of strength.
  17. Erm Ashley WAS the reason we went down.
  18. There's plenty of awards from not watching NUFC tbh. "Depriving". More of a blessing at the moment. I gave up for a while in the late 80s when we were in a similar mess. Found other things to do. Now I have the get out of living a long way off. However, I remember my father's lecture in the 80s. He said the fans are the biggest and the worst attribute of NUFC. Since they show up no matter what and the owners know it, it gives them carte blanche to take the p@ss. That is exactly what Ashley is doing: if you wish it to continue please proceed and buy the expensive tat and watch the garbage.
  19. Like Carroll you mean? Hang on, do you have a time limitation? Replace within 1 year or 2 years? Everyone is replaced eventually, but with the gamblers in town the replacement is not generally lined up right away.
  20. Then he can just come back here. Heard he already is. Hmmmm, source?
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