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Everything posted by NewJerseyMag

  1. Then at some point he has to improve the product (success absolutely increases revenue on many levels) and also PAY for the advertising that he currently gets for free. The advertising is the thing that ticks me off the most, because we are constantly told the club owes him X when it should be X- advertising cost. I assume his thoughts are the payment for the interest free loan is free advertising. So it isn't really interest free, is it?
  2. But why would lowering prices reduce our costs? And why would he want to minimise money coming in? Ask him that, he is the one who has massively reduced our commerical revenue since he took control of the club. He is tatty, tatty little man. Not needing to increase income, and giving away advertising to his own company, is pretty different to deliberately putting down ticket prices in an effort to minimise income. I think you are right. He doesn't need to increase income, since the primary reason for owning NUFC is as an advertising vehicle for Sports Direct. He needs bums on seats not for the money, but to see the advertizing. It also looks better for the Sports Direct brand to have a full stadium than one that is empty.
  3. When you're right you're right!
  4. If he was in that chair, we would probably stand a better chance of him getting the boot. Would be immediately banned from the ground, which would be a start.
  5. May get a chance now Joke Kinnear gone. He tried to read his name then it was "Oh f**k it, off to Greece with him!"
  6. Every day I wake up, come on here and hope: 1) He's had a massive coronary 2) He's sold us 3) Both the above Alas, no luck thus far.
  7. What's changed from when he signed for us & now, other than Cabaye no longer being here? Club showing no ambition? Bang on the money. Debuchy showing a hint of discontent was somewhat inevitable. The sale of Cabaye basically told the players what our long term ambitions were and it may have very well started something very bad within (but of course we have no way of knowing for sure...). No point signing for us other than to put yourself in the shop window. Back to the dark old days of Beardsley,Waddle, Gazza leaving. In between we decided when a player left- even Andy Cole was a conscious decision. We have gone full circle from the McKeags and ended right back to square one. I blame John Hall, the bar-steward buggered off sharpish with a giant bag of loot and damned be the consequences.
  8. He gets a cut of the transfer (out) fee. Performance related pay lets call it.
  9. Football is ruined when we have a few of the mega rich clubs stashing all of the talent. Cabaye on the bench...... what a waste.
  10. Very true. And the fact that the court case V Keegan held that they had deliberately lied and mislead the fans. Completely different when the shoe is on the other foot, huh?
  11. Yeah, I think they should take action against incorrect stories if they really feel it's necessary. Sports journalism in general is absolutely shocking in the stuff it makes up, and in particular the tabloids. The problem is the method they've chosen, and the climate they're doing it in. There has to be a more grown up response than this. You mean like refusing to talk to the public and selling players/renaming stadium etc out of pure spite?
  12. Where's TrolleMache Not exactly a short list is it? And to think some people think we are over reacting or being overly sensitive.
  13. Are they going to ban the fans next.......... thought not (with exception to the disabled that is).
  14. Winnet sports cannot be trusted. Well I never.
  15. It hasn't been used for decades, not that I had any real interest in it. Might do now because the FCB wants a billion dollars to f**k off.
  16. A billion is one thousand million in Britain and America, a billion was one million million in Britain at one time. Still is officially but appears its fallen out of use
  17. Reading, was struggling for games when he first signed no idea how he is doing now. Would definitely add some creativity for us now. Played in most games but was out injured for a couple recently.
  18. Winnet Sports! Cashley is the biggest winnet of the lot........
  19. Whose the we? I met him at the training ground (when he was a player) and he was incredibly genuine. I was just a 13 year old, but he talked to me for a few minutes: I'll never forget that he took the time. He is and always be the person that cemented my love for the club. In my eyes, he should be leading NUFC. He is Mr Newcastle ...... once the FCB did what he did there was NEVER any way back.
  20. 10 of us going VIP style! I can't wait for it! Man, I wish I was back home for that. One day, I hope he will be chairman of our club...........
  21. The really depressing question is, what about after Ashley sells up? Forgot to take a Xanax this morning have we?
  22. Just in time for Remy to FO to a decent club?
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