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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. I think that moment was the one that stripped away the last illusions of Ashley's intentions towards the club. Imagine hitting the jackpot, hiring a world class manager. Then not doing a single thing to back him. How anyone in St James cannot see through Ashley beggars the mind.
  2. To add to my previous post, some specific soundbytes - Go after what Ashley loves - money firstly, Sports Direct. Jay (Liverpool, Spirit of Shankly) This isn't about Rafa, I love him, you's love him, but he's not here forever, you'd are. You don't need to embarass Ashley, you don't need to tell anyone he's bad - everyone knows he's a cunt. Go after the main shareholders, make a connection between your unhappiness and Ashley. Craig (Rangers) You will win. You were here before him and you will be here after he has gone. Your efforts dictate how long that will take. When your Grandson is sat on your knee and asks "What did you do Granda to get rid of the bad man Ashley? Do you want to tell him you did nothing because someone on Twitter said it would not do any good? Do whatever you can, just don't do nothing. Sports Direct share holders, target the top 5. Tell them you're next! Tell them if you don't fix this we'll come after you next. They will pile the pressure on in a way you cannot. Having two national journalists on your side (George Caulkin & Luke Edwards) already is a huge plus. It took us months to get that. They can tell your stories but you have to make the story. Protest, research, dig and find the information. Whether it's finances or protests, that's a story they can tell. Jay: Ignore the criticism, people will agree with you years after the fact through revisionism. Just get on with doing it. Don't waste time arguing. Craig: Your fellow fan that doesn't agree with you is not your enemy, don't waste your time arguing. Keep focus on the enemy, Ashley. ----- Second hand quote attributed to Peter Scudamore Nelson Mandela couldn't own a football club, Robert Mugabe could. Forget fit and proper person tests, the Premier League is a closed Consortium only interested in preserving their revenue flow.
  3. Listen to Podcast: true faith forum - How to Take The Fight to Mike Ashley by True Faith NUFC Podcast #np on #SoundCloud Really enjoyed listening to that, some great panellists. We just need to keep disrupting ashley, his companies, his associates and SD's biggest shareholders. It's working Excellent stuff via the guest speakers from Liverpool and Rangers. Listened to it twice via Bluetooth in the car. Well worth a listen, skip to 56m for the more interesting contributions.
  4. Been more and more articles similar to this recently, encouraging to see an alternate (truer) story being told about Ashley's tenure. The guy is a criminal to me, plain and simple. He is a crook and everyone is finally realising it. Apart from Shola.
  5. Been more and more articles similar to this recently, encouraging to see an alternate (truer) story being told about Ashley's tenure. The guy is a criminal to me, plain and simple.
  6. What's this from? Rialto's doesn't have a back door, unless perhaps a fire escape.
  7. Well they're definitely there. Upstairs, saw the back of Perez's head through a window. Three press/photographs, Craig Hope already left. Silver minibus and chauffer waiting on Ashley and ??
  8. Mr Logic

    Kevin Keegan

    Did HTT go? Looking forward to an in depth summation of the event.
  9. Christ, that's like 300m from me right now and I can't even be arsed to go and check. Nowt special about the food either.
  10. Hope this fucker ends up behind bars. The club will have been ripped to bits internally and legal shite entwined throughout.
  11. Mr Logic

    Kevin Keegan

    Just got a ticket, and... https://www.themag.co.uk/2018/09/kevin-keegan-constructively-dismissed-by-newcastle-exactly-10-years-ago-terry-mcdermott-revealed-final-straw-newcastle-united/
  12. We've played 3 of the top 4 and lost each game 2-1. We've managed to score against them all and restricted them to narrow wins. Just like last season we'll get better as the season goes on. Still a 0 here.
  13. Wonder why Rafa has decided to play a bit this game rather than 10 behind the ball.
  14. ..in the matrix mattress.
  15. Spot on. I think he tries to play devil's advocate for the sake of TV but when it comes to football opinions he's just saying what he'd want to see. Like the 'go for it' comment, its about him being a striker and hating the idea of playing 85m pure defensive. I don't agree with his opinion of Ashley being a great businessman considering the position of his average employee, but I guess he's just looking at the money making side of things. Shallow.
  16. I think its great that this is being discussed so openly on Sky which has previously seemed to favour a pro-Ashley position. Steve Howey has been brill.
  17. That's the key, empty stadium is unrealistic unfortunately so this is the best approach. Previously owning nufc was a benefit to SD with no major drawbacks. With the social media stuff it's still a benefit but currently must be an annoyance. The next step is to turn that annoyance into something more where it has a financial impact. This all kicked off around 18th July.... https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=99882.11450 And this has happened to the SD share price since, a share price which was previously going up.... Of course, maybe this is all coincidence, but I really don't think so. I am utterly convinced this is having an impact, it's the only notable thing which has happened to SD since 18th July which could explain this continued descent of the share price, unless someone would like to tell me otherwise? And Ashley will be 100% aware of the connection too. He'll wake up every single morning and the first thing he'll do is check the share prices. I believe there's a connection between the 2, but what's way more important is that he'll believe there's a connection too and he'll be fucking furious. There are several factors involved in SD share price downturn, unfortunately none of them are directly attributable to the protests. The Annual figures released around that time showed a downturn in profit. Search engine results for "Ashley interest in HoF" produces a lot of results starting around August. and finally.. https://www.ft.com/content/6c15270e-a618-11e8-926a-7342fe5e173f ..as posted earlier - https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=99882.msg6806746#msg6806746 And listen to Jamie87. The ad clicks are doing nothing. But keep going with all the visible protests that media cameras will pick up on, they always inflence opinion.
  18. Human leech with enough money to hide all his parasitic activities behing legalese and dodgy accounting.
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