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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Best contribution so far this game. (Not meant to sound nasty)
  2. That just reminded me of the '95/96 season for some reason. What a joy those days were, its like an alternate universe currently.
  3. Mr Logic

    Fabian Schär

    What’s your type then?
  4. Tempted to stick £500 on this, either make or break Xmas, marriage etc.
  5. (It got locked - in case anyone wonders why I am laughing)
  6. As I said earlier Supermac or Mickey Quinn nothing compares The best bit about SuperMacs debut was him coming off after scoring the first two to have two front teeth out, then coming back on to get his hat trick. Instant hero. Forever. I'd forgotten all about that, the teeth. The photographs of him grinning in the weeks that followed. ---------------------------------- As we're we back in time there, and as this is the Ben Arfa thread I was watching the other day and saw shades of Ben Arfa in some of those runs, the balance and keeping his feet when knocked, the swerves and turns..
  7. Ayothe is so good at those little flicks, but I don't like his fingers in ears celebration if its directed at the fans.
  8. Want to feel a tad worse? Scotch is a drink (and a damn fine one at that), its Scots or Scottish to describe the natives.
  9. The average match going fans, where do they get their news, their info? If they don't pay much attention they're still caught up in the "support the team" mantra and have heard Rafa say pretty much the same thing. The only thing I can think that might make a dent is handing out flyers. A5 size, just listing facts and a paragraph of persuasive rhetoric to think again. Hand them out on match days. Links to pertinent social media maybe. They need waking up to a larger field of info because right now they're hurting the long term wellbeing of the very club they profess to support.
  10. Time to quote the "working conditions more reminiscent of a Victorian sweat shop", or similar, - complete opposite of their statement about working towards some utopia that never existed.
  11. They do deserve demonising, but only if we apply those same standards to everyone and admit our own Govt has done some pretty shady shit and will do again at every opportunity it suits them. As you say, let's focus on Ashley.
  12. Chronic still haven't quite mastered the art of sensationalism as yet.
  13. Everyone has their own line. Some might not like dubious links, others may not like the Man City owners, for stronger reasons but others will be more willing to overlook it. My line would be the Saudis, absolutely no doubt in my mind. You're talking about overlooking mass murder for a football team. They are important trade partners for Britain all the same, if our govt is prepared to overlook mass murder, human rights etc, seems a bit self defeating for us to pull the drawbridge up. We are aiding and abetting that regime whether we like it or not regardless of whether they pump money into our football team. I'd take their money at this point, might as well have a successful football club if we're going to be side by side with evil regimes. There's no we in that at all, we have no choice whatsoever about paying taxes to a government that funds the Saudis, we do have the choice about whether we directly fund it through a football club. You could choose not to vote, or vote for a party which refuses to deal with the Saudi govt. I'm sure there would be plenty of supporters who would refuse to go to the football matches if we got bought out by the Saudis, equally there would be plenty who would jump on the bandwagon if we started buying the best players in the world a la City. It will be an individual choice at the end of the day. I would think Chelsea supporters would be conflicted with the Abramovic ownership as well to some degree, but my guess would be a very large section of them would still consider him a hero regardless of his history. I did. I hardly voted for the fucking Tories, did I? You've basically said that everyone has their own line, there. That was the original point I made. The only choice would be to not vote at all. That takes all power away from them. A bit like a 52,000 boycott it will never happen. Regardless of party politics the Saudis exist and behave as they do because they have an approval rating from powerful people in various govts who are happy for them to do the things they cannot. And as to Darth Crooks comment a couple of pages back regarding bombing children... anyone who lobs a bomb anywhere risks killing kids. The UK and US govts are masters at it. Collateral damage even has acceptable limits in politic-speak. Let's not demonise the Saudis to the exclusion of every other country when they're all the same but for platitudes, media spin and personal perspective.
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