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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. If you must, she’s an actress (in the loosest sense of the word) in a U.K. soap called Eastenders, which is a bit like Dallas but much, much better. Her real name is Natalie Cassidy. Google will do the rest for you. But remember, when one stares into the abyss too long, the abyss stares back into you. Aaaand.. I wish I hadn't asked.. furthermore her flaps are well tucked away in a cameltoe affair - thank fuck
  2. There's one thing that has been repeatedly mentioned in this thread that I know nothing about and would like a little clarification. Who the fuck is Sonia, (and where can I see her flaps?)
  3. And in one post destroys the credibility of most NUFC reporting journalists They seem to get half their scoops from these pages anyway so I expect we will hear about that again somewhere. Breaking: Benitez in contract talks with potential new owners, but the deal is probably not happening.
  4. What did it used to say OCK?
  5. Mr Logic

    Isaac Hayden

    Think we should be looking at at least 15m. He is 24, had a great season and has another two years on his contract. 10-15m is what you pay for a chamionship midfielder who is untested in the PL. Young, English and mentioned by Pep. North of 20m easy.
  6. If that was supposed to be an animated gif it was the worst of frames to display. Can't unsee that.
  7. If we lose Rafa I'll be gutted, everything he has done up to now will unravel quickly, and if the takeover doesn't happen I'm lumping on relegation next season.
  8. Yes votes are getting perilously close to locking this thread. Fuck off out of the thread if it annoys you so much. Here's a tip, has the thread title changed? No. Don't click the link Yes. Click, click, click.. I am masochistically enjoying it, if for only the chance to dream for a while.
  9. Christ, they're off their tits! I don't want to overvalue our players but those prices, Joselu aside, are way low imo.
  10. Thread needs a poll. For Real Fake Shit
  11. This from the Chronic back in Oct '18 Yet in the last day or so Chronicle writers happy to go with spin that no proof of funds has been forthcoming. By their own previous reporting, and club statement in that fans forum, in order to access Data Room 'proof of funds' must have been satisfactorily met. Mohsin Khan @mkhan185 This means that it’s highly unlikely that Bin Zayed Group would have even got a meeting with MA until these basic checks had been carried out on vetting them & their credibility. Though why this Club-stated approach appeared to not have been strictly followed for Kenton’s unclear. (Bacause that one was never real?) BZG signed an NDA towards the back end of 2018, and respected that NDA entirely until this news leaked recently. Who did that is unclear, but it’s not like #NUFC have kicked up a fuss about it, which suggests they were fine with it (or orchestrated its release) 'Here's our chance to stop talking to Rafa then fuck off the deal' To get to a stage where NDA’s are signed and access to the books/data room is granted - from what I can tell - requires some level of credibility to exist, let alone agree on certain terms, structure of payments & put pen to paper.
  12. Beginning to look like Operation Shaft Rafa to me. No contract talks, no early signings. These "takeovers" seem to occur every time something important needs doing.
  13. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7WDRDn4mtA
  14. This thread has fucked me today..
  15. Utter madness to sell. We're close to having the spine of a pretty decent side, and with a few additions this summer we could kick on a bit and prove it. (It will all be laying in bits a few weeks hence, won't it. )
  16. Mr Logic

    Fabian Schär

    NUFC Comps has all seasons goals up on tube, we actually scored some canny good goals at times.
  17. I'm in two minds about this, as I am most things, but I am leaning towards Ashley actually wanting to keep Rafa. Its how much Ashley will relinquish to do that. It won't be as much as Rafa wants, and it might be a tad more than Ashley wants to give (not just money) but I think agreement will be reached. 6 weeks later Rafa to be furious again and Barnes slinking around in the background. I'd love to know what that fuckers brief is.
  18. See this is a problem right there. Perception, even among fans, is that HE is investing. He doesn't need to put in a goddamn penny, he can just let the club spend its own income. As he keeps promising to do. The reality is he regards all the clubs income as his income I guess, and legally I suppose it is.
  19. I think a lot of people just take their clues from commentary and after match punditry, which is usually as skewed as fuck. In short they wouldn't recognise an unsung hero if they sat watching game after game.
  20. This is what I just can't comprehend however much I think about it. What does Ashley want from the club? Is it purely exposure for Sports Direct, ( I can imagine that was a primary goal in the beginning), and another vehicle to move cash around in avoiding too much tax scrutiny? I cannot believe he doesn't see the potential, and it therefore means it just doesn't interest him because the club is doing something else for him. Something which eludes us poor plebs.
  21. Mr Logic

    NUFC finances

    If your business needs a new coffee machine there is no debt involved as its replacing a now defunct coffee machine. Its an investment if anything, or just factored into the 'wear and tear' upkeep cycle of any business. But to break things down into their simplest terms. Ashley is a cunt. Which nicely explains everything I believe.
  22. If they were black, yes. But it wouldn't be, and I think that's the point jackyboy was making. When I was a kid it was quite common for adults to call kids cheeky monkeys. That has literally zero reference to creed or colour. In this PC world, which has already gone too far and is only getting worse, words take on a power they were never intended to have. It is all about the PC brigade projecting their tiny minds onto the whole of society. Just like draconian measures coming into place that affect all of us when they were drafted in response to the actions of a few. Never believe you live in a democracy, it has always been minority rule. You're totally missing the point. If you don't understand the potential issue with calling a black person a monkey - irrespective of the context - then I'm afraid you need to have a serious look at yourself. It's completely inappropriate. Of course I understand, and it is completely inappropriate. I was simply trying to argue that the phrase "cheeky monkey" wasn't racist and that other people project meaning onto otherwise casual statements. Like Beardsley, did he mean athletes or is he coming out of the 'I'm a racist' wardrobe. Cheeky monkey isn't racist but as others were quick to point out it would be monumentally stupid to use it as a phrase to a black person.
  23. If they were black, yes. But it wouldn't be, and I think that's the point jackyboy was making. When I was a kid it was quite common for adults to call kids cheeky monkeys. That has literally zero reference to creed or colour. In this PC world, which has already gone too far and is only getting worse, words take on a power they were never intended to have. It is all about the PC brigade projecting their tiny minds onto the whole of society. Just like draconian measures coming into place that affect all of us when they were drafted in response to the actions of a few. Never believe you live in a democracy, it has always been minority rule.
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